I'm a big fan of the CC, but I have a couple (possible) suggestions.
Early levels (20-40): Having trouble with caster mobs more than anything else. Shaman will at times lightning pull one, but when it goes out of range, fire shock another. Once it's got 2 casters on it, it'll fight them until it tries to heal, which is when it will die.
My shaman isn't well geared (no heirlooms, etc) but he does have lifeblood, and uses that first. The biggest problem I'm seeing is the logic that comes after a pull, as well as the way it heals itself. If it spammed a couple LHWs instead of trying for the big healing wave, I think it might do better. I looked at the config file and didn't see an easy way to change this... nor am I sure I'd want to. This is just from a limited testing perspective (Bramblescar quilboars, etc).
Also, would be nice to be able to set totems for regular PvE grinding (I.E. Elemental shaman wants to certain totem layout for regular 1v1-2 pulls) and then have a different set of totems for stressful situations.
Again, great CC. Hope my input helps.