The key criteria is whether you kept your group alive and having sufficient mana available throughout the encounter. Nobody at the end of a run is going to comment on how much mana you used, just whether you kept the group alive (despite their best efforts to die) and if you went OOM and had to wait for you to drink every fight.
Actualy this is not thrue, I can't count how many group was ''yelling'' at me when i has to drink after every single pull when there was no real pressure on them ( Double healing surge to heal a dps that is at 90% of his life? )
If you (or any member) is going OOM while healing please send the complete debug log file so I can do a detailed analysis of the heal selection and mana consumption.
I tried to fit every issue in a one run but i couldn't upload it, the file just become too big. Do you have any other way for me to send them?
I could easily add in more Healing Waves because people want to see them, but to add them just for the sake of having them would be a mistake given all the data received so far on the healing performance of the current spell selection.
I know you want to have your CC the most ''plug n' play'' possible, maybe that once level 80 this is no more an issue but during leveling it occurs some problem, just one option making healing surge the emergency spell used at 50% of their life or less only if checked, I believe this mana issue during leveling dosn't happen just do me, or maybe i'm doing something wrong?
I will provide a mechanism in an upcoming release to allow the user to adjust their preference with the trade off of slower healing vs. double heals.
I couldn't ask for much!
Could you help identify what point in the log file corresponds with this behavior? I looked but I don't see anything indicating CC movement occurred outside of the instance so it is possible it was InstanceBuddy but I'd like to be sure rather than just deflecting the issue.
Was this inside the instance or while you were waiting?
I couldn't tell you where exactly in the log files, but it makes me think about that issue ''IB or the CC determines the character is out of range and starts it moving towards the tank, but then the slow down or cpu bound process takes over.'' But there's clearly no process that take over causing that.
Everythings happen in the instance.
Still sorry for my english, if you need any clarification about something you dont understand, just ask.
Thanks you very much for the fast reply! Its realy a nice CC !