Undeadlol1, Thanks for the feedback. I'm not sure what you mean by you keep getting *suspend*. Additionally, the term "moves very bottish" is too ambiguous for me to do anything about. There are so many different stages and types of movement that only saying movement is bottish doesn't identify anything specifically that can be improved.
Please be sure to attach a complete debug log file. That way I will know a great deal more than I do at this point about which Bot you are using, your spec, configuration, and combat scenario and contains way more detail than can adequately be described in a post. All of these impact the behavior and a required to know in any enhancement or trouble shooting situation. For details on how to do that, see the
ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions page [CLICK HERE]. I am at a point where I can focus on some PVP improvements for ShamWOW, but cannot do anything regarding your post until receiving more detailed descriptions and a log file that allows me to identify opportunities for improvement. It will be critical that you note the time that a problem you witnessed occurs. Since the log file won't contain a marker saying "undeadlol1's problem starts here", I need for you to observe the computer time it occurred and provide that in the post so I can focus in that area.
Please also be sure to mention what you would expect to see, which at times is equally as important as telling me what you did see. For example, if I am another playing in the battleground watching the fight between your Shaman and the rogue, it would appear like a reasonable attempt by the Shaman player to keep the rogue in front. Even though the Shamans dodge and block won't be big numbers, any damage mitigation is more beneficial than none and keeping the rogue in front gives you better damage mitigation than if he gets behind you where it will always be 0% dodge, 0% block. Additionally, you have very few offensive abilities that can be cast while an enemy is behind you (Thunderstorm[Elemental Only], Feral Spirit[Enhancement Only], Fire Elemental Totem, Magma Totem, Searing Totem, Lightning Shield.) Please also be specific about the remedy or improvement you would like to see. In this case, it sounds like you are saying to let the rogue get to the Shaman's back which would typically result in it dying quickly due to being unable to cast damage spells and leaving the Rogue to Kick attempts to heal. Its ok to request that, but be specific with what you would like to see in the same way you are with what you did see. Thanks for the post and I look forward to your follow up, Bobby53