I don't know if you can answer this yourself, but if you can't I"m sure some of the other CC users can answer me. My question is, with your current release of ShamWoW (4508), what would be the average DPS an elemental shaman can get with a gear iLevel of 340? I'm currently getting approximately 5000-5500. This amount seems rather low, especially when running with other elemental shaman that are less geared than myself. I only say less geared because I'm using an addon called PlayerScore, which is the new version of GearScore, and it tells me iLevel as well as GS.
I'm not reporting a problem or issue with the CC, since I did manage to finally get it installed an dworking after major headaches and many clean installs of HB. I just find it hard to believe that a shaman with an iLevel of less than 300 should be able to out DPS a shaman of iLevel 340 by almost 3000 dps.
Just curious as to what could be changed, or if maybe the rotations have changed in the recent patches, or anything else like that? I can still use this CC to heal the hell out of a group though, and also fight as well as heal. The Resto part is, in my opinion, practically flawless. But, again, in my opinion, the elemental rotations seem to be lacking or missing something. I just don't know.
P.S. - I'm sorry, I didn't post a log because I didn't feel that there was anything that needed to be looked at as far as bug reporting, or hangs, or crashes. The CC is working properly it seems. I just wondered if things needed to bve added or reworked as far as elemental dps is concerend.