wrarvoz, There appears to be a problem with HonorBuddy's management of the .ActiveAuras collection which is the list of active buffs and debuffs on a player. One buff exhibiting the problem is Maelstrom Weapon. The problem is created by clicking the Start button while one of these buffs are active on the player. This is confirmed by the log file submitted as you experienced the issue after pressing Stop in the middle of combat with the test dummy and then Start shortly after before the Maelstrom Weapon expired. To resolve the symptoms if you experience them, click the Stop button, manually clear any stacks of Maelstrom Weapon by right clicking in the WOW UI, then click the Start button. I passed this issue along to the HB Devs for research. While this problem can be worked around by the user if they are aware of it, its not very obvious especially to new users. I'll see if an automated workaround can be implemented in ShamWOW. Its currently responding correctly to the information it is being provided so just be aware of the anomaly during your use for and manually clear Maelstrom stacks if you click Stop in the middle of combat prior to clicking Start. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53