[SIZE=1]HB EXCEPTION in ShamanBuffs(): System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: De thread is afgebroken.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]
This exception is due to hitting the Stop button at the point where it is executing ShamWOW code in certain sections. I am suppressing the message in the next version.
[quote="LiquidAtoR, post: 66486"][CODE][B]Edit:[/B] It's spamming in the logs that GCD is active (while it's not). I've had this issue before. By removing all references to GCD I had no problems anymore.[/QUOTE] I already made a similar fix in the next release. The return value from the HB function SpellManager.GlobalCooldown is always being returned as true. There is not much I can do other than ignore it (which is what you did by deleting.) I'm still looking for a better solution because the GCD is sometimes legitimately active. Casting a spell without checking for it would intermittently give the appearance that the spell cast succeeded, but in actuality it failed. I am looking at other solutions, but for now am just going with SpellManager.CanCastSpell(). According to Hawker this also checks the same value, so presumably it may fail as well.