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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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My shaman has yet to die thanks to this awesome CC! I added it to a recommendation on my Guide, if that's ok?
stiky, Thanks for sharing your success! +rep Yes, that is absolutely fine to reference in the guide. The built-in support in ShamWOW for both group healing and off-healing (as needed healing by DPS spec) in RaF groups makes it a good choice for that use whether you have only one Shaman in the group or several. Best of luck with the development of your guide, Bobby53
I have a feature request. Would it be possible to have the option to disable the auto follow feature when in a party, When I use it in conjunction with my Multibox Follower botbase, it will go to loot, your cc will think its to far away from the leader and try to return, ending in a yo-yo type thing. When I go in and click on disable movement, it fixes that, but then there is no movement at all from the CC, which I do want during combat. Would be awsome to be able to disable that independently. Thank you

Edit: Would it be possible to just disable all RaF Funtions, like auto target, following all of that, since the botbase already controls all of that for the CC, but keep the healing and all of that. That would be awsome.
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I have a feature request. Would it be possible to have the option to disable the auto follow feature when in a party, When I use it in conjunction with my Multibox Follower botbase, it will go to loot, your cc will think its to far away from the leader and try to return, ending in a yo-yo type thing. When I go in and click on disable movement, it fixes that, but then there is no movement at all from the CC, which I do want during combat. Would be awsome to be able to disable that independently. Thank you

Edit: Would it be possible to just disable all RaF Funtions, like auto target, following all of that, since the botbase already controls all of that for the CC, but keep the healing and all of that. That would be awsome.
tjhasty, Instead of a user selectable option I'll just have it detect the Multibox bot and disable those items if its running automatically. I just finished the current release so it will be a little while. In the meantime, suggest users disable looting if the loot movement with following is an issue. Am assuming you don't mean to disable all RAF functions as stated but just the ones mentioned as there is a good bit of group support outside of what was mentioned (Rez, Group Healing, Offhealing, Offtanking, etc.). Thanks for the post, Bobby53
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New ShamWOW 4.3.09 available!

A quick release of ShamWOW providing a few options to allow people additional control while Raiding, Trinket and Engineering Enchant support, etc. Next release will contain some additional PVP behaviors.

If you have any questions about ShamWOW behavior, please see the Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] page for details.

My apologies in advance, but I am extremely busy at the moment. For the near future any question, problem, or request that does not follow the description provided in the Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] page will just receive a one line reply containing a link to that page.

03/09/11 Revision 4.3.09
NEW - Trinket Support: automatically detects presence and type of trinkets. recognizes PVP, +Max Health, +Mana, and Combat trinkets. Combat trinkets are kept on cooldown. Mana and Health trinkets used when those values go below the configured Emergency %. PVP trinket used when loss of control of character is detected.

NEW - Engineering Support: automatically recognizes and uses 'Hyperspeed Accelerators' and 'Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket'

NEW - Disable Targeting: option allows you to disable CC targeting when CC movement is disabled. Also disables Immunity Checking

NEW - Fast Pull Support for Elemental/Resto: will cast an Instant attack as Pull spell to quickly tag mob in areas with high competition for mobs. Unlike Enhancement's Fast Pull, the caster specs will remain at ranged distance.

CHANGE - Pull and Combat behaviors are disabled while flying
Trinkets that are supported are auto-detected and a message issued during initialization. If your trinket is not displayed and you would like support for it added, I need you to provide the Wowhead link to it.

Trinkets that provide +spellpower on use are considered Combat trinkets, meaning they are kept on cooldown while in combat. This applies to both DPS and Healing specs.
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tjhasty, Instead of a user selectable option I'll just have it detect the Multibox bot and disable those items if its running automatically. I just finished the current release so it will be a little while. In the meantime, suggest users disable looting if the loot movement with following is an issue. Am assuming you don't mean to disable all RAF functions as stated but just the ones mentioned as there is a good bit of group support outside of what was mentioned (Rez, Group Healing, Offhealing, Offtanking, etc.). Thanks for the post, Bobby53
ya, just targeting and out-of-combat movement would be awsome. Auto-detecting my bot would work as well, but I was just thinking for future issues that may come up, like if for some reason I change the bot name or whatever it is you will have it look for, or if somebody develops their own botbase that does something that could conflict with the movements in your CC or whatever (small possibility, but it is there).

Other than that this CC is very awsome and good work on it!

edit: Ya, I reread my previous post, I see what you meant, dont want all RAF functions kill, just target and out-of-combat movement. And its not even really a huge deal, I just have to remember to hang around for a few seconds while the bot loots, just happens when I start moving quick, the cc is like "Oh Noes, the leader is leaving, must follow" then the botbase is like "Oh Noes, Im not done looting, I must run back" and the cycle of chaos continues :-)
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ya, just targeting and out-of-combat movement would be awsome. Auto-detecting my bot would work as well, but I was just thinking for future issues that may come up, like if for some reason I change the bot name or whatever it is you will have it look for, or if somebody develops their own botbase that does something that could conflict with the movements in your CC or whatever (small possibility, but it is there).

Other than that this CC is very awsome and good work on it!

edit: Ya, I reread my previous post, I see what you meant, dont want all RAF functions kill, just target and out-of-combat movement. And its not even really a huge deal, I just have to remember to hang around for a few seconds while the bot loots, just happens when I start moving quick, the cc is like "Oh Noes, the leader is leaving, must follow" then the botbase is like "Oh Noes, Im not done looting, I must run back" and the cycle of chaos continues :-)
Statically selected user settings are almost universally an unnecessary source of problems in situations where you can automatically detect that a required change in behavior is needed. Static options put the user in the position of having to remember to enable an option for use with one configuration, and then to disable it before switching to another setup. If the setting is required to be changed by a user for use with your product, it's not really an option but a requirement and the CC should just adapt without needing user intervention. The design goal for ShamWOW is zero-config required. While ShamWOW does support quite a few options for people to control or modify the behavior, none of them should be required for a top-shelf botting experience with supported Bots. Thanks for the post and I'll shoot you a PM when the next release is ready, Bobby53
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Hi Bobby, Im testing my shaman as follower in Arena as a follower, but it seems it wont attack at all. I am useing IB as plugin. Any clue why this happends?
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Just me or isn't it dispelling? Or is it because I'm low level?

EDIT: seems like its dispelling now, must have been busy healing or something.. Would be nice with a prio on dispel option for stuff like BH or other fights which need instant dispels ;)

"Hows my healing?" - "Really good" - "Perfect" Love this cc :D - Just got a "nerf your crazy healing!" haha
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how can i use it without making HP moving cuz i tryed party bot and it not doing anything and not moving or healing but with combat healing bot its moving and healing even if i disabled that :S im using it for a raid group btw i dont want it to move
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Disable movement and use it with grind bot.. That worked for me, only tried it once tho, but seemed to work
Just me or isn't it dispelling? Or is it because I'm low level? EDIT: seems like its dispelling now, must have been busy healing or something.. Would be nice with a prio on dispel option for stuff like BH or other fights which need instant dispels ;) "Hows my healing?" - "Really good" - "Perfect" Love this cc :D - Just got a "nerf your crazy healing!" haha
kagekongen, For any question, issue, or constructive criticism regarding behavior I need a copy of your complete debug log file attached. Otherwise I can't help. Glad the healing is working out well for you and thank you for passing that along (+rep). I'll give the prioritization some thought and look to incorporate something in an upcoming release. A minor release with some additional trinks will come shortly, and a bigger one with additional PVP logic for Enhancement following this week. Thanks for the post, Bobby53
HonorBuddy Mode: Combatbot/Healbot
Shamans Location: Any BG
What should have happened (be specific): Shaman should not be trying to perform rest routine while dead. Shaman should not immediately burn drink and food when finally rezzed by spirit healer.
What did happen (be specific): Shaman attempts to eat/drink while dead and while waiting for rez at spirit healer in bg. Rez happens, then a large portion of the time, immediately on rez the shaman sits to eat and drink, wasting food, then immediately stands back up and casts buffs on itself. Remember that in BG you rez with full health.
System time of issue (log time stamp): [10:48:46 PM:138] Stopped to Eat and Drink.

I think this can be fixed by just adding an if !_me.alive return false to the need rest section. Actually, I already fixed it in mine with that simple change and I am not burning through as much drink and food now.


HonorBuddy Mode: Combatbot/Healbot
Shamans Location: Any BG
What should have happened (be specific): Shaman should not be trying to perform rest routine while dead. Shaman should not immediately burn drink and food when finally rezzed by spirit healer.
What did happen (be specific): Shaman attempts to eat/drink while dead and while waiting for rez at spirit healer in bg. Rez happens, then a large portion of the time, immediately on rez the shaman sits to eat and drink, wasting food, then immediately stands back up and casts buffs on itself. Remember that in BG you rez with full health.
System time of issue (log time stamp): [10:48:46 PM:138] Stopped to Eat and Drink.

I think this can be fixed by just adding an if !_me.alive return false to the need rest section. Actually, I already fixed it in mine with that simple change and I am not burning through as much drink and food now.

Ill be honest, most of this should be handled by the bot, not the CC itself. I have run into this on a lot of CC's, especially on the hunter, when your dead/mounted it wants to drink and/or re-summon the pet, I have a specially modified Combat/Heal bot I fixed up that prevents this kind of thing when dead/mounted/on a taxi/various other situation that I can post up if you guys want.
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