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Zeldrak: Thanks for trying to assist FinnLOL. I'm waiting on his log file and can assist from there. Just wanted to clarify some behavior referenced in your post.I don't know about the other spells' significance, but I know that Lightning Bolt is used to regain mana. When I use "Heal Only" I notice LB being used a lot, but I know it's being used to regen my mana. I watched, and for each cast of LB that actually hit I gained back between 200 and 400 mana. If I'm not mistaken it's either from a glyph being used, or the build that was used. "Heal Only" is NOT going to just cast healing spells and nothing else. It's going to cast MOSTLY healing spells, whereas "Healing over Combat" casts a mixture of heals and damage, and of course "Combat Only" is just that. It will only heal itself or others when absolutely necessary.
In RAF, a Resto Shaman that is setup with the RAF Combat Style: Healing Only should only cast DPS spells in the following circumstances:
1. Lightning Bolt - cast only if no healing or dispelling is needed AND you have points in the Telluric Currents talent. Those that do not want this behavior should remove this talent from their Resto build.
2. Shock Spells - cast only if no healing or dispelling is needed AND you have points in the Focused Insight talent. Those that do not want this behavior can omit this talent from their Resto build.
So as a general rule, the combat styles are intended to mean exactly what they say:
a. Combat Only - concerned only with DPS. Will self-heal and ressurrect party members if needed, but mana and GCD's are saved for DPS spells.
b. Healing Only - concerned only with Healing. Will heal/dispel group only. Only exceptions to this are the two talents mentioned above which the user can control while speccing, or Wind Shear. These spells are lower on the priority list than the heal spells.
c. Healing over Combat - a hybrid approach. Healing spells have the highest priority, but if no healing/dispels to be done will cast a full range of DPS spells not limited to the talents described above. DPS will be lower than Combat Only, but this is a good solution for when you out gear an instance. I also use this option frequently as an Elemental Shaman prior to Level 30 to run instances as a Healer with InstanceBuddy.