Hallo Bobby
I have no Problems with your CC, it works really great.
Just one suggestion: Maybe it is possible to add a checkbox to disable/enable Heroism especially for fighting in Raids or Partys.
Thanks a lot
Hallo Bobby
I have no Problems with your CC, it works really great.
Just one suggestion: Maybe it is possible to add a checkbox to disable/enable Heroism especially for fighting in Raids or Partys.
Thanks a lotkatzerle
There is, its in the RAF tab.
katzerle, Bloodlust / Heroism is Disabled in Parties and Raids by default. Typically a Shaman is asked to cast that ability at a certain phase of a Raid Boss fight so it is left for the user to invoke as required. For those users that want it cast at the start of a Boss fight automatically (more typical in 5 mans), you can enable it on the RAF tab for Bosses only as Lukeyboy89 mentioned. If you have questions about behavior you have witnessed, please be certain to attach a complete debug log file. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53As far as I can remember in the RAF Tab you could check that the Bot will cast Heroism only in Bossfight. But sometimes I need to disable Heroism completely in spezial cases.
02/15/11 Revision 4.3.08
NEW - Off Healing: Support for Off Healing. New config value in RAF tab allows you to specify the health % that any group member reaches which causes you to switch to temporarily off-healing. The default is 35%. This setting is useful only for the Auto and Combat Only combat styles. ShamWOW has supported in off-healing when the healer in 5-mans dies, but the new option allows it to assist heal when the group is in trouble before anyone dies.
FIX - All Specs - Grinding/Questing: when Ranged pulling mobs at a distance, the Shaman would sometimes casst Totemic Recall and *Ghost Wolf while the Lightning Bolt was in route. This has been fixed.
Nightskine, Glad to hear it's working well for you. If you have a question, issue, or constructive criticism I need some additional information. Please take a look at the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] page for details needed when posting. Targets are usually selected by the Bot used (in this case you mentioned Combat/Heal Bot), but I would need to see your complete debug log file to be able to understand what occurred in the scenario you described and be prepared to make a change that addresses your post. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53Hey bobby, great CC. Love using it in dungeons with combat/Heal Bot - no movement and disabling CC movement so I can move but the CC will heal and it works GREAT. But I noticed that the bot would constantly try to find targets and face it all the time. Sometimes it even picks up the closest barrel or weapon or crate that can be attacked and faces it while healing ... even when i try to run its facing the target it picked up. How can I stop the CC from picking targets all together, since I wont be using it for anything but healing? Thanks keep up the great work man....+Rep!!!
lsuvictory, You are using the Default Shaman CC which is an older version of ShamWOW. Here is a link to reply in the Default Shaman thread to another user regarding this.Hey bobby i was just wondering what the best profile would be to level a dwarf shammy or is there another class with a better profile. please let me know which profile works best for shamms.
And also when i try to configure the CC it says windows cannot open this file please select a file or search the internet for one. what program do i need to configure the CC?
osx86bot, Thanks for the post on your success! +rep Best of luck with your Shaman, Bobby53Bobby i just want to say fucking amazing bro i just owned some paladin with my shaman in BH healing. Just wanted to say thanks and as soon as i have some extra dough donations galore!
Nightskine, Glad to hear it's working well for you. If you have a question, issue, or constructive criticism I need some additional information. Please take a look at the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] page for details needed when posting. Targets are usually selected by the Bot used (in this case you mentioned Combat/Heal Bot), but I would need to see your complete debug log file to be able to understand what occurred in the scenario you described and be prepared to make a change that addresses your post. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
Nightskine, Below is a link to the Lazy Raider setup that I support:Alright so I ran into a dungeon enabled Mr.Autofight as well, and set it to Combat_noMovement.
As soon as tank pulled it targeted his target. ... well then it creashed but Im certain that's not the CC.
Here's my log. Is it the CC thats targeting or the bot?
xxgozitaxx, Thanks for the post regarding your experiences with the CC. Greatly appreciate the feedback. +rep and Good Luck with your Shaman, Bobby53Out of all the CC's ive tried, this has got to be the most polished and best overall. Props on a really well done CC my man.
Thanks for the followup Nightskine, glad it is working well for you. People typically use that mode for 10/25/40 man raids or encounters not automated yet by InstanceBuddy where they control only the movement to avoid standing in the fire, etc. I'll incorporate a link in the Frequently Asked Questions for that setup so it is easier to find. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53Thank YOU!
There were a 150+ pages in this thread so I didnt get a chance to view them all obviously. Thanks for pointing out the Lazy Raider setup .... lol wish you wouldn't call it LAZY though ..lmao .... Great CC man love the customization. I realized what the CC was doing after looking through my logs and went in and /* */ the area in your CC that was responsible for targeting. It works great now cause it wont target on its own but if I target an enemy it will use a shock to improve the nest direct heal ... thats perfect! Love your work! +REP