hbaioni, I greatly appreciate the data. I've reviewed the file extensively. Here are some observations pertaining to the Ultraxion fight:
- Fight Started with 81% mana, lowest mana level was 6%
- Riptide: Cast 41 times
- Healing Rain: Cast 14 times, it was on cooldown a little over 40% of the time in this encounter
- Chain Heal: Cast 27 times
- Greater Healing Wave: Cast 28 times
- Healing Surge: Cast 25 times
- Healing Wave: Cast 14 times
That was way too many Healing Surges, and also more Greater Healing Waves than we would want. 14 Healing Waves for a five and half minute fight is fine depending upon the spread of the targets, plus you have it glyphed. You definitely do not want to use Chain Heal as a single target heal repeatedly. A revised config should drastically reduce the number of Healing Surges and percolate that count upwards to additional Chain Heals (assuming the required number of hops is satisfied.) As for the mana, it wasn't OOM but it was close enough to worry. It would have been better to begin the fight at 100% mana, but you ended up regenning mana to reach almost 99% during the fight.
Changes you should make to your Character:- Glyph of Earthliving Weapon: needed for 25 mans - replace Glyph of Water Shield
Changes to consider for your Character:- Telluric Currents: ShamWOW did try to use it, but couldn't get a cast off because the raid was continually in need of healing. Lightning Bolts are only cast for mana regen when there is a lull in the action and everyone is healed up (above the Need Heal % which was 90% in your config.) There were 3 attempted Lightning Bolt casts, but each was cancelled because of a players health dropping. So for this encounter those talent points were wasted.
Look to a build similar to [CLICK HERE] if you don't get any use of it on other bosses either.
- Improved Cleanse Spirit: you have 1 point in there, but Cleansing has nothing to do with maxing heal #'s. Cleanse Priority is set to Low (so cleanses only cast if all raid members are above the Need Heal %.) Clearly you will run other things, but if you never cleanse then that point is wasted as well. Combined with Telluric Currents that's 4 points you are currently getting no benefit from that you could spend differently.
ShamWOW Configuration Changes:
Based upon your role and wanting to only maximize healing numbers only:
General -> Interrupt Style = None
RAF -> Cleanse Priority = None
RAF -> Purge Priority = None
Setting to anything other than None takes attention away from healing, however slight.
Proposed UNTESTED Setup for Raid Healing:
Ok, so for those casually reading the forums, do not change your Group Healing setup. This is a trial and error pass that someone willing to roll with it in a 25 man should get improved results over what was described above. If you do run this, please save your complete log file and attach to a post as described in the FAQ so I can review it. For setup, see the graphic below and setup all items identical to those within the red rectangles. You may also want to try setting the Raid Healing Strategy to Auto with this setup, so long as your actual role in the raid is Raid Healer.
View attachment 36516
A couple notes regarding this atypical setup. Requiring 2 jumps for Chain Heal is one below what it should be, but because of the longer cast time the hope is it would encounter another player within jump distance taking damage before the cast completes a majority of the time that it initially only finds 2. For Healing Rain, the hope is similar in that once nearby players see the graphic on the ground they would move to it.
Good chance that based upon your log we will need to refine again. Also, let me know whether you run the 10 or 25 man version of a raid and if its Heroic or not.
Thanks for help in testing this and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53