Has anyone else encountered problems with shamwows usage of manatide?
Dunno if i'm missing something but it kinda wastes manatide sometimes. It casts manatide, and the first tick of it gets enough mana back so that shamwow instantly casts manaspring again.
Tried turning off the totems completely, but it still wants to use manatide for some reason :/
Am i doing it wrong? Something thats been answered 100s of times and im just missing it?
Ive used the "search thread" function above and tried to find all variations of the word manatide or manaspring, and found 1 guys posting about a somewhat similar problem, but as far as ive seen it hasnt been answered yet.
Any help with this? Can i completely turn off totems somehow? and handle them manually ?
Im using shamwow with lazyraider and the latest hb version.
HonorBuddy Mode: Lazyraider
Shamans Location: Blackwing Descent

What should have happened (be specific): Should've castet Mantide
What did happen (be specific): It castet Mantide, and as i said, it instantly switches back to manaspring
System time of issue (log time stamp): 1:33:39
Logs attached
Ah and by the way bobby: keep it up dude! Awesome work right there!