HonorBuddy Mode: Grind bot (elemental)
Shamans Location: Hellfire Peninsula (using Kickazz006 levling 58-70 grind profile)
What should have happened (be specific): play smart. target the closer target or change target if getting into combat. pull with flame shock and use lava burst on cooldown.
What did happen (be specific): Can happen it target mobs far away or LoS and ignores that it get aggro by other mobs, the mobs are even hitting it but still want to get to that target. This have killed my shaman many times. (also happening on mobs with same id and faction.)
Does sometimes ignore flame shock and lavaburst or it uses flame shock and lavaburst when target have less then 40% HP left.
Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): have been having this problem for weeks. today same problem 15:00 CET+1 2012-02-14.
Attached log: View attachment 35883
The problem "
Can happen it target mobs far away or LoS and ignores that it get aggro by other mobs, the mobs are even hitting it but still want to get to that target. This have killed my shaman many times. (also happening on mobs with same id and faction.)"
did not happend at the spot I am now. So you might not find a problem about that.
arenty, Thanks for the follow up post. I carefully reviewed this submission and here is what I determined:
1) Log File: Unfortunately only a partial log file is provided. The file is missing all the HonorBuddy startup and settings information. Either the file was edited to remove the info or the Logs folder contents were deleted while HonorBuddy was running. Either way, I need the entire file so I know all settings that were in use.
2) System Time: There are six different problems mentioned in the post, but only one time reference. Further, the time given is 15:00:00 but the log file is for the period from 15:42:18 to 15:55:24, so even if I were able to identify which of the six problems the time was intended for, I couldn't associate it with any of the log information detail provided.
Although I cannot use the information provided, I'll respond to each of the issues you identified since you definitely put forth some effort in trying to post your issues for research. Before posting again, double check the section on Local System Time in the FAQ and let me know if you have any questions about what is needed.
3) target the closer target: Grind Bot issue. The pull target is set by the Bot, not the CC. If there are other mobs meeting the faction id of the grind profile in use that are closer, that is a Grind Bot bug that should be submitted in the HonorBuddy Support thread. If the log file were attached and a time reference of when that occurred available I would post it for you, but in this case you can either post it or just include that in your follow up to this.
4) change target if getting into combat: ShamWOW has logic in place that stops the pull and switches targets if the character picks up aggro. If it isn't doing that then it is a bug. Send me a log file with a specific time reference of when you see this happen and I'll get it taken care of.
5) pull with flame shock and use lava burst: If you want to pull with an Instant then change the Pull Type in Configuration. When grinding in an area where you do not have to compete with other players to tag a mob first, the best course of action is to use Lightning Bolt as the Pull spell. This leverages the fact that once it a Lightning Bolt spell completes, it takes time to travel to the target. Ideally you are already a good bit through your second Lightning Bolt cast at the point where the first hits and creates aggro. At that point it will switch to a normal priority sequence using FS, LvB, etc. Again, this is under your control, the current Ranged Pull is designed for maximum damage prior to be hitting by the mob you are attacking. The Fast Pull style of opening with an instant is primarily intended for use in areas where you are competing with other players to tag a mob as your own. You can use it whenever you want, but ultimately you'll take more damage because the mob will aggro to you immediately upon the instant being cast.
6) sometimes ignore flame shock and lavaburst: I haven't seen this so would need a log file with an exact local system time reference that it occurred. I highly recommend using one of the clocks mentioned in the FAQ so you can easily provide HH:MM:SS you observe something happen.
7) it target mobs far away or LoS: Not sure if you are talking about the initial Pull target or at some other point. If you see something like this occur again, just provide the log file needed and time reference and I'll be able to see if it is something that needs to be addressed in ShamWOW or posted forward to HonorBuddy team.
8) uses flame shock and lavaburst when target have less then 40% HP left: I assume you are saying do not want to cause Shock or LvB to be on cooldown if the current target is approaching death. Health Percentage isn't really the best measure for that type of behavior, since if you were fighting an Elite 40% health would be a lot more than a mob that is Current Level - 2. To make Health % a little more reasonable in this case, it would have to be considered only in a non-stressful fight. I'll give this a look and see what I can come up with that doesn't jeopardize ShamWOW's effectiveness in difficult fights.
I know you mentioned at the end of the post
did not happend at the spot I am now. So you might not find a problem about that. Unfortunately I can only research issues that detail and data is provided for, so just be sure if this happens again that you note the time it occurred and post the log as described in the FAQ and I'll definitely look into it on your behalf.
Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53