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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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Nefarian issues.

This is the log i get. The bot does nothing and spams this:

Works fine on every other fight in the instance. As soon as i drop down and start on Onyxia it stops.


Great job keeping this one of the best CCs available. Doing some BG weekends I'm always in the top 5 damage, and often number 1. I'm elemental, and the only things I could see that would improve the bot, would be to let it use ghost wolf whenever it's not mounted or in combat, and if it could chase after enemy players while spamming lightning bolt, rather than dropping totems, casting recall moving forward, and repeating until something stuns it. But still, it's a tough cookie to kill, just about any 1v1 it wins, and other than getting repeatedly stunned/feared/silenced it holds it on in a 2v1.
Hi Bobby,

I was wondering if there was a way to customize the number of Maelstrom stacks required before the bot casts Lightning Bolt. I was using it with Lazy Raider today and it seemed like when the bot casts lightning bolt with only 1 stack of Maelstrom it's lowering DPS.

disarm, Thanks for the post and my apologies for your issue. Please be sure to visit the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for steps on posting a question regarding behavior you observe.

There was a bug in HonorBuddy where it returned the wrong number of stacks of a buff. For Shaman, this would be most noticeable in recognizing Fulmination and Maelstrom procs too soon. If you are using that version, just download and install the latest HonorBuddy.

If you continue to get the issue, be sure to post the information described in the FAQ and I'll get it resolved for you.

Thanks, Bobby53
Great job keeping this one of the best CCs available. Doing some BG weekends I'm always in the top 5 damage, and often number 1. I'm elemental, and the only things I could see that would improve the bot, would be to let it use ghost wolf whenever it's not mounted or in combat, and if it could chase after enemy players while spamming lightning bolt, rather than dropping totems, casting recall moving forward, and repeating until something stuns it. But still, it's a tough cookie to kill, just about any 1v1 it wins, and other than getting repeatedly stunned/feared/silenced it holds it on in a 2v1.
richorddoran, Thanks for the post! Haven't heard from you in awhile. Appreciate the feedback. I haven't looked at improving Ghost Wolf in some time so will give it a look as more information is available now regarding the Bots intentions. I need to resolve the totem issues first however. I seems some things have changed in HonorBuddy with totems either not being present in lists of objects or there being a delay in them appearing that is recent. The result is it will cast totems then when it checks it appears the totems no longer exist, which is occurring in all environments but not for all users. If you have a log file from one of your BG's where you notice this happening and can provide the clock time you observed it would be a help. Thanks, Bobby53
When I try and do Instances with ShamWow the bot just casts Call of Elements and Totemic Recall over and over with a few dps spells or heals spells mixed in, and I have tried Singular but the bot likes to pull on its own, any ideas how to fix this?
When I try and do Instances with ShamWow the bot just casts Call of Elements and Totemic Recall over and over with a few dps spells or heals spells mixed in, and I have tried Singular but the bot likes to pull on its own, any ideas how to fix this?
HB7428Z54, My apologies for your issue and thanks for the post. Please be sure to visit the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for steps on posting a question / issue regarding behavior you observe that you would like me to look into. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
HonorBuddy Mode: InstanceBuddy (Both Healing and Dps)
Shamans Location: All the working Cata Instances with Instancebuddy
What should have happened (be specific): My Shaman should be Dpsing and Healing
What did happen (be specific): My Shaman casted Call of the Elements and Totemic Recall over and over with a *few* mixed heals and spells
System time of issue (log time stamp): <-- No Idea what that is
Hey Bobby, Hope you had a good weekend. Just wanted to make a small suggestion. You might want to consider making a new thread for Shamwow and closing this one. 50+ pages is a lot to read through.
HonorBuddy Mode: InstanceBuddy (Both Healing and Dps)
Shamans Location: All the working Cata Instances with Instancebuddy
What should have happened (be specific): My Shaman should be Dpsing and Healing
What did happen (be specific): My Shaman casted Call of the Elements and Totemic Recall over and over with a *few* mixed heals and spells
System time of issue (log time stamp): <-- No Idea what that is

System time of issue (log time stamp): <-- No Idea what that is = This means you haveto attach a logfile with your post and tell Bobby what time the behavior you reported occured. (All actions have timestamps).

Check this post for howto attach a log: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...-how-attach-your-hb-log-file-[-pictures].html

i'm using this amazing cc for healing instances and pvp and i noticed that hes nt using totems at all.
Log attached. Maybe i did something wrong in the setup but i found nothing but to specifi the totems.



i'm using this amazing cc for healing instances and pvp and i noticed that hes nt using totems at all.
Log attached. Maybe i did something wrong in the setup but i found nothing but to specifi the totems.



I make no claims at being a ShamWoW expert, but have you tried LazyRaider instead of Combat/Heal Bot?
HonorBuddy Mode: InstanceBuddy (Both Healing and Dps)
Shamans Location: All the working Cata Instances with Instancebuddy
What should have happened (be specific): My Shaman should be Dpsing and Healing
What did happen (be specific): My Shaman casted Call of the Elements and Totemic Recall over and over with a *few* mixed heals and spells
System time of issue (log time stamp): <-- No Idea what that is
HB7428Z54, You can get the System time of issue by looking at the clock on your computer when you first notice the behavior you are writing about. System time refers to the time on your computer, not on the realm. Log files get really large and providing the time you observed the issue allows me to use my time focusing on analyzing the information associated with your problem. Without that I often will be unable to identify it.

The debug log file is missing. For steps on how to locate it and attach to your post, please see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] where the post template was copied from. If the steps aren't clear or seem confusing let me know at what point since they are probably confusing to others as well. Thanks for your post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
Hey Bobby, Hope you had a good weekend. Just wanted to make a small suggestion. You might want to consider making a new thread for Shamwow and closing this one. 50+ pages is a lot to read through.
MrWizard516, I appreciate the suggestion, but I created a new thread for each release in the first 9 months of ShamWOWs existence. I stopped because the majority of users did not read the existing content before posting (even when it was less than 3 pages.) There are also Buttons in ShamWOWs Configuration window which link directly to this thread that would need to be updated each time a new thread is created. I don't have much spare time these days so I guard it closely. Given my past experience it is unlikely you'll see a new thread created. Instead users should utilize the forum indicators which bold a thread topic when there are new messages, or use the thread tools to subscribe to a forum/thread and have a transcript of the new posts mailed to them so they can focus on new content and ignore how much old content is still available to them. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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i'm using this amazing cc for healing instances and pvp and i noticed that hes nt using totems at all.
Log attached. Maybe i did something wrong in the setup but i found nothing but to specifi the totems.


I make no claims at being a ShamWoW expert, but have you tried LazyRaider instead of Combat/Heal Bot?
weischbier, Thank you for the detailed post and the complete debug log file. jefffgtx's response is correct (+rep). The problem is due to there not being a character selected by Combat/Heal Bot to treat as the tank. For RAF groups, ShamWOW uses the proximity of the tank, the tank being in combat, and the tanks standing still briefly as the trigger for when to set totems. Either of the following should solve your problem:

1. Use the LazyRaider bot (link in my signature) instead of Combat/Heal Bot.

2. Install the SetTheLeader plugin (link in my signature) to use with Combat/Heal Bot. I don't support ShamWOW with this bot, but if you prefer to use it the plugin will help you with the issue you were encountering.

Thanks and good luck with your Shaman,
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Issues on Nef

HonorBuddy Mode: RaF

Shamans Location: BWD Nefarion Encounter

What should have happened (be specific): The bot should have done anything

What did happen (be specific): The bot stood there doing nothing, everything works before you drop down the Onyxia

System time of issue (log time stamp): 9:38:07 PM:113


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HonorBuddy Mode: RaF
Shamans Location: BWD Nefarion Encounter
What should have happened (be specific): The bot should have done anything
What did happen (be specific): The bot stood there doing nothing, everything works before you drop down the Onyxia
System time of issue (log time stamp): 9:38:07 PM:113
Trolkin, Thank you for the post. The debug log file attachment was missing however. If you could add that I'll look into this for you. Thanks, Bobby53
Nefarian issue

I'm getting the same problem as Trollkin. It seems like it's an Honorbuddy issue with detecting either Nefarian/Onyxia (apparently also happens on Cho'gall and Al'Akir) when trying to call DefaultTargetWeight, which I'm assuming has to do with attack priority.

Excuse my barely cursory knowledge, but would it be possible to add something like "protected override void DefaultTargetWeight() {}" and tell it to not call this and always assist the RAF tank instead?

P.S. Thank you for the rep earlier.


HonorBuddy Mode: RaF
Shamans Location: BWD Nefarion Encounter
What should have happened (be specific): The bot should have done anything
What did happen (be specific): The bot stood there doing nothing, everything works before you drop down the Onyxia
System time of issue (log time stamp): 9:38:07 PM:113
I'm getting the same problem as Trollkin. It seems like it's an Honorbuddy issue with detecting either Nefarian/Onyxia (apparently also happens on Cho'gall and Al'Akir) when trying to call DefaultTargetWeight, which I'm assuming has to do with attack priority.
Excuse my barely cursory knowledge, but would it be possible to add something like "protected override void DefaultTargetWeight() {}" and tell it to not call this and always assist the RAF tank instead? P.S. Thank you for the rep earlier.
I currently don't have a toon I can check that with and haven't encountered it anywhere else. This is an HonorBuddy or LazyRaider issue. I revised the targeting logic and some flags in the new version of LazyRaider 1.0.6. Please download that and let me know if it resolves your Nef / Onyxia issues.
Thanks Bobby53, you have once again proven yourself to be the man with this particularly prompt response. If you allowed donations, you would definitely have a benefactor in me. I should be able to check this on Wednesday and report back.

Have you had a chance to look at the issue I was having with it trying to spam riptide on tank death as well? That one is certainly of much lower priority as it is pretty rare that I have a tank die on me. I tend to get a little bit lost in the code, but I'm pretty sure the only tweak would need to be putting a isAlive check on where ever it is in the CC that it tries to roll Riptide on the tank.
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Thanks Bobby53, you have once again proven yourself to be the man with this particularly prompt response. If you allowed donations, you would definitely have a benefactor in me. I should be able to check this on Wednesday and report back.

Have you had a chance to look at the issue I was having with it trying to spam riptide on tank death as well? That one is certainly of much lower priority as it is pretty rare that I have a tank die on me. I tend to get a little bit lost in the code, but I'm pretty sure the only tweak would need to be putting a isAlive check on where ever it is in the CC that it tries to roll Riptide on the tank.
Yes, see my next post... That was an ugly one and I wouldn't have found without your detailed post and log file. Although it happens rarely it should be a situation the Shaman can handle by healing the rest of group while casting an Earth Elemental, which wasn't happening because of that bug. Thank you!
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