LOADED: ShamWOW v4.5.08 by Bobby53
ConfigUpgrade: upgrading older config file version to 4.5.08
ConfigUpgrade: DetectImmunities forced to False
ConfigUpgrade: upgrading older config file version to 4.5.08
ConfigUpgrade: Shamanistic Rage % changed from 65 to 100
ConfigUpgrade: RAF Combat Style changed from 'Auto' to 'Auto'
ConfigUpgrade: Shield Twist Mana % changed from '25' to '25'
ConfigUpgrade: Shield Twist Damage % changed from '50' to '50'
Character specific config file loaded
Navigator.PathPrecision is: 2
Your Level 85 Troll Enhancement Shaman Build is:
Eleme/Enhan/Resto 3/38/0
... running the ArchaeologyBuddy bot Solo as Combat Only in Mount Hyjal
Ghost Wolf disabled to work with ArchaeologyBuddy Bot
Max Pull Ranged: 30
HB Pull Distance: 30
[talent] Cleanse Spirit: can only remove Curses
[talent] Ancestral Swiftness: can cast Ghost Wolf on the run
[talent] Maelstrom Weapon: will cast Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning at 5 stacks
[talent] Earthen Power: will use Earthbind Totem to break snares
[glyph] Stoneclaw Totem: not found, no Shaman Bubble available
[glyph] Shamanistic Rage: found, will use as Magic Cleanse
HealSpellManager: NOT CURRENTLY IN A GROUP, group healing will activate when you join
Equipped Average Item Level: 333
Health: 102133
Agility: 3023
Intellect: 135
Resilience: 0 (approx)
This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
>>> STOPPING ShamWOW v4.5.08 by Bobby53