Tama, Thank you for the complete debug logs. Note that when using LazyRaider in a PVP scenario you will see spellcast failure messages. These will occur because of the user moving while ShamWOW was in the process of casting, or the user casts while a GCD or spellcast is already in progress. Those messages appear in the log as a result of any spellcast failure and not just casts attempted by ShamWOW. Additionally, ShamWOW attempts to cast can be impacted by the user attempting to cast or move. This is just the nature of a hybrid manual assist bot such as LazyRaider.
After looking at the log files, here is what I found:
04-11-2011_2.15 1996 Log.txt
No Lifeblood casts in this one. There are also no Hex casts although there are numerous failures. It appears to be due to the user attempts to cast Hex that fails for some reason (character stunned, casting in progress, GCD active, ... .) To better support user casting of Hex, use a macro and be sure to include a /stopcasting command as the first operable line. It won't help with attempts to cast Hex during a GCD, but will correctly handle if you cast it during another cast.
04-11-2011_1.42 892 Log.txt
This log shows a number of attempts to cast Hex. They are all expected from what I can see or the result of a user cast. Several were interrupted because ShamWOW was trying to cast while moving. I'll fix this in the next version as its related to disabling the 'stop moving' command when used with Lazy Raider. There does appear to be an issue with attempting to cast instant spells too quickly, which is impacting the use of Lifeblood. I will look into that further.
Thank you again for taking the time to post complete debug logs. I will see what I can do to improve these circumstances for you in the next release, Bobby53