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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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Kisovec, ShamWOW already supports low level areas. Follow these steps exactly:
1. Go to Class Configuration
2. Click on General tab
3. Change Lightning Shield setting to 101
4. Change Water Shield setting to 100
5. Click on Grinding tab
6. Change Combat Style to "Farm Low-level"
7. Click Save
Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

Sorry, i thought you did not implement GUI yet.
This is really nice step forward for this superb CC.
Thank you for quick answer.

Hey bobby53 I was not sure which it was, but I think it's 7-23-2011_5_31 AM 2076
reddewman, I looked at the first few Call of the Element calls in log file you mentioned and saw it being cast two times. The appearance is that the client or HB hasn't updated the list of objects showing the totems as being present, so when it checks after casting the first time and doesn't seem them it casts again. I'll look to incorporate a "hack" that will assume for some duration after a totem cast that it was successful and the totem exists which will prevent a successive recast. This should cover any lag occurring. I won't be able to get to this for several days though.

Regarding Bloodlust, I'm not quite sure what you mean by disabling it. You can disable it for Raids, but you were Questing. You unchecked the Save for Stressful Situations box, which means your Shaman should cast whenever it is off cooldown. Just review the options and you should be able to control the behavior in the fashion you want.

Finally, you'll want to review the installation steps for ShamWOW as the Config\ShamWOW.config file is missing. It's not critical, but you will want it available at some point if you do PVP or Raids.

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Same with me as lvl 9, and read Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] and didn?t find an answer Mr.Bobby..
IvanRJ, Thanks for the post. The important part of the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] in this case is:

1. How to post a question, issue, or constructive criticism ....

That section provides a template for your use when posting and directions on attaching a debug log file.

Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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Bobby I recently noticed something strange. While in elemental spec it wants to keep doing Melee DPS. I am stumped as to why. It is easy to tell. You keep getting spammed with "Out of range" message. This is with the latest version of Shamwow and HB.

HonorBuddy Mode: Lazy Raider
Shamans Location: Instances
What should have happened (be specific): Should keep casting spells.
What did happen (be specific): Stops casting because it is trying to do Melee dps while Lava Burst is on CD.
Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): 12:20pm

I had to zip the log since cant upload over 1000kb files.
Bobby I recently noticed something strange. While in elemental spec it wants to keep doing Melee DPS. I am stumped as to why. It is easy to tell. You keep getting spammed with "Out of range" message. This is with the latest version of Shamwow and HB.

HonorBuddy Mode: Lazy Raider
Shamans Location: Instances
What should have happened (be specific): Should keep casting spells.
What did happen (be specific): Stops casting because it is trying to do Melee dps while Lava Burst is on CD.
Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): 12:20pm

I had to zip the log since cant upload over 1000kb files.
MrWizard, Thanks for the post and for zipping the log file. That is exactly the handling requested in the FAQ. I checked and the log file only spans time until 12:13pm so I am not able to look at the specific instance you mentioned. I did scan through a number of the *Lava Burst casts in the file and didn't see a point where it stopped casting. If it did stop casting in your encounter, it wasn't to melee but was due to something else. Melee attacks are enable immediately upon engaging a target so for all specs so it doesn't need to check later should it enter a situation where all other attacks are unavailable. The messages are benign and should be ignored. However, if you stopped casting and weren't silenced, out of range, out of line of sight, out of mana, or targeting a nature immune mob then something else is occurring and I'd need that log file to look into. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

EDIT: Just noticed that at 12:12:20 PM there is an instance of it not casting due to:

[12:12:21 PM:654] % skipping Lightning Bolt since Rajh.1909[39378] is immune to Nature damage

It appears it was due to a Thunderstorm cast, but I believe the immunity is to the knockback and not the nature damage itself. I'll see what I can do. For now, you'll want to disable Immunity checking or Glyph your Thunderstorm to prevent knockback
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thanks for the reply Bobby. I found it strange since the only thing that was on CD was Lava burst.
The Flame Shock DoT was already on the target and Lava Burst was on CD. All other attacks in the base rotation are Nature damage, so being detected as immune to Nature prevented it from casting anything else. I'll add a call to Frost Shock and Unleash Elements as a fallback which will only occur if you encounter the same situation.
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Hi Bobby

not sure if im doing something wrong but the bot in normal hc not got to za/zg yet is still running with lazyraider but just stops healing or alot of the time really slow :-/ i will get a log but at work atm and i have tried both cc

i know you need log

Any ideas?
Hi Bobby, not sure if im doing something wrong but the bot in normal hc not got to za/zg yet is still running with lazyraider but just stops healing or alot of the time really slow :-/ i will get a log but at work atm and i have tried both cc i know you need log Any ideas?
Hi Techz, Thanks for the post but I can't do anything with posts that don't have the content/info specified in the FAQ. I'll keep an eye out for your update. Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
While questing a pvp duud passed by and my toon started attacking it. Is there something in the options i need to check so it doesnt happen ? or? thx in advance :)
can you add soemthing like that?

I was asket to heal only 1 group! I was asked to heal only the Tanks! How can i configure that?
Go in the configure class window, tab Selective Healing, select Selective Healing, a list of all your raid members will pup up.
Members checked will be healed, members unchecked will not.
Click save.
Remeber that every option is saved so next raid deselect it!!

this is from http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...ree-ultimate-paladin-healer-custom-class.html
can you add soemthing like that?

I was asket to heal only 1 group! I was asked to heal only the Tanks! How can i configure that?
Go in the configure class window, tab Selective Healing, select Selective Healing, a list of all your raid members will pup up.
Members checked will be healed, members unchecked will not.
Click save.
Remeber that every option is saved so next raid deselect it!!

this is from http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...ree-ultimate-paladin-healer-custom-class.html
.... Also new in this release is Selective Raid Healing. The Raid Healing Style setting is as follows:
Auto - everyone in group
Tanks Only - those with Tank Role and Tank identified by Bot (if doesn't have role)
Raid Only - everyone in group no in Tanks Only
Party Only - only those within your Party (aka 5-man Group in Raid)
Selective healing support is already available by choosing one of the categories above. I will add individual selection to the list of possible changes for future releases.
How to disable auto attack on ele ? Becouse all time i see "You are too far away"
No option for a user to disable is available. You should simply ignore the message. Alternatively, see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions and make a detailed as described. Be sure to specific in addition to the details how seeing the message was negatively impacting your use of ShamWOW.
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While questing a pvp duud passed by and my toon started attacking it. Is there something in the options i need to check so it doesnt happen ? or? thx in advance :)
soussi, Please see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for steps on posting the information needed for any question/issue you would like me to research on your behalf. If someone from an enemy faction is in range, attackable, in combat, and targeting you it will attack. So an enemy faction player that is in mid-fight with someone/something else and targets you will be attacked. Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
Bobby took your advice and disabled check for immunities and now my dps is almost 30k thanks for your help. I got a new issue now. I am getting errors spamming the log. Not sure what they mean.
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Still having the same problem with Ring of Valor arena, doing everything you suggested, doesn't help. Seems like it thinks it's out of range.
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