Yeah, I gotta say bobby that this CC is unbelievable. I've been leveling via IB only since it's really tedious to stop the bot, change specs and gear, and then start up grinding while the queue ticks away, then rinse and repeat to get back in to healing. I just stick with healing until I'm tired of grinding on dungeons. I've been in some really bad groups where the mdps pissed off the tank by pulling before he/she got there, so the tank would just sit and watch the dps tank. I'd heal like that from start to finish and the group would be highly impressed. Your CC has also kept wipes from happening so many times I can't count. All I ever hear from groups that I heal now are how beast the healer is, or how much they wish I was on their realm with an 80 to heal their raids, etc. I rarely ever OOM unless I'm throwing some serious spells to keep everyone alive. When I switch to elemental I just leave my healing gear on and I still never OOM. The logic this thing goes through is absolutely incredible. All I can say is keep up the good work and enjoy time spent with your family. If you celebrate it then Happy Thanksgiving bobby, and again thanks for the CC.