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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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All I can say is: Bobby53 I love you. Your bot excels most healers with just average gear.... :)
Here is my healing chart at Arathi Basin... never touched the keyboard.
Thank you again man!!! Sorry for you pallys... 5 of you were overrun by a bot hahahahha...
zuabros, You're very welcome! Thanks for sharing your ShamWOW success (+rep), Bobby53
I love this bot but noticed it is lacking a key feature. Please give us a checkbox to enable rezing. I use this has resto with IB and it looks bad that it wont rez anyone. Would love to see this small fix
sfagent07, It does rez if out of combat and a group member has died. Note that this doesn't just look bad for Restos, but for any character that has a resurrection ability and lives when others have died. Please see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for steps on providing the information needed for any issue you would like me to research on your behalf. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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I'll attach a log with this behavior recreated when I get home tonight.
This really isn't a bug fix or flaw with the CC but more of a Feature Enhancement request.
To illustrate with a scenario, if you're mounted in Battle for Gilneas trying to get to the Lighthouse from Mines and some rogue along the way has 90% health, the bot will cast Riptide as soon as the rogue is in range forcing a dismount. This is all well and good in BGBot or PVPbot, but *unbelievably* annoying when you're trying to get somewhere across the map or follow your friends.
In my humble opinion, something like a check box in the General Tab of the Config that says "Disable Spell Casting While Mounted in LazyRaider" would be a rather elegant way to do it. With something like this implementation, it would continue to function as it does now in BGBot and PVPBot and then toggled off if the user wants to have LazyRaider automatically follow the tank.
jeffgtx, Thanks for the follow up. Bug or New Feature, it doesn't matter much to me as both inevitably represent a change to the code. The log file provides details and data reinforcing the submitters description of the scenario to change, so having the log file increases the chance that the change I make meets all users needs. In this case however, no need for additional information as I understand now what you are asking for regarding nearby heals. I'm still not sure that casting heals was the limit of zomgmage's request since apparently his Shaman "...jumps off for stupid reasons all the time." There are already too many options however, so instead of a checkbox it will automatically check for if you are using LazyRaider, mounted, and doing PVP (battlegrounds or arena) then it will prevent prevent resting or combat until either you or HonorBuddy dismounts the character. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
...it will automatically check for if you are using LazyRaider, mounted, and doing PVP (battlegrounds or arena) then it will prevent prevent resting or combat until either you or HonorBuddy dismounts the character.

This would be godly, Bobby53. The only thing I'd add, is that large outdoor instances (particularly Zul'Gurub and Zul'aman) present the same inconvenience, maybe instead of checking for "in PvP", checking for "is outdoors" and "is in instance"?
This would be godly, Bobby53. The only thing I'd add, is that large outdoor instances (particularly Zul'Gurub and Zul'aman) present the same inconvenience, maybe instead of checking for "in PvP", checking for "is outdoors" and "is in instance"?
Thanks for the followup. The question is whether you are mounted and choose to ignore nearby friendlies needing heals or not. I don't think being inside or outside affects that decision. Anyway, it will be a couple days as I'd like the dust to settle from the recent ShamWOW and HonorBuddy releases in the past few days. Thanks for the post and look for it soon, Bobby53
Hey bobby53, how do you make the class go sans totems (no totems at all?) When I set all of the totems to "none" it is stuck casting call of the elements.

Love this CC works very very well thanks!
I have a question about reincarnation. When i have an ankh HB will not use it to resurect and Shamwow doesnt seem to have that option to prioritize that resurection if it occurs. Could it be implemented so it wont alwas release spirit?

gz :)
I never saw ShamWoW using Spiritwalker's Grace.
Do you mind implementing it? would make healing sometimes easier.


Hey bobby53, how do you make the class go sans totems (no totems at all?) When I set all of the totems to "none" it is stuck casting call of the elements. Thanks!
pwner, My apologies for the issue. For grinding and questing (which includes ArchBuddy) go to the ShamWOW Options window:

Grinding tab
PVE Combat Strategy
Combat Style <--- set to 'Farming Low-Level Mobs'

For other environments (PVP and RAF) you can't really suppress until I provide a fix for the bug you described in the next release.

Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
Love this CC works very very well thanks!
I have a question about reincarnation. When i have an ankh HB will not use it to resurect and Shamwow doesnt seem to have that option to prioritize that resurection if it occurs. Could it be implemented so it wont alwas release spirit?
gz :)
soussi, Yes. It used to but the HonorBuddy mechanics for it changed and I haven't reimplemented yet as nobody was clamoring for it. Will get into one of the next two releases. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
I never saw ShamWoW using Spiritwalker's Grace.
Do you mind implementing it? would make healing sometimes easier. greetz Weischbier
weischbier, This one is still low on the priority list for automated casting due to its situational use. There are really two fundamental areas I see this being used:

Raids and Arena using LazyRaider: In these environments, movement is controlled by the user. Spiritwalker's Grace is a movement spell since it frees you from having to stand still. This means in this setting the most effective way to control it is by the user casting as needed. The bot would then need to recognize its been cast and not stop movement prior to a cast that it normally would. This applies to both healing and dps spells. I believe this is already supported when you have movement disabled in ShamWOW.

All Others: Movement during combat is pretty predictable, so there wouldn't be much benefit here except possibly in chasing runners or following a very aggressive tank. The problem is the CC can't anticipate far they are going to run and its not a spell you want to use if you only have to move a few yards. Out of Combat it would allow healing on the move. Also out of combat it may make sense to use for Enhancement Shaman prior to a Pull if at max range if instants are on cooldown, but it could mean maybe 1 extra CL/LB/LvB and if you close into melee range before the cast finishes you are probably better on starting your melee rotation.

So basically, while the spell is *really* cool and I enjoy using it when I play, I don't see it being a game changer for botted Shaman until you can anticipate more about the situation ahead vs. reacting to the current situation.

Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
weischbier, This one is still low on the priority list for automated casting due to its situational use. There are really two fundamental areas I see this being used:

Raids and Arena using LazyRaider: In these environments, movement is controlled by the user. Spiritwalker's Grace is a movement spell since it frees you from having to stand still. This means in this setting the most effective way to control it is by the user casting as needed. The bot would then need to recognize its been cast and not stop movement prior to a cast that it normally would. This applies to both healing and dps spells. I believe this is already supported when you have movement disabled in ShamWOW.

All Others: Movement during combat is pretty predictable, so there wouldn't be much benefit here except possibly in chasing runners or following a very aggressive tank. The problem is the CC can't anticipate far they are going to run and its not a spell you want to use if you only have to move a few yards. Out of Combat it would allow healing on the move. Also out of combat it may make sense to use for Enhancement Shaman prior to a Pull if at max range if instants are on cooldown, but it could mean maybe 1 extra CL/LB/LvB and if you close into melee range before the cast finishes you are probably better on starting your melee rotation.

So basically, while the spell is *really* cool and I enjoy using it when I play, I don't see it being a game changer for botted Shaman until you can anticipate more about the situation ahead vs. reacting to the current situation.

Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

Just blown away at your work.

Truly thanks!
weischbier, This one is still low on the priority list for automated casting due to its situational use. There are really two fundamental areas I see this being used:

Raids and Arena using LazyRaider: In these environments, movement is controlled by the user. Spiritwalker's Grace is a movement spell since it frees you from having to stand still. This means in this setting the most effective way to control it is by the user casting as needed. The bot would then need to recognize its been cast and not stop movement prior to a cast that it normally would. This applies to both healing and dps spells. I believe this is already supported when you have movement disabled in ShamWOW.

All Others: Movement during combat is pretty predictable, so there wouldn't be much benefit here except possibly in chasing runners or following a very aggressive tank. The problem is the CC can't anticipate far they are going to run and its not a spell you want to use if you only have to move a few yards. Out of Combat it would allow healing on the move. Also out of combat it may make sense to use for Enhancement Shaman prior to a Pull if at max range if instants are on cooldown, but it could mean maybe 1 extra CL/LB/LvB and if you close into melee range before the cast finishes you are probably better on starting your melee rotation.

So basically, while the spell is *really* cool and I enjoy using it when I play, I don't see it being a game changer for botted Shaman until you can anticipate more about the situation ahead vs. reacting to the current situation.

Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

You are enlightening me everytime!


Bobby53 offline for few days...

I will be out of town on vacation for a few days and most likely not checking the forums until Monday, 7/18. If you post prior to then please do not /bump or get impatient and know I will respond to *all* posts when I return. Have a great weekend, Bobby53
I will be out of town on vacation for a few days and most likely not checking the forums until Monday, 7/18. If you post prior to then please do not /bump or get impatient and know I will respond to *all* posts when I return. Have a great weekend, Bobby53

Have a good time!
Have a beer for me too! ;)


Hope you are out for a rest and some fun with the family and have a great time!

Recently I'm getting back into the RBG's and Arena's with ShamWoW in LazyRaider setting.

I've respecced one of my dual specs to resto PvP and when reading over specs I noticed alot of suggestions for the talent Spirit Link Totem - Spell - World of Warcraft.
When I do a search I noticed also it was suggested here and there.
Is this already implemented, in a testing phase,on the 'to-do' list or not yet in the picture?
I could see a use for this totem in PvP situations while your defense group is being ravaged by a enemy force while defending a flag or location.

I'm currently on the following spec with glyphs for PvP BG's and Arena's: Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

Thanks, Liquid.

Since the update the Nefarian fight is working perfectly! Thank you for the great work Bobby
trying to use this + lazyraider in arena.. anyone know how I can force it to use earthshield on my partner ???

Set him as teh tank and everything.. but seems to want to put earthsield on me alot of the time.. even when im not the one dying
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