Tell us which profile you use or even better: post it here (in text form).
I've removed ALL CC aside from the default.
I doesn't matter which profile I choose, every time I try and load one I get this:
"Starting the bot!
This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
Chose TEST ShamWOW v4.2.04b-BUNDLED by Bobby53 as your combat class!
LOADED: TEST ShamWOW v4.2.04b-BUNDLED by Bobby53
Character specific config file loaded
Changed Navigator precision from 2 to 2.5
Your Level 85 Tauren Enhancement Shaman Build is:
Eleme/Enhan/Resto 3/35/3
Max Pull Ranged: 30
HB Pull Distance: 30
Cleanse Spirit: can only remove Curses
Ghost Wolf: can cast Ghost Wolf on the run
Maelstrom Weapon: will cast Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning at 5 stacks
Lava Lash: will wait for 5 stacks of Searing Flames
Stoneclaw Totem: missing glyph, no Shaman Bubble available
Shamanistic Rage: missing glyph, no Magic Cleanse available
^Totem Bar - Earth: Strength of Earth Totem
^Totem Bar - Fire : Searing Totem
^Totem Bar - Water: Mana Spring Totem
^Totem Bar - Air : Windfury Totem
>>> ### STARTING TEST ShamWOW v4.2.04b-BUNDLED by Bobby53 ### <<<
Your Level 85 Tauren Enhancement Shaman Build is:
Eleme/Enhan/Resto 3/35/3
Max Pull Ranged: 30
HB Pull Distance: 30
Cleanse Spirit: can only remove Curses
Ghost Wolf: can cast Ghost Wolf on the run
Maelstrom Weapon: will cast Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning at 5 stacks
Lava Lash: will wait for 5 stacks of Searing Flames
Stoneclaw Totem: missing glyph, no Shaman Bubble available
Shamanistic Rage: missing glyph, no Magic Cleanse available
^Totem Bar - Earth: Strength of Earth Totem
^Totem Bar - Fire : Searing Totem
^Totem Bar - Water: Mana Spring Totem
^Totem Bar - Air : Windfury Totem
This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
>>> ### STOPPING TEST ShamWOW v4.2.04b-BUNDLED by Bobby53 ### <<<
ThreadAbortException caught inside.
ThreadAbortException caught outside."
I've also attached the log. Keep in mind that ShamWOW is no longer on my machine. I've deleted it and done a fresh install of HB as well.
Not sure if there is a hidden cache file that is still searching for the CC.
I'm stumped!