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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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HonorBuddy Mode: Grind
Shamans Location: Twilight Highlands
What should have happened (be specific): Farming Unbound Emberfiends (as an enhancer), it should use Unleash Elements. At least the beta changelog states that it is implemented in the latest release for enhancers and restos.
What did happen (be specific): It isn't using it at all :)
System time of issue (log time stamp): 02:02 - 02:03
Highend, Thank for the detailed and accurate post. A new BETA Release 4.3.01 has been posted providing a fix for that and a couple other items.
Looking for Shaman BETA Testers: A BETA Release of ShamWOW 4.3.01 is available for download to anyone willing to fill the role of TESTER instead of USER. If you are looking for a version to AFK or run with InstanceBuddy with predictable results stick with the current Stable release of 4.2.09b. If you would like to try out the newest version, all I ask in exchange for your early access to it is that you agree to write detailed posts and always attach a complete debug log file when you encounter an issue.

To access the BETA, visit the ShamWOW download page [CLICK HERE] and follow the instructions.

v4.3.01 fixed the Unleashed Elements spell.

HonorBuddy Mode: Grind
Shamans Location: Twilight Highlands
What should have happened (be specific): Farming Unbound Emberfiends (as an enhancer). Heroism settings are: level + 4 or 2 mobs at once. I still had the exhaustion debuff so heroism should never be casted until this debuff wears off.
What did happen (be specific): It does it despite of the debuff.
System time of issue (log time stamp): 21:38 - 21:40

Log attached.

One other thing I've seen (have to file a bugreport when I see it again: It placed all 4 totems, recalled them, placed them, recalled... All durind one simple mob fight (70k hp).

Small feature request: I'd like to be able to use feral spirit separately from the other stressfull fight behaviours (like heroism or fire / earth elemental totems). Any chance to split them off?



Same setup as before.

Remove Out of Range Totems is checked.
Recall Distance: 15

On the next to last mob, it left the totems on the ground, moved about 25 yards further, pulled the last mob (in the logfile). Totems weren' t removed. Weired.

Iirc in stable releases totems were dropped early in every fight but have a look at the last fight in the logfile. Totems were placed when it had about 10-20% life left.


Alright guys, here's the problem I'm having.

Done fresh install, deleted all files related to config of my toon, and all non-default CC profiles.

Everytime I try and run HB I receive this error.

This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
>>> ### STOPPING TEST ShamWOW v4.2.04b-BUNDLED by Bobby53 ### <<<
ThreadAbortException caught inside.
ThreadAbortException caught outside.

Any ideas on how to repair this?
Alright guys, here's the problem I'm having.

Done fresh install, deleted all files related to config of my toon, and all non-default CC profiles.

Everytime I try and run HB I receive this error.

This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
>>> ### STOPPING TEST ShamWOW v4.2.04b-BUNDLED by Bobby53 ### <<<
ThreadAbortException caught inside.
ThreadAbortException caught outside.

Any ideas on how to repair this?

Get a profile that fits your character level!
Been running the new BETA for about 5 hours now and have had no serious problems. The only thing I am seeing is my toon is setup for skinning. After combat he runs a few yards away then turns around to loot the body then runs away and comes back to the body to skin it. I think that may be a HB problem though instead of a ShamWOW prob. Other then that it runs great and the Weapon Buff deal was fixed.
Not sure if someone reported this issue yet or not, just giving more data to try to help you find all the bugs. You did a really nice job on the RAF healing, kudos!

Mode: Instancebuddy
Shamans Location: Orgrimmar (Queued for Random Heroic)
What should have happened (be specific): Stand still waiting for instance
What did happen (be specific): Alternated between Earth Shield and Water Shield, possibly because I had the highest hitpoints in the group
System time of issue (log time stamp):8:49 PM


v4.3.01 fixed the Unleashed Elements spell.
... Heroism settings are: level + 4 or 2 mobs at once. I still had the exhaustion debuff so heroism should never be casted until this debuff wears off.
What did happen (be specific): It does it despite of the debuff.
highend, Your hired! You are the first to report this even though it has only checked for the "Sated" debuff since it was released more than a year ago (kind of tips my hand I don't test on high end Alliance chars.) Appreciate the detailed post and for letting me know. Will include this one in the next release.

One other thing I've seen (have to file a bugreport when I see it again: It placed all 4 totems, recalled them, placed them, recalled... All durind one simple mob fight (70k hp).
Definitely post if it occurs again. The only time I have seen that is when their are HB NavMesh issues in calculating the distance to the totems. Specifically, when the CC asks HonorBuddy how far away the totems are it returns an extraordinarily large value ( > 1000 yards for example) so it believes they are out of range and recasts. The issue can can arise from a number of things (NavMesh server being down, corrupt .mesh file, ...) I have not seen an issue due to the CC's management of them, but there could be one so please provide the data if you witness it again. Thanks, Bobby53

Small feature request: I'd like to be able to use feral spirit separately from the other stressfull fight behaviours (like heroism or fire / earth elemental totems). Any chance to split them off?
I'll look at doing that if you can elaborate on its purpose. I already think there are too many options in ShamWOW and will be looking to eliminate some in future releases. The key design principal of ShamWOW is that it doesn't require user configuration. While it performs well in all facets of the game using any spec on a fresh install with no configuration, there are currently options provided to manually account for different scenarios it does adapt to automatically. My preference would be to understand the problem you want to solve with this feature request and have ShamWOW recognize it and react automatically as appropriate. For example, I see the ability for a user to specify individual health % for priority on PVP and RAF healing spells going away at some point as the necessary values in Cata are better understood for Shaman and it simply detects what's best given the situation. It may require a user to indicate its role in a raid (tank healer, raid healer, special assignment healer, etc.) for those things that are detectable (such as if those roles are communicate only in the raid Ventrilo.) Anyway, that's my vision for CC's in general and ShamWOW in particular. Thanks, Bobby53
Same setup as before. Remove Out of Range Totems is checked. Recall Distance: 15 On the next to last mob, it left the totems on the ground, moved about 25 yards further, pulled the last mob (in the logfile). Totems weren' t removed. Weired. Iirc in stable releases totems were dropped early in every fight but have a look at the last fight in the logfile. Totems were placed when it had about 10-20% life left.
Looking at the log file for the last pull it recognized the totems were out of range at [22:24:40:576] and attempted to cast Totemic Recall. However, the spell failed for some reason immediately after successfully passing checks on whether it could cast the spell. So status on this one is I'll be looking into it, but not likely to have a quick resolution.
Been running the new BETA for about 5 hours now and have had no serious problems. The only thing I am seeing is my toon is setup for skinning. After combat he runs a few yards away then turns around to loot the body then runs away and comes back to the body to skin it. I think that may be a HB problem though instead of a ShamWOW prob. Other then that it runs great and the Weapon Buff deal was fixed.
You are correct, that's an HB issue regarding the kill, run away, then run back to loot/skin. Glad to hear the weapon buffs are working well for you again. Thanks for the follow up, Bobby53
HonorBuddy Mode: Grind

Shamans Location:Uldum

What should have happened (be specific):Flametongue Weapon Buff

What did happen (be specific):A continious loop of the boot attempting to cast Flametongue Weapon. It has happened with all the weapon buffs. I attempted to manually Buff the weapon but i keep getting the the red letters at the top of the game screen saying that another action is in process. Maybe it is a bug with the Game instead of ShamWOW. Is it possible to put an option to not use a Weapon buff until the bug is fixed?

System time of issue (log time stamp):7:39 pm

Edit: Tried looking in the WOW forums for the Weapon Buff Error I am receiving but not finding any atm.

View attachment 1-8-2011_1_43 PM 6748 Log.zip
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Not sure if someone reported this issue yet or not, just giving more data to try to help you find all the bugs. You did a really nice job on the RAF healing, kudos!

Mode: Instancebuddy
Shamans Location: Orgrimmar (Queued for Random Heroic)
What should have happened (be specific): Stand still waiting for instance
What did happen (be specific): Alternated between Earth Shield and Water Shield, possibly because I had the highest hitpoints in the group
System time of issue (log time stamp):8:49 PM
Rothlan, Thanks for the post and the log file. It was posted as an issue this past week, but it may not have been readily obvious that it was the same issue. The problem is that you are in an RAF Group but the bot hasn't identified a Leader (Tank) yet. That's because since you haven't entered the dungeon yet, nobody has been assigned a role in WOW (Tank, Heal, DPS.) It happens with pre-made raide and dungeon groups as opposed to when you do simply PUG dungeons alone using the LFD tool. I'll look at accounting for this situation in an upcoming release. For now, you have a couple choices for working with pre-made dungeon parties:
1. Don't click the Start button until you are inside the dungeon and roles are assigned correctly. If they aren't assigned (because the entire party walked in or was summoned rather than using the LFD tool) then you'll have use #2 below.

2. Install SetTheLeader plugin (link is in my signature) and use it to select the tank. You may want to keep this available just in case you need to designate one of the DPS as the tank. For example, if the tank is having trouble and a DPS with tank spec volunteers to take over, this plugin will let you select the new tank so Earth Shield is cast on the appropriate player.
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highend, Your hired! You are the first to report this even though it has only checked for the "Sated" debuff since it was released more than a year ago (kind of tips my hand I don't test on high end Alliance chars.) Appreciate the detailed post and for letting me know. Will include this one in the next release.

Hired? For what? *g* /me runs away in a land far far away^^

Definitely post if it occurs again. The only time I have seen that is when their are HB NavMesh issues in calculating the distance to the totems. Specifically, when the CC asks HonorBuddy how far away the totems are it returns an extraordinarily large value ( > 1000 yards for example) so it believes they are out of range and recasts. The issue can can arise from a number of things (NavMesh server being down, corrupt .mesh file, ...) I have not seen an issue due to the CC's management of them, but there could be one so please provide the data if you witness it again. Thanks, Bobby53

I'll run the same setup again today. I've seen that behavior several times but didn't want to post a logfile with 2mb ;) It's not happening on every mob so it's difficult to replicate.

I'll look at doing that if you can elaborate on its purpose. I already think there are too many options in ShamWOW and will be looking to eliminate some in future releases. The key design principal of ShamWOW is that it doesn't require user configuration. While it performs well in all facets of the game using any spec on a fresh install with no configuration, there are currently options provided to manually account for different scenarios it does adapt to automatically. My preference would be to understand the problem you want to solve with this feature request and have ShamWOW recognize it and react automatically as appropriate. For example, I see the ability for a user to specify individual health % for priority on PVP and RAF healing spells going away at some point as the necessary values in Cata are better understood for Shaman and it simply detects what's best given the situation. It may require a user to indicate its role in a raid (tank healer, raid healer, special assignment healer, etc.) for those things that are detectable (such as if those roles are communicate only in the raid Ventrilo.) Anyway, that's my vision for CC's in general and ShamWOW in particular. Thanks, Bobby53

It's not a bug, bobby. It's a kind of personal playstile (even while botting). So please ignore this feature whish :) I like things that can be configured to adapt personal playstile but I totally understand your pov and it's better to support the majority of "fire and forget" botters and not individual users.

We have a few good cc coders here but none of them cares so much about their users, their wishes and problems. Thanks for beeing here and providing us the best shaman cc that's achievable!
Get a profile that fits your character level!

Level 85 Enhancement Shaman doesn't fit?

Anyways, aside from that ... I've deleted it from the CC folder, done a fresh install of HB, deleted ANY files that have my toons name attached.

And I STILL get the same error message, and HB will NOT work because of it. (atleast not with this too) ... works fine on my mage.

Any helpful ideas?
Level 85 Enhancement Shaman doesn't fit?

Anyways, aside from that ... I've deleted it from the CC folder, done a fresh install of HB, deleted ANY files that have my toons name attached.

And I STILL get the same error message, and HB will NOT work because of it. (atleast not with this too) ... works fine on my mage.

Any helpful ideas?

Tell us which profile you use or even better: post it here (in text form).
Tell us which profile you use or even better: post it here (in text form).

I've removed ALL CC aside from the default.

I doesn't matter which profile I choose, every time I try and load one I get this:

"Starting the bot!
This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
Chose TEST ShamWOW v4.2.04b-BUNDLED by Bobby53 as your combat class!
LOADED: TEST ShamWOW v4.2.04b-BUNDLED by Bobby53
Character specific config file loaded
Changed Navigator precision from 2 to 2.5
Your Level 85 Tauren Enhancement Shaman Build is:
Eleme/Enhan/Resto 3/35/3
Max Pull Ranged: 30
HB Pull Distance: 30
Cleanse Spirit: can only remove Curses
Ghost Wolf: can cast Ghost Wolf on the run
Maelstrom Weapon: will cast Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning at 5 stacks
Lava Lash: will wait for 5 stacks of Searing Flames
Stoneclaw Totem: missing glyph, no Shaman Bubble available
Shamanistic Rage: missing glyph, no Magic Cleanse available
^Totem Bar - Earth: Strength of Earth Totem
^Totem Bar - Fire : Searing Totem
^Totem Bar - Water: Mana Spring Totem
^Totem Bar - Air : Windfury Totem
>>> ### STARTING TEST ShamWOW v4.2.04b-BUNDLED by Bobby53 ### <<<
Your Level 85 Tauren Enhancement Shaman Build is:
Eleme/Enhan/Resto 3/35/3
Max Pull Ranged: 30
HB Pull Distance: 30
Cleanse Spirit: can only remove Curses
Ghost Wolf: can cast Ghost Wolf on the run
Maelstrom Weapon: will cast Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning at 5 stacks
Lava Lash: will wait for 5 stacks of Searing Flames
Stoneclaw Totem: missing glyph, no Shaman Bubble available
Shamanistic Rage: missing glyph, no Magic Cleanse available
^Totem Bar - Earth: Strength of Earth Totem
^Totem Bar - Fire : Searing Totem
^Totem Bar - Water: Mana Spring Totem
^Totem Bar - Air : Windfury Totem
This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
>>> ### STOPPING TEST ShamWOW v4.2.04b-BUNDLED by Bobby53 ### <<<
ThreadAbortException caught inside.
ThreadAbortException caught outside."

I've also attached the log. Keep in mind that ShamWOW is no longer on my machine. I've deleted it and done a fresh install of HB as well.

Not sure if there is a hidden cache file that is still searching for the CC.

I'm stumped!


I didn't ask for the log, I've asked for the profile, that you load^^

It is: C:\Users\The 4th Man\Downloads\[150-200] Western Plaguelands.xml

Close the bot.
Open that profile in a TEXT EDITOR (notepad / editor, anything like that).

Look for <MaxLevel>86</MaxLevel> entries (all of them) and change the value to 86. It'll work with your lvl 85 shaman after that.
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Alright guys, here's the problem I'm having.

Done fresh install, deleted all files related to config of my toon, and all non-default CC profiles.

Everytime I try and run HB I receive this error.

This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
>>> ### STOPPING TEST ShamWOW v4.2.04b-BUNDLED by Bobby53 ### <<<
ThreadAbortException caught inside.
ThreadAbortException caught outside.
Any ideas on how to repair this?
Look for <MaxLevel>86</MaxLevel> entries (all of them) and change the value to 86. It'll work with your lvl 85 shaman after that.
Chasetruth, This is not a CC issue, it's a profile issue. The HonorBuddy message you are receiving that I highlighted in red above indicates that there is nothing defined in the profile you are running for your characters level. A common misconception when writing .HonorBuddy .xml profiles is to assume the <MaxLevel> tag in the profile is the maximum level character that can run it, when it is actually the level it should stop running it. In other words, if you are running a profile that should work for a Level 85 character and you receive the highlighted message above, it is likely that the author wrote <MaxLevel>85</MaxLevel> when they should have written <MaxLevel>86</MaxLevel> as mentioned by Highend. If you continue to have problems with that .XML profile, please post in the thread that you downloaded it from so the author can fix the issue for you. Thanks, Bobby53
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Looking for Shaman BETA Testers: A BETA Release of ShamWOW 4.3.01 is available for download to anyone willing to fill the role of TESTER instead of USER. If you are looking for a version to AFK or run with InstanceBuddy with predictable results stick with the current Stable release of 4.2.09b. If you would like to try out the newest version, all I ask in exchange for your early access to it is that you agree to write detailed posts and always attach a complete debug log file when you encounter an issue.

To access the BETA, visit the ShamWOW download page [CLICK HERE] and follow the instructions.

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