weischbier, This one is still low on the priority list for automated casting due to its situational use. There are really two fundamental areas I see this being used:
Raids and Arena using LazyRaider: In these environments, movement is controlled by the user. Spiritwalker's Grace is a movement spell since it frees you from having to stand still. This means in this setting the most effective way to control it is by the user casting as needed. The bot would then need to recognize its been cast and not stop movement prior to a cast that it normally would. This applies to both healing and dps spells. I believe this is already supported when you have movement disabled in ShamWOW.
All Others: Movement during combat is pretty predictable, so there wouldn't be much benefit here except possibly in chasing runners or following a very aggressive tank. The problem is the CC can't anticipate far they are going to run and its not a spell you want to use if you only have to move a few yards. Out of Combat it would allow healing on the move. Also out of combat it may make sense to use for Enhancement Shaman prior to a Pull if at max range if instants are on cooldown, but it could mean maybe 1 extra CL/LB/LvB and if you close into melee range before the cast finishes you are probably better on starting your melee rotation.
So basically, while the spell is *really* cool and I enjoy using it when I play, I don't see it being a game changer for botted Shaman until you can anticipate more about the situation ahead vs. reacting to the current situation.
Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53