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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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Hmmm, I used ShamWoW on my 67 Shammy.. And we wiped at the second Pack.. He's just to slow to heal and follow.. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Please explain and help a bit more.

Thank you.

I dunno how often shamwow is updated, but there ever going to be a SVN for this, along with your other plugins and whatnot?
HonorBuddy Mode: Grind
Shamans Location: Tanaris
What should have happened (be specific): Enhancement Spec Shaman, should have turned around to face target.
What did happen (be specific): Did not turn around to face target (observed this 3-4 times while grinding in Tanaris as Enhancement). Continues to spam attack (in the SS below, its spamming Lava Lash, even though its not facing the target).
System time of issue (log time stamp): I stopped the bot after it the mob was killed by the Searing Totem, so the entire last mob in the CC that was aggroed and SpellCast on it was the error where it didn't turn around.


NOTE: I deleted the log from time stamp: [12:31:26 AM:880] to [12:42:58 AM:510] because the file was to big and nothing happened wrong during that time.


I deleted the log from time stamp: [12:31:26 AM:880] to [12:42:58 AM:510] because the file was to big and nothing happened wrong during that time.
drewdenman, Please always provide the complete debug log file. See the Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE], which provides steps for situations when attachment is too large (just .zip.) Am looking at the log provided. Just got back in town from the weekend so will follow up tomorrow night after work.

Thanks for clearly written post (greatly appreciated!), Bobby53
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Hmmm, I used ShamWoW on my 67 Shammy.. And we wiped at the second Pack.. He's just to slow to heal and follow.. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Please explain and help a bit more.

Thank you.

Ino, Please see the Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for steps on posting an issue or question. There isn't enough detail provided in your post to understand why you aren't achieving the same results as everyone else. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
I dunno how often shamwow is updated, but there ever going to be a SVN for this, along with your other plugins and whatnot?
ShamWOW is updated when I have time to complete changes and test them sufficiently that I feel they are ready for a public release.

Would be awesome, like Kickazz have :)
Glad you guys like having access to SVN for other projects. For the foreseeable future though, ShamWOW and my other projects will remain a .ZIP distribution in the same fashion as HonorBuddy.
I don't know if this Problem was already mentioned, because I don't read all of the 210 pages so far. So,

HonorBuddy Mode: InstanceBuddy
Shamans Location: Stowmind (near PvP House)
What should have happened (be specific): nothing would be fine, just waiting untill a Instance invite plops up and accept
What did happen (be specific): switching/spamming Earth Shield and Water Shield untill the Schaman was oom.
I started the Bot (InstanceBuddy and let it use the random Dungeon Finder Tool) changed nothing realy at the CC Configuration. So after I hit the start Button it began to spam on itself both Earth and Water Shield till it hit 50% mana it was immidiatly drinking and continuing to Spam both on itself Earth/Water Shield.
Rest of the settings worked fine, accepted the Role (Healer) and set the Weapon Enchant and Totems. (I stopped the Bot and started it again after it accepted the Dungeon invite and entered) after that everything went well, set EathShield on Tank, healed everyone who needed heal, used Totems and so on.
Amazing amazing CC.. I am always top of the healing meters in BGs. I can't wait til the purge function is added!

Also it would be nice if Tyrande's Favorite Doll would function as a mana trinket, but I don't think Shamwow currently recognizes it as one. It's an extra 4200 mana every 1 minute, pretty nice.
Amazing amazing CC.. I am always top of the healing meters in BGs. I can't wait til the purge function is added!

Also it would be nice if Tyrande's Favorite Doll would function as a mana trinket, but I don't think Shamwow currently recognizes it as one. It's an extra 4200 mana every 1 minute, pretty nice.

There is a plugin that I use to get the most out of my Tyrande's Favorite Doll. It's written by Katzerle. I'll try to link it below but don't know the exact rules on stuff like that in this forum. It is a use macro plugin that uses an item/macro at a certain time interval. Hope this helps.


Amazing amazing CC.. I am always top of the healing meters in BGs. I can't wait til the purge function is added!

Also it would be nice if Tyrande's Favorite Doll would function as a mana trinket, but I don't think Shamwow currently recognizes it as one. It's an extra 4200 mana every 1 minute, pretty nice.
pngwyn, ShamWOW already recognizes that as a Mana trinket. If you aren't seeing it fired as expected, check the Mana Trinket % in CC Configuration. The default is 65%. I don't recommend setting the value extremely high as you are depending upon it collecting mana from spell casts before firing. If it were set at 100% it would fire with less than the 4200 mana accumulation you probably want. If it is not behaving as expected, please submit as an issue giving the details identied in the FAQ and I'll get it resolved quickly for you. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

There is a plugin that I use to get the most out of my Tyrande's Favorite Doll. It's written by Katzerle. I'll try to link it below but don't know the exact rules on stuff like that in this forum. It is a use macro plugin that uses an item/macro at a certain time interval. Hope this helps.


Saif, That is a nice plugin. The difference between the trinket support in ShamWOW and that in plugins and other CCs is that it automatically detects the presence of a /use trinket, the type of spell it has, and then fires it based upon need rather than purely a time interval or requiring the user to specify what the trinket does. The point is to not require any user configuration when you switch gear, combat scenarios, etc. This allows it to pair up with WOW Addons that automatically swap gear based upon your current activity ( soloing, battleground, arena, instance, raid, etc.) very nicely. The downside is that the detection is based upon spell id's I maintain, so if a trinket is not supported that someone wants I need a user to post the required info (at a minimum trinket name.) In the end, it should make it much easier to use the majority of /use trinkets, but if there is one that isn't supported and someone cannot wait for an update your suggestion will get them going. Thanks for the post, Bobby53
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Problem in Enhancement spec

HonorBuddy Mode: RaF using LazyRaider bot
Shamans Location: Baradin Hold
What should have happened (be specific): Working through normal melee rotation
What did happen (be specific): Only cycles through shocks over and over and does not use any other melee abilities.
System time of issue (log time stamp): 14:48

I know this has been touched on on page 207/208, but it remains a big problem. The suggestion at the time to get right under the mob for melee full rotation to activate is impractical in some situations such as here in BH (and in some cases looks downright silly when being told by a raidleader to stay with your group). Additionally, people have mentioned the flying dragons in places like Vortex Pinnacle and I've never been able to find the right spot to get under them to activate the full melee rotation. In addition, when questing on the gunships flying around in places like Deepholm and Twilight Highlands, the bot will do nothing when engaging a mob (not even shocks) - it's like its treating you as mounted when stood on the deck of the gunship. These are some of the big issues I've encountered trying out your CC with enhancement spec, and I'm hoping they can be addressed as otherwise it becomes useless in some end-game encounters.


HonorBuddy Mode: RaF using LazyRaider bot
Shamans Location: Baradin Hold
What should have happened (be specific): Working through normal melee rotation
What did happen (be specific): Only cycles through shocks over and over and does not use any other melee abilities.
System time of issue (log time stamp): 14:48

I know this has been touched on on page 207/208, but it remains a big problem. The suggestion at the time to get right under the mob for melee full rotation to activate is impractical in some situations such as here in BH (and in some cases looks downright silly when being told by a raidleader to stay with your group). Additionally, people have mentioned the flying dragons in places like Vortex Pinnacle and I've never been able to find the right spot to get under them to activate the full melee rotation. In addition, when questing on the gunships flying around in places like Deepholm and Twilight Highlands, the bot will do nothing when engaging a mob (not even shocks) - it's like its treating you as mounted when stood on the deck of the gunship. These are some of the big issues I've encountered trying out your CC with enhancement spec, and I'm hoping they can be addressed as otherwise it becomes useless in some end-game encounters.

I still have this problem but i just play manually on bosses that cause this problem.
Kinda defeats the purpose of having a bot in the first place though if you are going to have to play fully manually :p

True but as it was discussed before this can't be fixed because of the hit box issues that some mobs have as that is what causes the issue with the bot doesn't think it is close enough to the mob.
It does the same thing in Arena .....

But it never does it on trash mobs or anything..
in 25m with lazy raider shamwow is going crazy
HonorBuddy Mode: Lazy raider
Shamans Location: BWD 25m hard mode
What should have happened (be specific): Would not heal anything kept gettng errors
What did happen (be specific): errors and bot was un responsive
System time of issue (log time stamp): 10:00pm

Rebooted fresh install still same problem ..



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Hay Bobbby as always a great CC. I have a question when useing lazyRaider in TB as a healer the bot keeps chamgeing between earth and water shiels until out of mana. I know i can set the tank manually but if that tank runs off and i stay to defend then it will start doing it agian. So my qustion is there a way to stop this?
HonorBuddy Mode: RaF using LazyRaider bot
Shamans Location: Baradin Hold
What should have happened (be specific): Working through normal melee rotation
What did happen (be specific): Only cycles through shocks over and over and does not use any other melee abilities.
System time of issue (log time stamp): 14:48

I know this has been touched on on page 207/208, but it remains a big problem. The suggestion at the time to get right under the mob for melee full rotation to activate is impractical in some situations such as here in BH (and in some cases looks downright silly when being told by a raidleader to stay with your group). Additionally, people have mentioned the flying dragons in places like Vortex Pinnacle and I've never been able to find the right spot to get under them to activate the full melee rotation. In addition, when questing on the gunships flying around in places like Deepholm and Twilight Highlands, the bot will do nothing when engaging a mob (not even shocks) - it's like its treating you as mounted when stood on the deck of the gunship. These are some of the big issues I've encountered trying out your CC with enhancement spec, and I'm hoping they can be addressed as otherwise it becomes useless in some end-game encounters.
Venger2005, Thanks for the clearly written post. Your melee character was never closer than 10.82 yards to the targets location for the activity occurring from 14:48:00 - 14:48:59. As mentioned earlier, the size of the hit box is not exposed by WOW or HonorBuddy so you have these options (they aren't suggestions, they are choices available to you to select from):

1. Move within normal melee range (5 yards) of the mobs location.
2. Play manually on bosses you are unable to position closely enough due to either strategy, movement, or other factors
3. Live with poor numbers on targets where more than 5 yards away from the mobs location
4. Switch specs to Elemental or Resto where melee range doesn't matter

As for the other issues mentioned, I would need a log file as I haven't encountered them. Almost every decision the CC makes is based upon some measurement of distance between the Shaman and its target. In situations where the bot does nothing, its because the distance returned doesn't match what you are seeing visibly. For example, you see you are clearly within 5 yds but HonorBuddy reports back you are 1107 yds away for example. This can happen because the area isn't meshed, your on a vehicle that hasn't been provided specific mesh handling, or some other challenge affecting that calculation has occurred. As always, a log file for that situation is needed to say specifically what is happening.

Good luck with your Shaman and I'll look for the other log files as you encounter issues going forward. Thanks, Bobby53

Kinda defeats the purpose of having a bot in the first place though if you are going to have to play fully manually :p
Although I support it, the merits of partially manual play (which is the only raiding currently available) vs. fully manual play are a little lost on me. Just doesn't seem like a huge hardship to take over for one boss or combat scenario since you are already at the keyboard controlling movement and possibly other functions. Could just be me though. Anyway, I'll continue to support this mode of usage, but I don't see this as a make or break for the perceived value of HonorBuddy or ShamWOW as is implied by the quoted statement. Thanks for your opinion and good luck with your Shaman.
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