// infront of these 2 lines under the combat rotation and its a pretty big dps improvement. I seems to stop attacking when you get the proc from bandits guile (at least on trash) very annoying but once i disabled that its near perfect. Also most rogues are max energy with bloodlust now (haste gives energy regen) cause we cant use the energy fast enough because of GCD's. GL
CastSpell("Recuperate", ret => CurrentEnergy >= 30 && Me.HealthPercent < 75 && !PlayerHasBuff("Recuperate") && Me.RawComboPoints > 2),
CastSpell("Redirect", ret => Me.ComboPoints < Me.RawComboPoints && !PlayerHasBuff("Shallow Insight") && !PlayerHasBuff("Shallow Insight") && !PlayerHasBuff("Shallow Insight")),