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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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Bobby, I have been meaning ask if it would possible to add in the use of Hex, Bind Elemental, and heal pets only when using IB. For Hex and Bind Elemental have it set so that it would only use those abilities on targets with certain Raid Icons on them. Have it announce in party chat that it was doing so. Have it set so that it would not hex or bind until pull or other cc are in play so that it would not do them early. As for healing pets only heal them when the only tank is topped off (around 90%) and no other party members are taking damage.

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just want to bumb this one for being a really really good CC bobby.

Im useing it for grind as it is now and i will handle 3 + adds though i havent seen him cast healing surge, he casts greater healing wave even when he gets hit by mobs, is there a way to choose healing surge just because its better of when it comes to the cast time.

But overall this is a really really good cc i would recomend it to everyone who wants to go shaman.
Hey bobby, i have a report for u. If i try to go in BG bot, i get a line saying something like no healing will be done, even though ive tried to change settings for pvp heal and group heal.


Hello Bobby
I use: ShamWOW v4.3.08
I create a Log where you can see my Ligntning-Bolt-Problem:
In Line 137 you see, that I selected Pull-Type "Fast" in ShamWOW.
[21:44:50:500] # PVE_PullType: 'Fast'
Now I let him run, kill some Baradin Foxes, Line 325 he founds one:
[21:45:25:734] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Baradinfuchs
[21:45:25:859] Stop and dismount...
[21:45:26:375] Activity: Pulling Baradinfuchs now.
[21:45:26:375] % GRDSTAT Enter PULL [-me-]: h/m=100.0%/100.0%, combat=N, facing=Y, melee=0, range=0, rooted=N, immobile=N, silenced=N
[21:45:26:375] % GRDSTAT Enter PULL [target]: Baradinfuchs.1F15 th=100.0%, tdist=19.7 tcombat=N ttarget=(null) taggro=N tpetaggro=N
[21:45:26:390] % CheckForAdds(): PVE list built has 0 entries within 40.0 yds
[21:45:26:390] % ## Total 0/0 melee/ranged in Combat - CheckForAdds took 4 ms
[21:45:26:390] >>> PULL: Baradinfuchs.1F15[83] at 19.7 yds
[21:45:26:390] % pull started at 100.0% health, 100.0% mana
[21:45:26:406] % PullType Ranged
[21:45:26:421] % not setting totems until a stressful situation
[21:45:26:437] % WaitForCurrentSpell: no cast or gcd in progress
[21:45:26:468] Spell_C::CastSpell(403, 0, 0xF130BA3C00081F15, 0) [3]
[21:45:26:484] *Lightning Bolt

He uses Pulltype "Range" but I wanted him du use "Fast". What did I wrong?
The only way I get the Bot use Flame Shock as Pulltype is to replace the LightningBolt() in shaman.cs --> public void PullRanged() with FlameShock()
This Way it works for me, but maybe you could take a look at these bug?
Log is attached

Yours sincerely


so ive successfully been a lazy raider and botted every raid boss but Nefarion, Al'Akir and Cho'gall. While in elemental spec on both Al'akir and Cho'gall the bot will stop dpsing. it says that these bosses are immune to certain spells and then the bot stops. if needed i can try and get a log this week. this normally wouldnt be a problem for me as i'm mainspec resto but lately we've been short dps so i get sucked into dpsing lol.
so ive successfully been a lazy raider and botted every raid boss but Nefarion, Al'Akir and Cho'gall. While in elemental spec on both Al'akir and Cho'gall the bot will stop dpsing. it says that these bosses are immune to certain spells and then the bot stops. if needed i can try and get a log this week. this normally wouldnt be a problem for me as i'm mainspec resto but lately we've been short dps so i get sucked into dpsing lol.
dshiizznitt, Thanks for the post. Thats a function of the revised immunity checking, but sounds like some refinement is needed. Instead of creating a new log, if you aren't deleting your log files regularly you can just open a Command window do the following:
cd \hb\logs
find /c "### IMMUNE" *.txt | more

The number displayed at the far right of each line will be the number of IMMUNE messages it finds in the file. Since the files are named with Date/Time of when they were taken it will hopefully be easy to choose the one that has 1 or more IMMUNE messages and corresponds to your last raid. Change \HB to match whatever folder you keep HonorBuddy in.

Sorry for the issue and I'll keep an eye out for the log, Bobby53
Hello Bobby
I use: ShamWOW v4.3.08 I create a Log where you can see my Ligntning-Bolt-Problem:
In Line 137 you see, that I selected Pull-Type "Fast" in ShamWOW....<wall of text removed for space> ...This Way it works for me, but maybe you could take a look at these bug? Log is attached Yours sincerely katzerle
katzerle, Thank you for the well written and informative post. The issues described are intended behavior that is part of the design of ShamWOW for Elemental Shaman. If I have read this correctly, there are two key points cited are:

1. Unable to change Pull Type. By design, Elemental always uses a Ranged Pull. Fast Pull is named to indicate not how quickly it aggros the target, but how quickly it gets into melee range. The intent is to close the distance to the mob as quickly as possible, which is a bad idea for a caster (hence, its only supported for Enhancement Shaman.) You are allowed to select a Pull Type that is Enhancement specific even though you are Elemental to account for not having to change the config options if you are dual spec.

2. Ranged Pull opens with Lightning Bolt. The reason for opening with Lightning Bolt is that once the cast completes, it literally takes time to travel from the Shaman to the target. This allows you to follow the Lightning Bolt with an instant spell like Flame Shock, etc. The result is that both spells hit the target at the same time (or almost), resulting in more opening damage before the target aggros to you and begins damaging in return. This results in less damage taken and overall higher kill rates per hour and is a best practice for Elemental grinding. If you open with an instant, the target immediately aggros and attacks in return, resulting in you taking damage during your next cast that you wouldn't have if the order is reversed with no advantage.

I will add a message or change the wording in the next release for the Fast and Body pull types so it is clearer these are for Enhancement only.

As for changing the spells, ShamWOW's design goal isn't to mimick every individuals style of play. The intent is to implement best practices with zero-configuration required by having the program evaluate the combat situation and choose the best possible course of action/response. The options and configuration choices that are available were added to address required variation in the defaults for specific encounters, especially back in the very early days of HonorBuddy when less information about the combat scenario was available.

Thanks again for the post, Bobby53
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Hey bobby, i have a report for u. If i try to go in BG bot, i get a line saying something like no healing will be done, even though ive tried to change settings for pvp heal and group heal.
Klovnene, Thanks for the log file. I wouldn't have been able to assist without one. It is letting you know that at that very moment when you pressed Start, no healing will be done. Your character is not in a battleground yet and not in a group, so its prepared for Combat. Once your environment changes (enter a battleground, instance, join a group with a leader, etc.) it reinitializes and sets up for Healing. Once you leave the Battleground, it would again reinitialize back for Combat. Once Mixed modes are supported (Grind / Quest, Quest / BG Bot, etc.) it means you will be configured for the appropriate type of activity without having to manually change anything. I'll reword the message so it doesn't sound like a configuration error. Thanks for the post and the log file, Bobby53
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thesirren, Thanks for the time you clearly put into preparing your posts.

Lava Lash does not wait for Searing Flame stacks in my testing, so if you are getting different results I need a log file as previously mentioned.

Lightning Shield is renewed, so if you are not seeing this I need a log file as previously mentioned.

Arena dispel/purge spam. I agree with the suggestion for an alternative playstyle. I'll incorporate that option into the PVP tab.

Maelstrom behavior. I will add a PVP option to allow choosing how it is used.

UE will be added into the PVP rotation. If Frostbrand is present, it will be used as a Frost Shock buff. If Frostbrand isn't present, it will be cast in its normal priority for PVE encounters.

Stoneclaw is already used if glyphed based upon Health %. If you getting different results a log file is needed.

I agree with revision to the use of Earth Totems for PVP and will implement the suggestions. Am assuming that Tremor Totem is cast only when a fear is detected on shaman or team member within range regardless of the existing earth totem.

I appreciate the amount of thought and effort you put into the posts. A suggestion in return though is to omit the graphic images from posts unless they are to provide additional information not present in the content. A thumbnail of the Lightning Shield graphic before the word [Lightning Shield] only risks obscuring the content which contains some very good requests with no added value.

Thanks again for the posts and suggested PVP improvements, Bobby53
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I agree with revision to the use of Earth Totems for PVP and will implement the suggestions. Am assuming that Tremor Totem is cast only when a fear is detected on shaman or team member within range regardless of the existing earth totem.

Perhaps add an option to not overwrite an earth elemental totem? It always pains me to see the earth/fire eles get recalled before their time is up. Perhaps in pvp always leave totems up unless the bot is moving out of range? I saw it in AB guarding a node, the group was finishing off the last enemy when I arrived, the shaman dropped fire/earth eles, the enemy died, and the shaman recalled the totems, only to have the enemy's buddies return seconds later, leaving me without my protectors.

But I still love this CC, it's hands down the best one out there. In Arena it can heal itself through 2 DPS going full tilt. In a few matches (I run a Unholy DK and a resto sham) we were against another healer/DPS team, and the shammy consistenly heals more total HP than the enemy. The only way to kill shamwow is to keep it stunlocked/silenced for more than 10 seconds lol. Even when its OOM, it pushes through. I just got the epic caster mace from pvp so it should only get better :)
Perhaps add an option to not overwrite an earth elemental totem? It always pains me to see the earth/fire eles get recalled before their time is up. Perhaps in pvp always leave totems up unless the bot is moving out of range? I saw it in AB guarding a node, the group was finishing off the last enemy when I arrived, the shaman dropped fire/earth eles, the enemy died, and the shaman recalled the totems, only to have the enemy's buddies return seconds later, leaving me without my protectors.

But I still love this CC, it's hands down the best one out there. In Arena it can heal itself through 2 DPS going full tilt. In a few matches (I run a Unholy DK and a resto sham) we were against another healer/DPS team, and the shammy consistenly heals more total HP than the enemy. The only way to kill shamwow is to keep it stunlocked/silenced for more than 10 seconds lol. Even when its OOM, it pushes through. I just got the epic caster mace from pvp so it should only get better :)
richarddoran, Thanks for sharing your success! +rep Good point regarding the Elemental totems and recall. It makes sense to recall if the Totem Recall Distance is satisified in PVE, but in PVP it either needs to be suppressed when one is out or scaled to account for wanting to keep it longer. Any idea on the range though? Earth Elementals taunt is 15 yds, but it appears to wander across a greater range than that. Fire Elementals Fire Blast is 20 yds but it also wanders further. With the wandering increasing the effective range, I'm not sure if you just suppress Recall or only do it at a much larger range (100yds?) and never if you are within 30 yds? of a PVP objective [note: additional behavior to set totems when at a pvp objective and guarding is planned]. Thanks for the post and suggestion, Bobby53
Now I understand the Behavior of the CC much better :). Thank you bobby.
Your right, normally it is better to pull with LightningBolt. It's just my personal special cases were I would use FlameShock to Pull (Especially Daylies in TolBarad in the Evening, If you don't pull fast there you don't get your mobs)

Today the People in TolBarad where killing the Questmobs really like mad. So I could reproduce the other Bug I had:
The Bot tries to kill the Totems of non-pvp-flagged Player.
The whole Story:
First my Char (Non-PvP-Flagged) kills a Totem of a PvP-Flagged other Player in Line 475 (and gets PvP-Flagged). I don't know why he's targeting the Totem and kills it? It's really bad to make the Quests in TolBarad with PvP-Flag. Then my Bot and the other Shaman where fighting and my char died.
Next I stop the Bot and Waited till PvP-Flag is off again and restart it in Line 710. And the first thing he does is: try to kill a Totem of a Non-PvP-Flagged other Player. I can't found a reason for this in the Log, He just selects the Totem as target in Line 785 and spams FlameShock (my personal Pull-Cast) and other casts. Log is attached. I'm from a German Server so the "Mana Tide Totem" is called "Totem der Manaquelle"
And Later that day he Tried to kill a Non-PvP-Flagged Mage who has ninjaed his Mob :p.

Maybe you could find out what is going on there. Maybe its a Problem of HB itself?
Your CC is really the best for Shamans :)

yours sincerely


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And thank you for listening to what we have to say.
Please, also do not forget about the:

1) Option to heal yourself only when maelstrom procs, while in combat. Which means that CC will not try to heal itself unless Maelstrom procced. It is very essential for Enhancement Shamans in PvP. Healing out of combat remains the same.
Maelstrom behavior. I will add a PVP option to allow choosing how it is used.
so ive successfully been a lazy raider and botted every raid boss but Nefarion, Al'Akir and Cho'gall. While in elemental spec on both Al'akir and Cho'gall the bot will stop dpsing. it says that these bosses are immune to certain spells and then the bot stops. if needed i can try and get a log this week. this normally wouldnt be a problem for me as i'm mainspec resto but lately we've been short dps so i get sucked into dpsing lol.
View attachment 18456
heres the log. i noticed in the log it was saying stuff about using garrote and pummel..which aren't shaman spells haha. hope this helps :)
dshiizznitt, Spell immunity is by school, not by individual spell. ShamWOW monitors the combat log for your group so it can learn about a mobs immunity without requiring the Shaman to have its own spell cast fail. So you will see mention of group members abilities in the log. I'll provide an option to disable immunity checking, but casting attacks against an immune mob won't improve your dps so you'll need to recognize it and switch targets manually. Thanks, Bobby53
Dear fellow botters and Bobby.

First of all, Bobby, Thanks for this super overpowered cc.. its amazing.. its doing everything better as resto than i could ever emagine a cc would do, i totally love this, and could not prob not play my shammy without this. im playing with this as combat/healbot in bg's, arenas, and instances, and wouw.. we started a arena team, me and my friend, and after a week we got a team rating of 1337 :) thats pretty awesome considering that this is actually a bot, and not a player..

However, i got a few questions or issues.

as i said, i always play as resto on combat/healbot setting in hb.. its perfect for bg's and arena, coz it allows me to move my shammy by my self, when i disable all cc movement.. it dosent even stop to heal in a bg if i continue to run.. But, when i enter a instance, with disable all movements in the cc, the bots goes crazy when i try to move it.. it keeps following the tank, and if the tank pulls a group of mobs and runs into it, the bot follow the tank and stands into the group of mobs.. this give the bot really strange behavior, and its kinda easy to see that its a bot.. so my question is now, how do i do so the bot would not follow the tank, so i can move it by my self and at the same still healing the group when in combat.?

another question.. what should i do in the cc so the shammy wont use lighting shield.? im using earth shield in bg's and arenas, and want the bot to use water shield when mana is below xx % mana, but the cc wont allow me to use water shield after earth shield, coz it give me a error evertime i set the values of water higher than lighting shield.. if i put the use water shield mana % higher than lighting shield, then it says that - Water shield mana is xx% but must be less than lighting mana xx%.. but i dont really want to use lighting shield as resto :(

Thx for listening, and again, thx for a amazing cc :)
Dear fellow botters and Bobby.

First of all, Bobby, Thanks for this super overpowered cc.. its amazing.. its doing everything better as resto than i could ever emagine a cc would do, i totally love this, and could not prob not play my shammy without this. im playing with this as combat/healbot in bg's, arenas, and instances, and wouw.. we started a arena team, me and my friend, and after a week we got a team rating of 1337 :) thats pretty awesome considering that this is actually a bot, and not a player..

However, i got a few questions or issues.

as i said, i always play as resto on combat/healbot setting in hb.. its perfect for bg's and arena, coz it allows me to move my shammy by my self, when i disable all cc movement.. it dosent even stop to heal in a bg if i continue to run.. But, when i enter a instance, with disable all movements in the cc, the bots goes crazy when i try to move it.. it keeps following the tank, and if the tank pulls a group of mobs and runs into it, the bot follow the tank and stands into the group of mobs.. this give the bot really strange behavior, and its kinda easy to see that its a bot.. so my question is now, how do i do so the bot would not follow the tank, so i can move it by my self and at the same still healing the group when in combat.?

another question.. what should i do in the cc so the shammy wont use lighting shield.? im using earth shield in bg's and arenas, and want the bot to use water shield when mana is below xx % mana, but the cc wont allow me to use water shield after earth shield, coz it give me a error evertime i set the values of water higher than lighting shield.. if i put the use water shield mana % higher than lighting shield, then it says that - Water shield mana is xx% but must be less than lighting mana xx%.. but i dont really want to use lighting shield as resto :(

Thx for listening, and again, thx for a amazing cc :)
manse2750, Thanks for the post. Anytime you have a question about behavior or constructive criticism regarding ShamWOW, please follow the steps at Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for posting. That way the details needed for me to assist are available. I'll keep an eye out for your follow up. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
dshiizznitt, Spell immunity is by school, not by individual spell. ShamWOW monitors the combat log for your group so it can learn about a mobs immunity without requiring the Shaman to have its own spell cast fail. So you will see mention of group members abilities in the log. I'll provide an option to disable immunity checking, but casting attacks against an immune mob won't improve your dps so you'll need to recognize it and switch targets manually. Thanks, Bobby53

thanks for the quick responses. this cc is so amazing and it just keeps getting better every update. i look forward to the next update.
also do you have a paypal or anything that i can donate to? you do such amazing work and im sure it takes a lot of your free time
Bobby, I have to say that your are a pro when it comes to running this thread.
This is hands down the best CC, that I've tried (no disrespect to the other cc developers)
All your hard work and professionalism shows itself in this CC, I wish there was a way to repay you in return.
I thank you for allowing my shammys to rock!
Hi Bobby,

Not sure if this have been asked before, but could you add the use of trinkets to this CC and when to to use them?
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