If botting was mandatory and allowed to everyone, what Utopia can we imagine? what would the game be like?
Actually its indeed mandatory for any person, which have life and still want to progress further in the game, without sacrificing his own life.
I used to play alot in Vanilla, BC and TBC, once the game was just 3 years old, I already had ~300 days played on my main character, 100 days scattered around my alts, and I am not proud of it. Roughly this is 8 hours each day spent online in the last 3 years ... and even after I have achieved quite a lot with this "main", like claiming Scarab Lord and tons of other stuff, I still had to skip or not able to claim other noticeable ingame feats like Immortal or so.
So, do not tell me the botting is not mandatory, when we currently need 54 levels of Artifact power and the correct 2 legendaries to get accepted into mythic raiding guilds! Are those two factors matter of skills?
While legit players are spending thousands of runs on 3 chests Mythic+ Maw of Souls for it, Blizzard allows russian wintraders to farm it fully afk in matter of hours - for reference check
WoW Artifact Power Rankings :: WoWProgress - World of Warcraft Rankings rating, and its on first page!
And this is just one of the thousands examples of the sole fact, that Blizzard makes botting mandatory!
It is not allowed of course, but it is tolerated already, since Blizzard stopped actioning botters with account closures, but apply 6/18 months suspensions only, so people have to buy more and more accounts after each suspension and continue the feed!
So we are already in the Utopia, indeed!
I am sure that if Bossland had already gave up, and not another good bot was left on the niche, around half of the WoW population will simply stop to play, and those would not be the casuals newcomers to WoW, but the upper scope of semi-casual and semi hardcore veteran players, which understand the current ingame balance.
1. On first place, all the players, which are using bots for their casual gameplay will stop - this is ~10% of wow population,
2. Then all the gold farmers would have to stop too, if not good bot would take the niche, this is another 10% of wow pop,
3. Then the AH prices on rough materials will skyrocket! (Remember, no more Garrison mine/herb market gain from casuals) and majority of the sami-casual, semi-hardcore players are forced to spent double the time they already spend online to get the pace, so they will simply quit, sooner or later (Remember #2, no more gold income from Garrison Missions, the WoD-style for casuals/semi casuals to feed their raiding needs) Here the assumption is harder - maybe another 10% - 30% of wow population will get this cut, but it will be barely lower.
4. BGs will be for players only so ... welcome 15-30min BG queues outside rush hours, the pvp casuals would be derailed hard, when they have to play 15min then 30min afk ...and we know most pvp players do not have other online activities but pvp. Another cut should be expected here - 5-10% .. who knows ...
And where we are now? WoW cut by half ...
P.S. Doh, it became quite annoying and long post but TLDR: Botting is mandatory!