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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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Hey Bobby wanned to heal as resto in dungeon, but my shaman also made dps. How can i take it off?
ps. good job! :)
Heyyou, Thanks for the post! Glad that you are pleased with it in general.

I would need the complete debug log file attached to say why your Resto is DPSing. See the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for steps on posting the information needed to research questions or unexpected behavior for you.

Two main reasons Restoration Shaman will DPS in RAF groups:

1. Your talent spec includes points in Telluric Currents and/or Focused Insight. These Restoration talents require casting Lightning Bolt and Shocks respectively to proc their abilities. If you don't want to cast these spells, remove these talents from your build.

2. Your RAF Combat Style setting is 'Healing Over Combat'. Simply change it back to 'Auto'

Thanks and good luck with your Shaman,

Note: Users typically misunderstand the RAF Combat Style setting which should ALWAYS be set to 'Auto'. I explained it in an earlier post but unfortunately users will still recommend setting to 'Healing Only' which has no effect on Restoration Shaman. The setting is there only so you can force an Elemental or Enhancement Shaman to heal without using any DPS spells.
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Well with the Version 16 he goes crazy for me.... in pvp he still buffs water walk to every player in pvp even if i turn it off .. he dont even save my dessicion to dont buff. Its enabled all the time... Also he just stand there now and buff hes Lightning Shield on and on again ...
Well with the Version 16 he goes crazy for me.... in pvp he still buffs water walk to every player in pvp even if i turn it of .. he dont even save my dessicion to dont buff buff. Its enabled all the time... Also he just stand there now and buff hes Lightning Shield on and on again ...
joys, As always need a complete log file. Be sure you are turning it off in the correct place in options. Thanks, Bobby53
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Do not use HonorBuddy with ShamWOW. This release returns erroneous info when checking buff stack counts, which is a very important function for Shamans of all specs.

I temporarily pulled ShamWOW 4.3.16 offline (a release I posted to work around the issue.) It still had an issue in handling stack counts so for now you should use the 4.3.15b release with any version of HonorBuddy except

Is it possible to only use two totems and leave 2 slots for manual use?

I think NONE means that it won't cast totem. But will it let ME cast totems or will CC destroy it asap?
Is it possible to only use two totems and leave 2 slots for manual use?
I think NONE means that it won't cast totem. But will it let ME cast totems or will CC destroy it asap?
It will recall/destroy them at the same time as the others.
Bobby53, in your benevolence, would you be so kind as to allow us to have 4.3.16 again now that Honorbuddy has fixed the stack count issue? :D
...but if you could restart your system and let me know if you are still encountering I would greatly appreciate...

<blushes> my deepest apologies for the false bug report. I should know to reboot the system and retest before posting a complaint. The reboot cleared it right up. THANK you for the response, and my apologies for wasting your time with such tripe.

Hope you have a grand vacation!
Bobby53, in your benevolence, would you be so kind as to allow us to have 4.3.16 again now that Honorbuddy has fixed the stack count issue? :D
jeffgtx, With the HB .StackCount issue fixed you won't want 4.3.16 as it attempted to work around the issue and introduced a different bug. I'll be posting 4.3.17 shortly.

Is this up-to-date with the new release of HB
Hughie, HonorBuddy releases *should* be backwards compatible so you don't require a new release of each component everytime a version of HB is available. That is the HonorBuddy Team's intention and what occurs *most* of the time. As such I don't post compatibility statements unless a problem is encountered.

Just a quick question... how do I make the bot use earth shield on myself ?? :D
You don't have to. That will happen automatically if you PVP or Grind/Quest as a Resto with default settings. If its not, don't forget to visit the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] to copy the Template you should use for posting issues along with steps on attaching a complete debug log file.
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<blushes> my deepest apologies for the false bug report. I should know to reboot the system and retest before posting a complaint. The reboot cleared it right up. THANK you for the response, and my apologies for wasting your time with such tripe.

Hope you have a grand vacation!
Thank you, I did have a great vacation! Unfortunately much too short. Glad to hear the issue was an anomaly. That would have had them screaming on the WOW Forums about Blizz messing with Shamans again. Appreciate the follow up letting me know to clear it off my radar! Take care and let me know if you encounter any other peculiar behavior. Thanks, Bobby53
*NEW* ShamWOW 4.3.17 available for download!

As always, download from the first post in the thread. I left the prior version available in case you need to downgrade.

Here is the change history for all changes since 4.3.15

Change History
[B]07/09/11 Revision  4.3.17[/B]
- change: removed workaround for HB .StackCount bug 

- fixed:  issue occurring with sometimes retrieving Shamans role in dungeon groups

[B]07/08/11 Revision  4.3.16
[/B]NOTE: You must use the English client

- fixed: HonorBuddy breaks checking buff stackcount.  this was breaking Fulmination, Water/Earth/Lightning Shields, Maelstrom Weapon, etc.  Changed to using WoW API instead temporarily

- fixed: check for Fire Nova use now correctly scans for enemies within range of enemies with Flame Shock. Still a lower priority spell

- fixed: problem with group role checking.  should now correctly identify if healer present when they are Party Leader

- fixed: evade and immunity checking.  these were broken by WOW 4.2 changes to combat log event.

- fixed: aggro mob check.  now correctly ignores a mob which has been blacklisted even if it still has aggor (like an evade mob.)

- fixed: facing error which occurred intermittently during a Ranged Pull while grinding/questing

- change: changed some initialization in totems which should eliminate the lone issue remaining with setting/recalling that can be addressed

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Wont heal in raid using Lazyraider WHEN IN COMBAT.... keep getting this when I hit the stop button:

[5:42:14 PM:295] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
[5:42:14 PM:295] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()

It heals fine outta combat.
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Level 13 Dwarf Shaman on pull it is casting flametongue totem 2 sometimes 3 times before casting lightning bolt.

Log Attached


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Wont heal in raid using Lazyraider WHEN IN COMBAT.... keep getting this when I hit the stop button:

[5:42:14 PM:295] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
[5:42:14 PM:295] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()

It heals fine outta combat.
tokyov, My apologies for the issues you are facing. Please visit the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] page for a template and details on how to attach a combat log. You'll want to follow those steps for any issue you would like me to look into. Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
Riptide spam on Tank death

Hey Bobby53, if you could please take a gander at this for me...

HonorBuddy Mode: RAF
Shamans Location: Zul'Aman
What should have happened (be specific):
- Continue to heal remaining group instead of trying to cast Riptide repeatedly on dead tank
What did happen (be specific):
- Tried to cast Riptide repeatedly on dead tank instead of continuing to heal group
System time of issue (log time stamp): *This occurred twice in the captured log*
- 5:26:23 PM
- 5:57:45 PM

Also, I suggested this a while back and just wanted to mention it again. Any chance of a "Disable Spell Casting while Mounted" option in the CC for use with LazyRaider? ;)


I hope you don't need a log for this, because I cannot provide one. I am using an 85 resto shaman in arena's and bg's. Sometimes the bot will try to hex a druid(which are immune). A fix would be to check to see if the class is "hex'able" before trying to cast it.
Hi Bobby,

I was wondering if there was a way to customize the number of Maelstrom stacks required before the bot casts Lightning Bolt. I was using it with Lazy Raider today and it seemed like when the bot casts lightning bolt with only 1 stack of Maelstrom it's lowering DPS.

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