This is just my input as to why these features aren't necessarily "better" for the bot, but just plain feature requests.
With that said, this is merely constructive feedback which is influenced by my own opinion and isn't intended to be viewed as trolling.
- New navigation/path system that will randomize for each bot.
Randomized navigation may prevent players from seeing bots stacking up on each other / following the same paths, but in turn it could potentially cause more issues than it would solve.
When you randomize navigation, that leaves more room for error especially when on a larger scale like questing.
A 'bad' randomized path could potentially cause extreme bot-like behavior which would get you banned faster than anything.
This idea has been tested in the past, and it doesn't work that well - take note of
Roboto's RandomKickz project.
- Enhance the tripwire.. example: It'll shutdown the bot instantly. not after 5hrs
At any point tripwire activated "after 5hrs" wasn't because tripwire wasn't "enhanced" enough.
It was because Blizzard had a method of banning the bots without Tripwire being able to detect this.
Tripwire activates
immediately when it detects changes in the client.
As stated by Raphus already, the method Blizzard was using to ban us was already fixed.
- A 64bit version (i know it doesn't matter, but why make it easy for blizz to catch us? 95% of wow players if not more are using the 64bit version of wow. squeeze us(botters) between them) + performance
As you just said, "I know it doesn't matter" - so why suggest it? I know you don't want trolls on this thread, but this is the
#1 troll-bait on these forums. So you're setting yourself up for trouble.
No, it
won't prevent or reduce bans.
No, it
doesn't give performance increases.
The 64bit architecture does nothing but allow for the program to use more than 4gigabytes of RAM at a time - which WoW doesn't even use that much RAM on Ultra graphics.
You aren't going to get anymore performance increases as compared to 32bit or reduced bans. Bots and hacks out there that are already 64bit have had banwaves, and some in fact have a higher banrate than Honorbuddy.
With that said, 64bit will only exist if WoW becomes 64bit only. The amount of work it would take to code Honorbuddy to run as 64bit would be a LOT of work, and it could take months.
- Prevent gold sellers from abusing this bot, mess wow economy and make it target #1 on blizz eyes! maybe make another edition of the bot with sub. Yes let them pay if they want to bot suicidal 24/7.
Not going to happen. Ever.
Honorbuddy is a "do as you will" bot, hence why when arena support was removed, it was swiftly added back.
Something like this could potentially ruin Honorbuddy because of the severe backlash from the community.
- A way to support the bot? sub for new customers maybe?
You're going to have to elaborate on that. No idea what you're talking about.
Unless you're saying that Honorbuddy should give away WoW accounts when someone purchases the bot - which that won't happen ever.
It's not economically sound on a business level.
- New builtin tool that will mimic the behavior of your character. example: it can record your DPS rotation, how many times you jump. it will act as if it was you.
That would be a feature request for the community developers. Not really something that should be included into the bot.
Also, something like this wouldn't work too well. An exact 'mimic' of your behavior would be impossible to have the bot execute on an exact level.
Latency levels will almost instantly cause the bot to desyc from the behavior.
- More features in bot settings?, like Sound on whisper/stuck, logout on too many Ganks, jump from time to time..etc! (most of us are not programmers)
It would be nice to have this built-in, but again. This is something the community developers could do.