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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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Dumb question, does your CC not use " Unleash Elements"? I watched it as elemental and resto and never saw it use the ability. It is something I always use in my rotation as Elemental and in my rotation for my oh shit situation as resto. It is a big DPS and healing boost. In elemental I always use it with Lava Burst after my first full rotation. As for healing I use it in conjunction with NS and GHW. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
MrWizard516, Not a dumb question at all but due to the wide variation in the number of builds, configurations, and combat scenarios you'll need to provide a debug log with questions, issues, or constructive criticism. It isn't a simple if you are this always cast 1,2,3,4 type of implementation. Please see the ShamWOW FAQ [CLICK HERE] which is post #2 in this thread for information on the details needed when posting about ShamWOW.

As for Elemental, please see the Elitist Jerks reference article [CLICK HERE]. I follow their recommendations for combat rotations in all classes and specs in PVE encounters so any questions or debates on UE's place in (or absence from) the priority list for Elementals should be posted there. Based on their current best rotation, UE is not currently part of the Elementals combat spell priority list.

For Resto you'll need to provide a complete debug log file for me to comment as to why or why not it wasn't cast, but yes it is fully supported as part of the healing rotation. You control when it is based upon Health % in Group Healing and the default settings cause it to buff GHW.

Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

Thanks for your help, Bobby53
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Bobby, I'm using your lazy raider setup, the problem is that the bot still chooses the target for me. Is there a way i can make it only attack what i want it to? Like what i specifically target?
Lukeyboy89, It should always be doing the equivalent of /assist'ing the tank you have selected. You have several options for controlling this:
1) Use SetTheLeader to pick a different tank to /assist
2) If you don't like the target ShamWOW picked, then click a different one
There are a lot of different opinions about how lazy the Lazy Raider setup should be. 99 times out of 100 it should be assisting the tank, so I am not convinced the user should have to select a target. In my mind, the user should only have to move the character. All other functions (drinking, attacking, healing, etc.) should be handled by the CC. Before I disable targeting please provide an example of it picking the wrong target. Thanks for the post, Bobby53

Note to Healers: the current target has no impact upon healing, only for DPS spells.
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this cc lives up to its name, using on enh shaman high lvl is face rolling mobs in greens gathering/questing/arch/any ty bro +1 rep
amaya, Thanks for sharing your success! Good luck with your Shaman and +rep, Bobby53
Bobby, I noticed something funny yesterday. I was running my shammy in "Questing" mode. Running the Alliance version of the Tol Barad dailies. I noticed it used UE anytime it could. Which leads me to believe that it is and issue in "Combat/Heal" mode. That is the only time I didn't see it use UE. Also for questing/grinding I find that a better rotation is CL,LBolt,LBolt,FS,Lava Burst. Most of the time the mobs are dead by the time he starts casting the Lava Burst. One thing I found a little odd is that he never dropped his totems in questing mode, even when he did have adds. Is this the way that you have the CC set?

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Bobby, I noticed something funny yesterday. I was running my shammy in "Questing" mode. Running the Alliance version of the Tol Barad dailies. I noticed it used UE anytime it could. Which leads me to believe that it is and issue in "Combat/Heal" mode. That is the only time I didn't see it use UE. Also for questing/grinding I find that a better rotation is CL,LBolt,LBolt,FS,Lava Burst. Most of the time the mobs are dead by the time he starts casting the Lava Burst. One thing I found a little odd is that he never dropped his totems in questing mode, even when he did have adds. Is this the way that you have the CC set? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
MrWizard516, Thanks for the post, but as mentioned before I need a complete debug log file for any issue, constructive criticism, or question you have regarding observed behavior. Thanks, Bobby53
I totally understand. Was only reporting my observation. BTW, what handles targeting? Bot or CC?

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i just want to say, ShamWoW CC is AMAZING, i love it. Its healing is amazing and its combat is amazing. My shammy is flying around Uldum grinding nodes and i have Dont Ninja unchecked so he drops down on this S priest and starts mining his node. he attacks and sham wow starts kicken ass. then a random mage rolls up and starts helpn him out but by now the s priest is like dead so i finish him off and faceroll the mage as well.

I totally understand. Was only reporting my observation. BTW, what handles targeting? Bot or CC?
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I appreciate that, but was mentioning it so you don't waste your time posting observations I can't do anything with. Too many permutations of configurations, builds, and combat scenarios all affecting the behavior for me to try duplicating without the needed details. Bot always does and in some situations CC will target. There are so many conditions that one persons succinct expression of their observation won't match anothers experience, so thats why a complete debug log is always needed.
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i just want to say, ShamWoW CC is AMAZING, i love it. Its healing is amazing and its combat is amazing. My shammy is flying around Uldum grinding nodes and i have Dont Ninja unchecked so he drops down on this S priest and starts mining his node. he attacks and sham wow starts kicken ass. then a random mage rolls up and starts helpn him out but by now the s priest is like dead so i finish him off and faceroll the mage as well.

howardiv, You are very welcome! +rep and thanks for sharing your success, Bobby53
Was raiding as enhance yesterday, and ShamWoW would use Heroism whenever it was up, even though i have both options for heroism unchecked in the config GUI.

log attached.


Was raiding as enhance yesterday, and ShamWoW would use Heroism whenever it was up, even though i have both options for heroism unchecked in the config GUI. log attached.
lukeyboy89, Thanks for providing the debug log file. I wouldn't have found it without that. There was no tank set for your group, so it was running using the Grind options. See the log file line:

[10:22:30 PM:51] Initialize: RAF.........: False

You were using the Combat/Heal Bot - No Movement which apparently doesn't select a tank. Use SetTheLeader to choose one and you shouldn't have a problem.
please make it utilize the slow from Unleash Elements when using Frostbrand Weapon in PvP;
whenever chasing an opponent it casts Frost Shock only, even when Unleash Elements is not on cooldown; would've been so much easier to catch fleeing enemies with an additional slow from Unleash Elements; thank you. also, make it use Earthbind totem whenever you're not in range of Tremor totem anymore and Tremor totem is on cooldown;
thesirren, Thanks for the post. I will look at adding UE to the PvP rotations. The requested use of Earthbind used is too vague for me to act upon however. Please provide more detail. For example, rather than saying always cast it I think you mean cast it if Tremor Totem is on CD or Out of Range and you have points in the Earthen Power talent. Thanks, Bobby53
Hi Bobby ... first of all apologies if this has been explained elsewhere but the thread is quite extensive ... Now that I have 2 shammies on different accounts I want them to do arena with them ... can I do this using your cc for both at the same time? and what will be the set up needed? Im planning to run one as enh and the other either resto or ele
many thanks for your help
lukeyboy89, Thanks for providing the debug log file. I wouldn't have found it without that. There was no tank set for your group, so it was running using the Grind options. See the log file line:

[10:22:30 PM:51] Initialize: RAF.........: False

You were using the Combat/Heal Bot - No Movement which apparently doesn't select a tank. Use SetTheLeader to choose one and you shouldn't have a problem.

The reason i use Combat/Heal Bot - No Movement is because it allows me to attack any target i want, which is sometimes needed. While using SetTheLeader or Combat Assist forces your bot to attack the tanks target. Say in a heroic where adds need to be bursted down by just the DPS, you will target the add and it will re-target the tanks target instead of attacking.
Hi Bobby ... first of all apologies if this has been explained elsewhere but the thread is quite extensive ... Now that I have 2 shammies on different accounts I want them to do arena with them ... can I do this using your cc for both at the same time? and what will be the set up needed? Im planning to run one as enh and the other either resto or ele. many thanks for your help. Tekken
Tekken, I have only done Arena in a Lazy Raider type setup and that was awhile ago (in Wrath.) The thread http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/20306-arena.html [CLICK HERE] has a discussion on this and a reference to a new Arena bot that appears to be in development. Thanks, Bobby53
The reason i use Combat/Heal Bot - No Movement is because it allows me to attack any target i want, which is sometimes needed. While using SetTheLeader or Combat Assist forces your bot to attack the tanks target. Say in a heroic where adds need to be bursted down by just the DPS, you will target the add and it will re-target the tanks target instead of attacking.
lukeyboy89, It's fine to use any Bot you would like, you are just going to experience some unexpected behavior when used in way it wasn't designed. An RAF Group is by definition a group with a leader. No leader identified in the Bot, then its really just Grinding. In that case, you would use the Grind tab for controlling behavior. There isn't however a method for disabling Bloodlust/Heroism on Grinding mode options however since any fight with an elite is considered stressful by definition.

As for the targeting, attach a debug log file of it switching off the mob you manually target before it dies and I'll correct. After you post that and look into it I'll also add the ability to disable CC targeting for you.

Thanks, Bobby53
Hello bobby

I notice one thing: Whatever "Type of Pull" in Grinding I select, the bot always pulls with Lightning bolt. How could I make him pull with Flameshock? Is it possible?

And another little bug:
Sometimes the bot gets confused (e.g. when he want to mount up under water and couldn't do this) and the he trys to kill everybody whos near, including Yellow Mobs and non-PvP-Flagged of the other Faction and their Totems
If you need Logs I will attach one the next time this happens

yours sincerely
Hello bobby, I notice one thing: Whatever "Type of Pull" in Grinding I select, the bot always pulls with Lightning bolt. How could I make him pull with Flameshock? Is it possible? And another little bug: Sometimes the bot gets confused (e.g. when he want to mount up under water and couldn't do this) and the he trys to kill everybody whos near, including Yellow Mobs and non-PvP-Flagged of the other Faction and their Totems If you need Logs I will attach one the next time this happens yours sincerely katzerle
katzerle, My apologies for any issue you may be having, however the situation described does not match my results in testing. Please see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] which is post #2 in this thread for information on the details needed when posting about issues with ShamWOW. Thanks for your help, Bobby53
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