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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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i have been testing 4.3.0 and it is great i have not noticed any bugs although during an instance the bot can get a little lost navigating the instance (this may be a meshing issue) i have disabled cc movement and it doesn't seem to help it will be los it may be worth throwing in a check to ensure it is los of the tank?

When the bot does become los of the mob pull it attempts to use earthquake and therefor doesn't move do you require a log for this?

I have botted cata heroic dungeons with the bot using ele spec.

I have also used it to heal normal cata dungeons rather well it never got low on mana and i believe it is to do with the timing of lighting bolt.

great effort.
i have been testing 4.3.0 and it is great i have not noticed any bugs although during an instance the bot can get a little lost navigating the instance (this may be a meshing issue) i have disabled cc movement and it doesn't seem to help it will be los it may be worth throwing in a check to ensure it is los of the tank?
When you Disable CC Movement, you are saying you will take over at the keyboard/mouse and move the Shaman yourself so that won't fix any LoS issues, but it will likely create some if you weren't moving the Shaman.

The Bot you select (InstanceBuddy, Grind, RAF, Questing, ...) is responsible for the Non-Combat movement of the CC. If you were not in LoS before entering Combat, that should be an issue for the Bot in use at the time. The CC takes over when you are In Combat and should move within Line of Sight of the target provided to it by the Bot.

When the bot does become los of the mob pull it attempts to use earthquake and therefor doesn't move do you require a log for this?
I tried to cover that in the notices BETA Testers had to read on the before downloading from the BETA download page.

I have botted cata heroic dungeons with the bot using ele spec. I have also used it to heal normal cata dungeons rather well it never got low on mana and i believe it is to do with the timing of lighting bolt.
Thank you for the update! Glad to have a sense of what portions people are testing. I'm not sure I follow the last part regarding timing of Lightning Bolt.

Thanks for your post and for testing ShamWOW,
. I'm not sure I follow the last part regarding timing of Lightning Bolt.

Thanks for your post and for testing ShamWOW,

He's referring to the bots use of lightning bolt in resto spec to regain mana when the shaman is talented into Telluric currents. When healing a good group, the bot usually ends combat at 100% mana, or near to it due to being able to fit in a lot of lightning bolts. Excellent job btw, your CC made shamans my fav class to bot :)
Getting back to totems and not placing them / recalling them midfight.

Same setup as last time (Unbound emberfiends in TH).

Next to last mob. Killed it (totems were placed at the beginning of that fight) and went about 20-25 yards to the next mob (last in logfile). Recall range is still 15 yards.

It didn't recall the totems for a very long time (last mob was under 50%) and after it finally recalled them it didn't place a new set (for the rest of the fight).

No lags, nothing obvious why could have any problems with that (you mentioned a few things why this could happen). Iirc I've never seen this behaviour with the last stable release so something has probably changed.

I'm using because looting is severly broken with the latest stable release. If it's absolutely necessary to use the current version, I'll do that to provide new logs.

Log attached.

In rare cases ShamWoW will beginn to circle around the mob. It won't get out of this spinning, isn't unable to hit the target and will die most of the time.
Can you have a look at fpswares latest beta release for his default druid? He uses a move to just step back a few steps when the target is too close. Looks very natural works great. Maybe you can implement something like this to avoid this spinning.

Thread is here: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...2003-default-druid-feral-balance-fpsware.html
Beta build: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/attach...re-default-druid-beta-update-[07-01-2011]-zip


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When you Disable CC Movement, you are saying you will take over at the keyboard/mouse and move the Shaman yourself so that won't fix any LoS issues, but it will likely create some if you weren't moving the Shaman.
The Bot you select (InstanceBuddy, Grind, RAF, Questing, ...) is responsible for the Non-Combat movement of the CC. If you were not in LoS before entering Combat, that should be an issue for the Bot in use at the time. The CC takes over when you are In Combat and should move within Line of Sight of the target provided to it by the Bot.

Newbie question.. :)

Abt quests which would be the correct method for automatically move and attack the NPC? Using the CC movement of the shaman? For me the Mr.Autofight motion strike the Mob but have to use manually Flame Shock to initiate the attack ... And it happened the same with ticked CC Movement (and unticked Mr.AutoFight)...
When you Disable CC Movement, you are saying you will take over at the keyboard/mouse and move the Shaman yourself so that won't fix any LoS issues, but it will likely create some if you weren't moving the Shaman.

The Bot you select (InstanceBuddy, Grind, RAF, Questing, ...) is responsible for the Non-Combat movement of the CC. If you were not in LoS before entering Combat, that should be an issue for the Bot in use at the time. The CC takes over when you are In Combat and should move within Line of Sight of the target provided to it by the Bot.

Bobby Newbie question.. :) Abt quests which would be the correct method for automatically move and attack the NPC? Using the CC movement of the shaman? For me the Mr.Autofight motion strike the Mob but have to use manually Flame Shock to initiate the attack ... And it happened the same with ticked CC Movement (and unticked Mr.AutoFight)...
If you use Mr. AutoFight you are disabling all movement, so you have to use the keyboard and mouse. If you want to use Mr. AutoFight, then just right click on a mob and it will run to it and kill it.
If you use Mr. AutoFight you are disabling all movement, so you have to use the keyboard and mouse. If you want to use Mr. AutoFight, then just right click on a mob and it will run to it and kill it.

Actually I?d like to use what is right, and should be the Shaman CC, am I right? ;)
Beyond that Mr.AutoFlight is goes toward the mob, but if it moves,even being clicked, it goes to where you clicked and not agains the mod, as a example.
I also tried that in some Instances cause some of them does?t work with Instancebuddy.
If the MOB flees from you, my shaman stay still not going after him...
And using HB opt Combat/Healing for above examples...
Hi guys... hope one of you thats used this a while can answer this so I dont have to read thru 100+ pages of threads.

Am using this CC as a RAF bot, and the bot seems to get stuck frequently - after about 5-10 minutes of running it will just sit there, usually after a kill. Will stop following the leader, and will no longer do anything until I close HB and reopen HB. I am assuming this is a CC issue and not a HB issue. Anyone have a similar problem? Could it be because its still very low level? (<10)


Hi guys... hope one of you thats used this a while can answer this so I dont have to read thru 100+ pages of threads.

Am using this CC as a RAF bot, and the bot seems to get stuck frequently - after about 5-10 minutes of running it will just sit there, usually after a kill. Will stop following the leader, and will no longer do anything until I close HB and reopen HB. I am assuming this is a CC issue and not a HB issue. Anyone have a similar problem? Could it be because its still very low level? (<10)



If I'm not mistaken there's a plugin called Multibox Companion that offers a bit better RAF support than HB does currently. I could be mistaken though. Check into it.
Hi guys... hope one of you thats used this a while can answer this so I dont have to read thru 100+ pages of threads. Am using this CC as a RAF bot, and the bot seems to get stuck frequently - after about 5-10 minutes of running it will just sit there, usually after a kill. Will stop following the leader, and will no longer do anything until I close HB and reopen HB. I am assuming this is a CC issue and not a HB issue. Anyone have a similar problem? Could it be because its still very low level? (<10) Thanks, Frosty
Frosty, I can't really assist you without a complete debug log file. There are simply too many variations in the way you can configure the system. For help with the RAF Bot, you'll want to post in the HonorBuddy thread. Custom Classes (aka CCs - in this case ShamWOW) only handle movement while you are in combat. In other words, they handle the custom behavior specific to the class you are running once combat begins. Once combat is over, its the Bot's job (sounds like you were using the RAF Bot in this case) to handle following the leader. If you try the Multi-Box plugin mentioned by Zeldrak and have questions regarding its use you'll want to post in that thread. Thanks, Bobby53
Actually I?d like to use what is right, and should be the Shaman CC, am I right? ;) Beyond that Mr.AutoFlight is goes toward the mob, but if it moves,even being clicked, it goes to where you clicked and not agains the mod, as a example. I also tried that in some Instances cause some of them does?t work with Instancebuddy. If the MOB flees from you, my shaman stay still not going after him... And using HB opt Combat/Healing for above examples...
If you use Mr. AutoFight your Shaman will stand still.
Has anyone had much luck healing in Cata HC's using instance buddy with this? seems to be swallowing up too much mana, normally seems to be due to dispelling stuff, any way I can disable the CC from dispelling?

Many Thanks
PvE Wise, bot seems to run away from mobs when it casts Earth Elemental, and just keeps running away not helping it at all. (even tho the mobs are lower level than me)

Otherwise seems great :)
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Has anyone had much luck healing in Cata HC's using instance buddy with this? seems to be swallowing up too much mana, normally seems to be due to dispelling stuff, any way I can disable the CC from dispelling? Many Thanks
Yes, I run Level 85 healers with this daily. No, there is not an option to disable dispelling. In Cata dungeons, mana consumption is affected less by dispelling than it is by how well geared the tank is, how aggressive they are with pulls, how good the dps is, and how much crowd control they utilize. If you are having a consistent issue please attach your complete debug log file so I can better assist. Thanks for the post, Bobby53
Yes, I run Level 85 healers with this daily. No, there is not an option to disable dispelling. In Cata dungeons, mana consumption is affected less by dispelling than it is by how well geared the tank is, how aggressive they are with pulls, how good the dps is, and how much crowd control they utilize. If you are having a consistent issue please attach your complete debug log file so I can better assist. Thanks for the post, Bobby53

Thanks for the reply mate, its nothing to do with the CC directly, I guess its just other players.

Thanks for the heads up about the dispelling, its obviously not what I thought it was causing issues. I'll give it another go, I've only tried a few dungeons so I could have just been unlucky with the players. If I do get any issues with the CC I'll let you know though :)

Thanks again
PvE Wise, bot seems to run away from mobs when it casts Earth Elemental, and just keeps running away not helping it at all. Otherwise seems great :)
ladygamer , My apologies for any issue you may be having, however the situation described does not match my results in testing. Please see the ShamWOW FAQ [CLICK HERE] which is post #2 in this thread for information on the details needed when posting about issues with or criticisms of ShamWOW. Thanks for your help, Bobby53
Thanks for the reply mate, its nothing to do with the CC directly, I guess its just other players. Thanks for the heads up about the dispelling, its obviously not what I thought it was causing issues. I'll give it another go, I've only tried a few dungeons so I could have just been unlucky with the players. If I do get any issues with the CC I'll let you know though :) Thanks again
No worries. From your post I don't know which version you are using. 4.2.09B which is the current stable production release uses a healing rotation that was designed based upon standard mana regen in Wrath (heavy use of Healing Surge.) It will heal Cata dungeons, but you will be drinking often and will go OOM with a group that takes a lot of damage or a tank that pulls before you can top-off. If you haven't tried it, you may want to give the BETA release a go as it is redesigned for Cata healing considerations and cancels casts that would result in overhealing. Just be sure to read the terms on the BETA download page so you know what to expect. Thanks for the follow up, Bobby53

EDIT: ShamWOW will use Mana potions if needed, so I recommend keeping some in your bags to deal with low-mana situations since you can't really control the strategy for the Tank or DPS when you are healing. I typically use InstanceBuddy with the Grind while waiting option to grind as Elemental while waiting in the LFD Queue as a Healer. If you have done this, you know InstanceBuddy will automatically detect when you enter the dungeon your role is Heals so will switch to your Resto spec. I don't have hard statistics, but on average it feels like about 50% of the Tanks either don't check my mana level or don't care and make the first pull while I am still at < 10% mana due to the spec change.
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HonorBuddy Mode: Grind

Shamans Location:Uldum

What should have happened (be specific):Flametongue Weapon Buff

What did happen (be specific):A continious loop of the boot attempting to cast Flametongue Weapon. It has happened with all the weapon buffs. I attempted to manually Buff the weapon but i keep getting the the red letters at the top of the game screen saying that another action is in process. Maybe it is a bug with the Game instead of ShamWOW. Is it possible to put an option to not use a Weapon buff until the bug is fixed?

System time of issue (log time stamp):7:39 pm

Edit: Tried looking in the WOW forums for the Weapon Buff Error I am receiving but not finding any atm.

View attachment 14600

Hey Bobby any luck with this issue. I have tried reinstalling, turning off all add-ons, turning off all plug-ins, but still get this problem.
been using this with mrautofight and this cc is the smoothest I have seen.
NOW back to grinding lol
Big problem he will kill and run off about 10 yrds and then run back to loot.
This is almost every mob.
Is it the HB or something I have set wrong or??

he is 82.5 now can he heal an instance or should I wait till 85?
bobby, i gotta say, yesterday was the first time i tried using a shaman for the first time that was granted level to 60. Yes, in level1 gears, running in combat/heal bot mode hellfire ramparts with my level 82 paladin. I must say, it is awesome! LOL! I know NOTHING about shammy but at least it's doing something/things that I know nothing about shamans.

Btw, is it possible to set more options in RaF combat assistance? Like combat over heal etc? Have yet to test, but does it auo ressurect dead party members as well? OMG, i can't wait to level her till 85 and see how she rock dungeons in catas! Especially when cata dungeons are killers for healers this expansion! TYCM BOBBY! For your great CC development and esp this is all free and customisable and un-bottish AT ALL!

Now i'm thinking, am i human or wat?! My bot plays better than me! thanks to you, bobby;)
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