Hi Bobby - have detailed my problem below. Look forward to your response.
HonorBuddy Mode: RaF
Shamans Location: Firelands
What should have happened (be specific): When engaging Ragnaros, the shaman (in elemental spec) should have dps'd as normal (as it had been doing on all mobs up to this point bar the 2 wurms on the bridge leading to to Ragnaros' chamber, where I had the same problem detailed below)
What did happen (be specific): When Ragnaros was engaged, the bot stood there and did nothing. I had to manually cast all spells on Ragnaros himself although the bot did engage when i switched targets to one of the other mobs that spawn during that encounter and behaved normally at these point but once switching back to Ragnaros it refused to engage again. I recalled previously we could add an entry to the config file to manually set the hitbox range so in the log below you will see I tried to do this first to 60, then to 120 and finally to 300 with no effect. As an aside to this problem, I'm also finding the range the ele shaman has to stand in to be a bit restrictive (as in the character has to be stood much closer than apparent spell range to be able to engage the bot in dps - not sure if this is related)
Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): 11 pm
View attachment 29111