He can move to vendor if cant summon vendor-mount currently (for example if it's outdoors currently), tho why he summon it standing at vendor already - i will investigate this.
As for blackspot - at this location can be world quests, so no i cant add it for blackslot. Also to add any blackspot should be a radius and center location and also need to be sure if this location not important in other situation and if blacklisting this location you wont block navigation fully.
If there were elite enemies - they can be added to avoid, for this you need to provide their id from wowhead.
Then add it for blackspot for chars under 800gs. Absolutly impossible. Its 4-5 adds and elite. (I set now manual to IGNORE, but it should be from standard on it)
Also i noticed since i use your botbase, wow lags from time to time, which is absolutly impossible (high end pc). Which are best settings for TPS or other settings? (windowed mode, 12xx X 1xxx)
Also, is it possible to change the mounting distance? All wonder how this bots gets detected, its so easy to see if youre using hb or not...
2 Loots, 2 sec running away from each other.
Mount, dismount, loot, mount, -> run to other loot, dismount, loot, mount...
Why your botbase keep running my priest in melee range?
Cool. Priest was at the way to a world quest, died nearly infront of it. He resurrect, runs the complte way back (wow, this is really imrpessive!!!!) and then starts again tryin to get their. (It said recovering from death)
What is wrong with this botbase?
And no, recover health does not work. Singular is set to heal when less than 80% health. Your botbase just keeps running somewhere while having 5% healths.
This Botbase is complete fucked up. DOnt get me wrong here, you did an amazing job and i think with high geared it would be not so much a problem, but then you should tell ppl its not useable with low gears.
100% not afk.
Does not work well with low geared chars, because of crayz stupidity from bot.
I just cant stop finding things which are complete bugged, stupid or so easy to detect.