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[PAID] @<Treasure Hunter> - World Quests, Treasures, Rares - WoW 7.3

If it will dismount on each enemy it will be same dumb. Generally it's hard to make logic which will work for all situations, like human.
It will follow this logic (any of my product):
Bot won't dismount if have attacker, but when destination is far away.
Bot will dismount if have attacker and close to destination (less then 40 yards), to maximize avoid situation having too many attackers (considering there can be more right at destination).

You can try to figure out better logic, but it's not a easy as you could think it is.

"if more then X enemys" or "health below X", dont dismount and try to find a save spot in the direction of the target area. (at my situation he just had to run straight into the water) Better die while running away then try to fight 20-30 enemys Oo
Better unnecessary waiting moments than a 110% prove your a bot? Oo
It's not a prove you are a bot, people can forget or change mind about looting, this is normal if it not happen each loot.
And waiting for 1-2 seconds each time you kill some mob would be totally looks botish.
It's not a prove you are a bot, people can forget or change mind about looting, this is normal if it not happen each loot.
And waiting for 1-2 seconds each time you kill some mob would be totally looks botish.

In my case it happend in a player crowed area, so probably server were busy, so, lets try if more then X players near, wait X seconds. Or if more then X players near AND last loot was bottish, wait X seconds.
"if more then X enemys" or "health below X", dont dismount and try to find a save spot in the direction of the target area. (at my situation he just had to run straight into the water) Better die while running away then try to fight 20-30 enemys Oo
Again it looks easy from your player perspective, but it's not from developers.
Finding "safe" spot for such situation unreal currently as HB3 do not provide any information about path generation, so you can't really determine "safe" spot without insure you won't aggro more mobs than you have.
Having X enemies attacking you similarly not a good parameter, as it in most situation will cause you to unnecessary dismounts and wasting time, when otherwise you can just move on and attackers got lost. There can be too many situations which need to be considered to make it works anysense good.

Which possible to do - always get improvements.
Again it looks easy from your player perspective, but it's not from developers.
Finding "safe" spot for such situation unreal currently as HB3 do not provide any information about path generation, so you can't really determine "safe" spot without insure you won't aggro more mobs than you have.
Having X enemies attacking you similarly not a good parameter, as it in most situation will cause you to unnecessary dismounts and wasting time, when otherwise you can just move on and attackers got lost. There can be too many situations which need to be considered to make it works anysense good.

Which possible to do - always get improvements.

I didnt said he should dismount. The problem was he was dismounting and tryin to do the world quest while have to many enemys on his back.
Its happening again. He resurrect inside elite enemys. LoL. Wtf

[@TreasureHunter 20.716]: [SkipByDeath Manager] Death Counter: 3, UID: 42086. Max Death Count: 5
[@TreasureHunter 20.716]: Combat ended
[@TreasureHunter 20.716]: Party roster Updated by PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED: 1->1
[@TreasureHunter 22.218]: Waiting before Ressurect Attemp
[@TreasureHunter 24.309]: MirrorTimer stopped <EXHAUSTION>
[@TreasureHunter 24.309]: MirrorTimer stopped <BREATH>
[@TreasureHunter 24.309]: MirrorTimer stopped <FEIGNDEATH>
Not in game
[@TreasureHunter 26.036]: Frame <DEATH> Visible, Accepting
[@TreasureHunter 26.040]: Frame <RESURRECT> not Visible
[@TreasureHunter 26.045]: Frame <RESURRECT_NO_SICKNESS> not Visible
[@TreasureHunter 26.049]: Frame <RESURRECT_NO_TIMER> not Visible
[@TreasureHunter 26.051]: Resurrect not available, waiting 4.054 for Recovery Delay
[@TreasureHunter 30.463]: Moving[Ground Move] to <Corpse>->29.9 at <5925.724, 5190.907, 17.36232>@561.15, Me at <6363.06, 4839.7, 0.569286>
I didnt said he should dismount. The problem was he was dismounting and tryin to do the world quest while have to many enemys on his back.
As i said currently there is no ability to handle such situation in a way to find safe spot or spot where enemy will loose you.
As i said currently there is no ability to handle such situation in a way to find safe spot or spot where enemy will loose you.

Now i manual revived him:

[@TreasureHunter 40.244]: Interacting NPC [108506]<Okano the Ferris>@7.86 03/05/2017 01:22:40 for Merchant Cursor: , Error:False [Can Interact: True]
[@TreasureHunter 41.812]: MerchantFrame:True
[@TreasureHunter 41.829]: [Repair Manager] --> Will try to summon Mount Vendor, Durability: 55%
[@TreasureHunter 41.829]: Will try to Summon Vendor <Traveler's Tundra Mammoth>
[@TreasureHunter 41.903]: Performing dismount: Spell Cast
[@TreasureHunter 43.877]: Casting <Traveler's Tundra Mammoth>[61425]
Latency to Buddy service: 310 ms
[@TreasureHunter 48.322]: Repairing Items, Durability: 59.19%

I dont get it.
Now i manual revived him:

[@TreasureHunter 40.244]: Interacting NPC [108506]<Okano the Ferris>@7.86 03/05/2017 01:22:40 for Merchant Cursor: , Error:False [Can Interact: True]
[@TreasureHunter 41.812]: MerchantFrame:True
[@TreasureHunter 41.829]: [Repair Manager] --> Will try to summon Mount Vendor, Durability: 55%
[@TreasureHunter 41.829]: Will try to Summon Vendor <Traveler's Tundra Mammoth>
[@TreasureHunter 41.903]: Performing dismount: Spell Cast
[@TreasureHunter 43.877]: Casting <Traveler's Tundra Mammoth>[61425]
Latency to Buddy service: 310 ms
[@TreasureHunter 48.322]: Repairing Items, Durability: 59.19%

I dont get it.

Please do not post part of logs, instead of doing such - attach full log file when issue occur and describe your issue, to get help.
Please do not post part of logs, instead of doing such - attach full log file when issue occur and describe your issue, to get help.
Hes running complete useless to the vendor for repair, while having a repair mount, talks to vendor and then use the repair mount. This is also not bottish? ;)

WOuld you please add this spot (where i died) to a blacklist.

It has many enemys and also elites, also the bot is not able to resurrect there without dyin over and over again.
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Hes running complete useless to the vendor for repair, while having a repair mount, talks to vendor and then use the repair mount. This is also not bottish? ;)

WOuld you please add this spot (where i died) to a blacklist.

It has many enemys and also elites, also the bot is not able to resurrect there without dyin over and over again.
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He can move to vendor if cant summon vendor-mount currently (for example if it's outdoors currently), tho why he summon it standing at vendor already - i will investigate this.

As for blackspot - at this location can be world quests, so no i cant add it for blackslot. Also to add any blackspot should be a radius and center location and also need to be sure if this location not important in other situation and if blacklisting this location you wont block navigation fully.
If there were elite enemies - they can be added to avoid, for this you need to provide their id from wowhead.
This bot is fantastic for committing suicide and literally nothing else. I can start it right next to a world quest objective and it will either run into the ocean until it dies of fatigue or pull every elite mob in the zone and sit still to let them murder me. A++.
He can move to vendor if cant summon vendor-mount currently (for example if it's outdoors currently), tho why he summon it standing at vendor already - i will investigate this.

As for blackspot - at this location can be world quests, so no i cant add it for blackslot. Also to add any blackspot should be a radius and center location and also need to be sure if this location not important in other situation and if blacklisting this location you wont block navigation fully.
If there were elite enemies - they can be added to avoid, for this you need to provide their id from wowhead.

Then add it for blackspot for chars under 800gs. Absolutly impossible. Its 4-5 adds and elite. (I set now manual to IGNORE, but it should be from standard on it)

Also i noticed since i use your botbase, wow lags from time to time, which is absolutly impossible (high end pc). Which are best settings for TPS or other settings? (windowed mode, 12xx X 1xxx)

Also, is it possible to change the mounting distance? All wonder how this bots gets detected, its so easy to see if youre using hb or not... :mad:

2 Loots, 2 sec running away from each other.

Mount, dismount, loot, mount, -> run to other loot, dismount, loot, mount...

Why your botbase keep running my priest in melee range?

Cool. Priest was at the way to a world quest, died nearly infront of it. He resurrect, runs the complte way back (wow, this is really imrpessive!!!!) and then starts again tryin to get their. (It said recovering from death)

What is wrong with this botbase?

And no, recover health does not work. Singular is set to heal when less than 80% health. Your botbase just keeps running somewhere while having 5% healths.


This Botbase is complete fucked up. DOnt get me wrong here, you did an amazing job and i think with high geared it would be not so much a problem, but then you should tell ppl its not useable with low gears.

100% not afk.

Does not work well with low geared chars, because of crayz stupidity from bot.

I just cant stop finding things which are complete bugged, stupid or so easy to detect.
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Also i noticed since i use your botbase, wow lags from time to time, which is absolutly impossible (high end pc). Which are best settings for TPS or other settings? (windowed mode, 12xx X 1xxx)

Make sure you do not running any software which can cause problems for HB, in most cases it's Antivirus or Firewall which are checking memory, like AVP (Kaspersky).

Please note: Many people incorrectly believe that they "do not run an Antivirus". Please keep in mind that Windows Defender is an Antivirus that ships with the operating system, and is enabled by default. So, please be aware that if Windows Defender is running on your system, you ARE running an Antivirus.

Release version @1.2.2569.1810 approved and now Live! :cool:

--- Alisha Engine
Survival Manager
+ Added option to set how many minimum seconds bot should be idle before dismount on attacker presence
--- TreasureHunter
World Quests
+ Val'sharah - [Normal] [44300] <WANTED: Seersei>
+ Azsuna - [Profession, Mining] [41483] <Brimstone Destroyer>
This bot is fantastic for committing suicide and literally nothing else. I can start it right next to a world quest objective and it will either run into the ocean until it dies of fatigue or pull every elite mob in the zone and sit still to let them murder me. A++.

Nice going posting a log. A++

Im not having this issue, so its on your end. If you dont post a log no one can help you. Dont make bitchposts.

Then add it for blackspot for chars under 800gs. Absolutly impossible. Its 4-5 adds and blah blah blah lots of bitching

Post a log or your post is useless in improving anything.
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unnecessary waiting moments like that look very botlike.
Thats just false.

U kill something. Walk away, Mount, Run back and loot. THAT is BOTLIKE, and on MY SERVER everyone is talking to me like: do you use HB? when they see such shit.
Release version @1.2.2659.1715 approved and now Live! :cool:

--- Alisha Engine
Mount Manager
+ Added UI option to change Minimum distance for MountUp (40 yards by default)
--- TreasureHunter
World Quests
- Fixed issue with World Quest <Dreamleaf Cluster> [41291]
+ Stormheim - [Profession, Alchemy] [41660] <Work Order: Skaggldrynk>
+ Highmountain - [Normal] [41014] <Fury Road>
+ Suramar - [Normal] [42090] <Skittering Subjects>
+ Suramar - [Normal] [44016] <WANTED: Cadraeus>
+ Stormheim - [Profession, Skinning] [41342] <Thick Bear Hide>
+ Val'sharah - [Normal] [43344] <DANGER: Aodh Witherpetal>
+ Suramar - [Normal] [44018] <WANTED: Magister Phaedris>
Release version @1.2.2726.2146 approved and now Live! :cool:

--- Alisha Engine
+ Optimizing nodes Harvesting
+ Optimizing units Skinning
--- TreasureHunter
World Quests
+ Added option to stop doing World Quests once there is no Emissary Quest to complete
+ Added support for Fishing World Quests
+ Val'sharah - [Profession, Mining] [41457] <Radiant Leystone Outcropping>
+ Stormheim - [Normal] [44943] <Now That's Just Clawful!>
+ Suramar - [Normal] [44027] <WANTED: Magister Phaedris>
+ Highmountain - [Profession, Skinning] [41235] <Work Order: Stonehide Leather>
+ Suramar - [Normal] [44030] <WANTED: Guardian Thor'el>
+ Suramar - [Normal] [44813] <Ley Line Interference>
+ Val'sharah - [Profession, Herbalism] [41531] <Iridescent Dreamleaf>
+ Val'sharah - [PvP] [42023] <Black Rook Rumble>
+ Stormheim - [Profession, Blacksmithing] [41636] <Work Order: Leystone Breastplate>
+ Suramar - [Profession, Blacksmithing] [41637] <Work Order: Leystone Pauldrons>
+ Stormheim - [Normal] [41345] <Supplies Needed: Stormscales>
+ Val'sharah - [Normal] [41293] <Supplies Needed: Dreamleaf>
+ Azsuna - [Profession, Fishing] [41610] <Huge Cursed Queenfish>
+ Val'sharah - [Profession, Skinning] [41333] <Rugged Wolf Hide>
+ Val'sharah - [Profession, Fishing] [41269] <Lively Mossgill Perch>
+ Suramar - [Profession, Fishing] [41283] <The Angler Mangler>
+ Suramar - [Normal] [44002] <Undersea Survey>
+ Suramar - [Normal] [41303] <Supplies Needed: Starlight Roses>
+ Stormheim - [Normal] [41317] <Supplies Needed: Leystone>
+ Highmountain - [Profession, Skinning] [41238] <Calcified Wormscale>
+ Stormheim - [Normal] [42953] <DANGER: Soulbinder Halldora>
+ Val'sharah - [Normal] [44011] <Lost Wisp>