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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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Is there a way i can stop my shaman from equipping a shield over a second weapon? No matter what weapon i have it will loot a greay shield and then equip it in the secondary slot.
That's a function of the AutoEquip plug-in. Check the options it provides and choose based upon your preference. If you have questions about its behavior, you'll want to post in the HonorBuddy Support thread. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
snippetsr, Not quite sure what you mean by "quick switches get's me killed." Could you elaborate? Yes, will add UA to list. Bobby53

What i mean is that because in arena Water shield is a must. but if you get switched and focused because in setting u have to set water shield to 100% and earth shield to 101% the bot wont allow you to keep Earth shield on my self which means you get smashed without it on.
What i mean is that because in arena Water shield is a must. but if you get switched and focused because in setting u have to set water shield to 100% and earth shield to 101% the bot wont allow you to keep Earth shield on my self which means you get smashed without it on.

Adding an option to allow shields to be completely user controlled would solve this imo.
That's a function of the AutoEquip plug-in. Check the options it provides and choose based upon your preference. If you have questions about its behavior, you'll want to post in the HonorBuddy Support thread. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

Fixed thanks, feel so retarded didnt even think of plugins.
Is there a way i can stop my shaman from equipping a shield over a second weapon? No matter what weapon i have it will loot a greay shield and then equip it in the secondary slot.
That's a function of the AutoEquip plug-in. Check the options it provides and choose based upon your preference. If you have questions about its behavior, you'll want to post in the HonorBuddy Support thread. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
Fixed thanks, feel so retarded didnt even think of plugins.
No worries. There are typically several components running during any one session, and all can affect the behavior you observe. Thanks for the follow up and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
*NEW* ShamWOW 4.4.00 available for download!

.... available for download from the first post in this thread.

My apologies to all long time users. I hadn't received any user reports that Tremor Totem was broken and only noticed myself just yesterday. It is now working as expected checking for any group member within range that has been feared (so to speak.)

Also new in this release is Selective Raid Healing. The Raid Healing Style setting is as follows:
Auto - everyone in group
Tanks Only - those with Tank Role and Tank identified by Bot (if doesn't have role)
Raid Only - everyone in group not in Tanks Only
Party Only - only those within your Party (aka Group in Raid)
Shaman will always heal self regardless of RAF Healing Style setting. Setting also pertains only to when IN COMBAT. Out of Combat will heal entire raid as needed.

Remember, if you have anything to say about the behavior and you want me to read it, carefully follow the steps provided in the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] if you would like me to read and consider it.

[B]07/21/11 Revision  4.4.00[/B]
- *new* - Raid Healing Style setting allowing you to select a subset of the raid members to raid. 

- fixed - tremor totem functionallity restored; cast was being blocked by silence detection

- fixed - improved handling of invalid tank reference in some instances; should result in fewer errors when starting before entering an instance or after tank leaves

- fixed - rare situation where enemy is treated as out of ranged attack distance but is less than 40yds

- change - revised boss detection for controlling special boss only behaviors

- fixed - error where party member change messages were spammed

- fixed - Purge was broken due improper range check; works now
- fixed - High Priority Purge corrected (it was omitted in prev releases.)

- fixed - checks to prevent a Resto from casting for Telluric Currents or Focused Insight before the target is in combat with group

- change - will suppress casting Hex if target is a Druid and not in caster form

- fixed - some MoveToUnit message spam eliminated

- fixed - Thunderstorm now cast when stunned and one or more enemies within 10 yds range

- fixed - suppress Fire Elemental totem when Resto as Healer Only

- change - added Unstable Affliction to Cleanse Blacklist

- change - added additional PVP buffs to Purge Whitelist
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.... available for download from the first post in this thread.

My apologies to all long time users. I hadn't received any user reports that Tremor Totem was broken and only noticed myself just yesterday. It is now working as expected checking for any group member within range that has been feared (so to speak.)

Also new in this release is Selective Raid Healing. The Raid Healing Style setting is as follows:
Auto - everyone in group
Tanks Only - those with Tank Role and Tank identified by Bot (if doesn't have role)
Raid Only - everyone in group no in Tanks Only
Party Only - only those within your Party (aka Group in Raid)
Remember, if you have anything to say about the behavior and you want me to read it, carefully follow the steps provided in the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] if you would like me to read and consider it.

[B]07/21/11 Revision  4.4.00[/B]
- *new* - Raid Healing Style setting allowing you to select a subset of the raid members to raid. 

- fixed - tremor totem functionallity restored; cast was being blocked by silence detection

- fixed - improved handling of invalid tank reference in some instances; should result in fewer errors when starting before entering an instance or after tank leaves

- fixed - rare situation where enemy is treated as out of ranged attack distance but is less than 40yds

- change - revised boss detection for controlling special boss only behaviors

- fixed - error where party member change messages were spammed

- fixed - Purge was broken due improper range check; works now
- fixed - High Priority Purge corrected (it was omitted in prev releases.)

- fixed - checks to prevent a Resto from casting for Telluric Currents or Focused Insight before the target is in combat with group

- change - will suppress casting Hex if target is a Druid and not in caster form

- fixed - some MoveToUnit message spam eliminated

- fixed - Thunderstorm now cast when stunned and one or more enemies within 10 yds range

- fixed - suppress Fire Elemental totem when Resto as Healer Only

- change - added Unstable Affliction to Cleanse Blacklist

- change - added additional PVP buffs to Purge Whitelist

tested it on bg, works flawlessly as ever!


Well i have this issue that it also attacks tagged mobs while questing which makes me look very bottish. I tought that this a HB problem so i've putted it on the HB release thread, but i ve been pointed out that its a CC problem. So i hope you can fix the issue that it wont attack tagged mobs. (maybe blacklist that mob too for a while?) Thx for this great CC :)
Well i have this issue that it also attacks tagged mobs while questing which makes me look very bottish. I tought that this a HB problem so i've putted it on the HB release thread, but i ve been pointed out that its a CC problem. So i hope you can fix the issue that it wont attack tagged mobs. (maybe blacklist that mob too for a while?) Thx for this great CC :)
.... Remember, if you have anything to say about the behavior and you want me to read it, carefully follow the steps provided in the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] if you would like me to read and consider it. ...
Shouldn't be an issue as ShamWOW has had logic to avoid mobs tagged by other players for a very long time. If you are encountering an issue, its potentially a bug. For me to look into it for you, you'll want to follow the steps in the quoted text above. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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Hello again,

How can I add "static cling", so that it will be cleansed? Its the last boss in Vortex Pinnacle that cast this rooting spell.

Is it also possible to add Vicious Gladiator's Badge of Dominance? Its an on use trinket.

Thx in advance for your reply.
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Hello again, How can I add "static cling", so that it will be cleansed? Its the last boss in Vortex Pinnacle that cast this rooting spell. Is it also possible to add Vicious Gladiator's Badge of Dominance? Its an on use trinket. Thx in advance for your reply.
evilseed, All debuffs are cleansed except for those specified in CleanseBlacklist maintained in global ShamWOW.config. You can look in the file or view on the Advanced tab of ShamWOW Configuration. You may need to change the RAF Dispel Priority (I'll rename to Cleanse Priority in the next release) to High since if its on Low it will only cleanse when no group members require healing. Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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Hey Bobby, i've been using your CC non-stop for the past week, gearing my sham out pvp wise. I noticed that whenever I'm able to Anhk, i'll die and then the bot will instantly reincarnate and i'll just get killed by either mobs or other players if i was in a BG. Is there anyway you can add a check to look for mobs around before anhk'ing so i don't just die right away, and for BG's, if i'm in a BG, add like a 5-8 second delay before reincarnating that way i don't just blow the CD and die twice.

Thanks so much!
Problem with shamwow while using lazyraider.

I have updated shamwow and when I try using lazyraider i get this error '<', hexadecimal value 0x3C, is an invalid attribute character. Line 210, position 2.

When I use a different cc lazyraider works fine, I'll post a log but would love to see a quick fix please, and thank you for the awesome work man.


Hey Bobby, i've been using your CC non-stop for the past week, gearing my sham out pvp wise. I noticed that whenever I'm able to Anhk, i'll die and then the bot will instantly reincarnate and i'll just get killed by either mobs or other players if i was in a BG. Is there anyway you can add a check to look for mobs around before anhk'ing so i don't just die right away, and for BG's, if i'm in a BG, add like a 5-8 second delay before reincarnating that way i don't just blow the CD and die twice.

Thanks so much!
gimik, Will take care of in the next release. Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
I have updated shamwow and when I try using lazyraider i get this error '<', hexadecimal value 0x3C, is an invalid attribute character. Line 210, position 2.

When I use a different cc lazyraider works fine, I'll post a log but would love to see a quick fix please, and thank you for the awesome work man.
reddewman, No problem. You are running an older version of HonorBuddy (as in a couple releases old):

[6:55:26 PM:526] Honorbuddy v2.0.0.4982 started!
Please upgrade to the current version. Note: after upgrading HonorBuddy, you must also re-install ShamWOW.

Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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reddewman, No problem. You are running an older version of HonorBuddy (as in a couple releases old):

Please upgrade to the current version. Note: after upgrading HonorBuddy, you must also re-install ShamWOW.

Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

Thanks for letting me know that my HB was out of date.. I had updated HB and now it seems like my shaman will drop Call of the Elements like 3-4 times.. Also I have disabled the bloodlust and earth and fire totem on 3+ mobs and when I pull 2 mobs it'll still lust, and drop earth and fire totem.. Any clue whats going on?
Thanks for letting me know that my HB was out of date.. I had updated HB and now it seems like my shaman will drop Call of the Elements like 3-4 times.. Also I have disabled the bloodlust and earth and fire totem on 3+ mobs and when I pull 2 mobs it'll still lust, and drop earth and fire totem.. Any clue whats going on?
Shoot me a log file and I'll take a look at it.
Kisovec said:
Hey, i am 85 lvl shaman and i wish to bot : http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/submitted-profiles/horde/1-60/28246-%5Bh-quest%5D-1-60-azenius-project-all-classes-all-races-all-quests-%5Btest%5D.html as elemental ... but bot is too serious! He summons totems a lot of times and lightning shield is not good cos it oneshot low lvl mobs. Can you make CC which use water shield and only shock / l bolt? pretty please :/
Kisovec, ShamWOW already supports low level areas. Follow these steps exactly:
1. Go to Class Configuration
2. Click on General tab
3. Change Lightning Shield setting to 101
4. Change Water Shield setting to 100
5. Click on Grinding tab
6. Change Combat Style to "Farm Low-level"
7. Click Save
Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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