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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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Has anyone else encountered problems with shamwows usage of manatide?
Dunno if i'm missing something but it kinda wastes manatide sometimes. It casts manatide, and the first tick of it gets enough mana back so that shamwow instantly casts manaspring again.

Tried turning off the totems completely, but it still wants to use manatide for some reason :/

Am i doing it wrong? Something thats been answered 100s of times and im just missing it?

Ive used the "search thread" function above and tried to find all variations of the word manatide or manaspring, and found 1 guys posting about a somewhat similar problem, but as far as ive seen it hasnt been answered yet.

Any help with this? Can i completely turn off totems somehow? and handle them manually ?

Im using shamwow with lazyraider and the latest hb version.

HonorBuddy Mode: Lazyraider
Shamans Location: Blackwing Descent :D
What should have happened (be specific): Should've castet Mantide
What did happen (be specific): It castet Mantide, and as i said, it instantly switches back to manaspring
System time of issue (log time stamp): 1:33:39

Logs attached

Ah and by the way bobby: keep it up dude! Awesome work right there!
Hassliebe, Thank you for the detailed post and log file reference. I am unable to look at it immediately (away from the office atm) but will as soon as I return tomorrow. Thanks again for the well written post and look for a follow up response from me later, Bobby53
Just posting to say thanks a lot I've seriously leveled an orc shaman 1-65 so far, going strong towards 85 to get into my guilds alt raid group, I seriously appreciate the work, it's phenominal the only problem I had at first, was sheer stupidity on my part, it was when it wouldn't ghost wolf, because the usemount took precedence, which i found out I just thought the usemount option was in the shamwow settings, only to finally find out after i got a mount it's in the main HB settings, other then that, this things a beast, it afk healed every instance tbh, i just set it to random dungeon, set my alarm clock every 3 hours (Using mixed mode Instance buddy, and a quest/grind profile) It only failed on me twice when a tank bugged combat and afked, and just sat there, so the bot sat with him, and when my bot got bugged and stuck in party, both variables very uncontrollable, but still had stellar performance, if you level as resto, queue times are fast, with a solid questing profile you level like a mad cunt (60-70 I'm using a grinding profile, was the questing one is bugged to hell right now, even though the healer queue dropped and i'm getting queues almost instantly now).
Anyways, I'm rambling
Thanks you do great work, keep it up.
Chronuswing, Thanks for the post on your ShamWOW success! +rep If you encounter the bug out issue when a tank afk's again please let me know. Staying or leaving the group is determined by InstanceBuddy. If you encounter it again and can post a log I'll look at it to be sure. Thanks again for your post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
Any chance you could get it to use the flask of enhancement that you get from Alchemy? It gives +80 to you highest stat for 2 hours.
How do i get it to stop using Earth Shield on my self?

Ive tryed serveral things out, Lazy Raider, choosing a Tank. And can't find any options for it at all.
How do i get it to stop using Earth Shield on my self?
Ive tryed serveral things out, Lazy Raider, choosing a Tank. And can't find any options for it at all.
quel, Sorry but there aren't enough details provided to answer your question. ShamWOW assesses the Shamans spec, the current environment, and the current combat situation in determining its selection of the best of breed responses. In most cases you don't have the ability to individually control spells. There are some situations where a Resto should cast Earth Shield on itself, and others where it shouldn't. Please see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] page which will detail the information needed in a post for me to respond to any question or issue you may have in a timely and accurate fashion. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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dose it work with HB while doing quest or how ?
u12e12a, Here is a link to the Wiki Article [CLICK HERE] explaining the components of HonorBuddy, installation, customization, terms used in referring to components, etc. You can also click the Wiki button at the top of this page to access a lot of reference information on HonorBuddy including questing and the Questing bot. If you have questions about the Wiki contents, how to use HonorBuddy, etc. you'll want to post in the Support thread. Thanks and good luck with your character, Bobby53
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Bobby I hate to keep asking for little things that don't really matter, but could you make it so at the start of the bg that it sets the role as healer for resto specs?
Bobby I hate to keep asking for little things that don't really matter, but could you make it so at the start of the bg that it sets the role as healer for resto specs?
Impala, I would be willing to do that when used with LazyRaider since you are at the controls and could respond to user requests and direction for specific healing. If you are only using the PVP or BG Bot, then it would bring undue attention to your character which is something most users would welcome. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
Any chance you could let me know what i'm doing wrong? I'm trying to run the archy/pvp mode. I'm still new to HB so i'm still learning it, maybe I was doing something incorrectly that you could help with. Thanks alot, much appreciated. :)

Starting the bot!

>>> STARTING ShamWOW v4.3.13 by Bobby53

Your Level 85 Orc Restoration Shaman Build is:
Eleme/Enhan/Resto 0/9/32
... running the Mixed Mode bot Solo as Combat Only in Orgrimmar

Max Pull Ranged: 30
HB Pull Distance: 30

[talent] Cleanse Spirit: can remove Curses and Magic
[talent] Ancestral Swiftness: can cast Ghost Wolf on the run
[glyph] Stoneclaw Totem: found, will use as Shaman Bubble

This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
>>> STOPPING ShamWOW v4.3.13 by Bobby53
Any chance you could let me know what i'm doing wrong? I'm trying to run the archy/pvp mode. I'm still new to HB so i'm still learning it, maybe I was doing something incorrectly that you could help with. Thanks alot, much appreciated. :)

Starting the bot!

>>> STARTING ShamWOW v4.3.13 by Bobby53

Your Level 85 Orc Restoration Shaman Build is:
Eleme/Enhan/Resto 0/9/32
... running the Mixed Mode bot Solo as Combat Only in Orgrimmar

Max Pull Ranged: 30
HB Pull Distance: 30

[talent] Cleanse Spirit: can remove Curses and Magic
[talent] Ancestral Swiftness: can cast Ghost Wolf on the run
[glyph] Stoneclaw Totem: found, will use as Shaman Bubble

This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
>>> STOPPING ShamWOW v4.3.13 by Bobby53
afrodidy87, If you encounter an issue or have a question regarding the behavior you are witnessing with ShamWOW, please see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for a post template and information on the details needed. In general, a copy & paste of the log window will not contain the information needed. The highlighted message in red is an HonorBuddy message that the profile you selected does not contain anything in it for your characters level. You should try to resolve by loading Blank.xml [CLICK HERE] which is a do nothing profile that works for all levels. If you still encounter the issue, please see the FAQ so I can look into your issue further. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
Hi Bobby, is there any way of me actually controlling all aspects of shielding both on myself for water shield and another target for earth shield?
Hi Bobby, is there any way of me actually controlling all aspects of shielding both on myself for water shield and another target for earth shield?
haxed, Short answer is No. The design objective of ShamWOW is not provide the user control over all aspects of the behavior but to assess the Shaman's spec, environment, combat situation, and vital stats to determine the best of class reaction and to respond automatically without the need for user configuration. I would need more details about the specific combat scenario (a log file with time reference would help) so I can advise on a config change in the current release or look at a possible CC change in an upcoming release. There is a template in the ShamWOW FAQ [CLICK HERE] that can assist. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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HonorBuddy Mode: LazyRaider
Shamans Location: Arena or BG's
What should have happened (be specific): Well this isn't a bug or anything like that, I have changed my totem twisting settings so that I can keep earth shield up on someone else and it keeps water shield on myself. The problem arises when I want to put earth shield up on myself if I get targeted and start being nuked. It just changes my shield back to Water shield. I was thinking just a setting that allows the user to disable shield control or is that to complicated?
This isn't a nice CC.. This is a piece of art! I can only say holy shit! I win every single BG healing with this CC!

Keep up the good work!
HonorBuddy Mode: LazyRaider
Shamans Location: Arena or BG's
What should have happened (be specific): Well this isn't a bug or anything like that, I have changed my totem twisting settings so that I can keep earth shield up on someone else and it keeps water shield on myself. The problem arises when I want to put earth shield up on myself if I get targeted and start being nuked. It just changes my shield back to Water shield. I was thinking just a setting that allows the user to disable shield control or is that to complicated?
haxed, Shield Twisting refers to alternating shields on the Shaman based upon current Mana % so doesn't support a config setup to work in conjunction with Earth Shielding a team member in battleground or arena. All that could have been done is forcing Water Shield 100% so you could apply Earth Shield manually to a team member. By default it will use Earth Shield on self until Mana drops to 25% or less when it switches to Water Shield, and then will switch back to Earth Shield once Mana is above 50% (both values are configurable.) This isn't really a setting I want to disable. Let me give it some thought and I'll see what I can put in place and will look at user selection of an alternative Shield Twist with group awareness for PVP only. Thanks for the post, Bobby53
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This isn't a nice CC.. This is a piece of art! I can only say holy shit! I win every single BG healing with this CC!

Keep up the good work!
aeus, Thanks for sharing your ShamWOW success! Best of luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
bot doesn't use the talent Maelstrom Weapon ?

Anyone a idea how to make the bot using this talent Maelstrom Weapon ? its at the end of the tallent tree ? SRY bad englisch :) :D
bobby, I was just wondering how this CC behaves as healer in instances / raids, is it the same as PVP?

Why I'm asking this is cuz; in PVP it uses "Earth Shield" on itself.. But in instances I want the tank to get Earth Shield and Water Shield to myself. It will look really wierd if you Earthshield yourself :D
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