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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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in 25m with lazy raider shamwow is going crazy
HonorBuddy Mode: Lazy raider
Shamans Location: BWD 25m hard mode
What should have happened (be specific): Would not heal anything kept gettng errors
What did happen (be specific): errors and bot was un responsive
System time of issue (log time stamp): 10:00pm

Rebooted fresh install still same problem ..

Froggystyle, Thanks for the post. I saw 10:00 was mentioned as the time stamp, but I reviewed the log file and the latest time I see is 9:47. I went ahead and scanned it over and it shows your role in the group as NONE, for example:

[9:19:42 PM:840] RAF:  TANK = Paladin.B0D3 
[9:19:42 PM:840] RAF:  HEALER = none currently
[9:19:42 PM:840] RAF:  NONE = -ME-

That is definitely why it wasn't healing, but I haven't seen this before so am not sure what about the setup caused that. Was this a premade group or did you enter Blackrock Mountain via LFD ?
Hay Bobbby as always a great CC. I have a question when useing lazyRaider in TB as a healer the bot keeps chamgeing between earth and water shiels until out of mana. I know i can set the tank manually but if that tank runs off and i stay to defend then it will start doing it agian. So my qustion is there a way to stop this?
GraveWalker, If it can't be fixed by a configuration change a code fix can definitely be made. I would need a log file showing that however. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
premade BWD 25man Heroic Nef o.o i had my role set as healer
My mistake regarding the Blackrock Mountain reference, was late. Post mentions problem occurring at 10:00 but the log file provided spans 9:15 to 9:47 o.o Not sure if another log file was intended to be attached or not. Was also mention of Rebooted fresh install still same problem .. which should have yielded a better log file. Could you attach that one too? Suggest also disabling as many plugins as possible that don't have to do with raiding. This is not to imply they have an impact, but to simplify the logfile content and reduce the number of moving parts under consideration.
Hmm i cant seem to make the bot function in PVP battlegrounds

"Chose ShamWOW v4.3.13 by Bobby53 as your combat class!
LOADED: ShamWOW v4.3.13 by Bobby53
Character specific config file loaded
Navigator.PathPrecision is: 2

Your Level 85 Orc Restoration Shaman Build is:
Eleme/Enhan/Resto 0/7/34
... running the PvP bot Solo as Combat Only in Durotar

Max Pull Ranged: 25
HB Pull Distance: 30

[talent] Cleanse Spirit: can remove Curses and Magic
[talent] Ancestral Swiftness: can cast Ghost Wolf on the run
[talent] Focused Insight: will cast Earth Shock to boost healing
[glyph] Stoneclaw Totem: found, will use as Shaman Bubble

Detected PVP Trinket: Medallion of the Horde

Options saved to ShamWOW-realm-char.config
Starting the bot!

>>> STARTING ShamWOW v4.3.13 by Bobby53

Your Level 85 Orc Restoration Shaman Build is:
Eleme/Enhan/Resto 0/7/34
... running the PvP bot Solo as Combat Only in Durotar

Max Pull Ranged: 25
HB Pull Distance: 30

[talent] Cleanse Spirit: can remove Curses and Magic
[talent] Ancestral Swiftness: can cast Ghost Wolf on the run
[talent] Focused Insight: will cast Earth Shock to boost healing
[glyph] Stoneclaw Totem: found, will use as Shaman Bubble

Detected PVP Trinket: Medallion of the Horde

This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
>>> STOPPING ShamWOW v4.3.13 by Bobby53
Honorbuddy was unable to find file

Please help am i missing something obvious or whats going on?!?
Well this is not really a bug or anything, I'm actually pretty amazed how ShamWOW performs. The problem is that although I'm on Elemental gear i was trying healing some zandalari and it actually works, expect on some bosses like the panther adds one on ZG. I'm not really into Restoration but I think the main problem is that it spams Healing Surge alot, making it run OOM pretty soon in the fights. I know that ShamWOW has alot of configuration, and that's what I'm trying to get here, some help to configure the CC.
So what's your best configuration? The default one, and I'm just lacking some spirit?
Well this is not really a bug or anything, I'm actually pretty amazed how ShamWOW performs. The problem is that although I'm on Elemental gear i was trying healing some zandalari and it actually works, expect on some bosses like the panther adds one on ZG. I'm not really into Restoration but I think the main problem is that it spams Healing Surge alot, making it run OOM pretty soon in the fights. I know that ShamWOW has alot of configuration, and that's what I'm trying to get here, some help to configure the CC.
So what's your best configuration? The default one, and I'm just lacking some spirit?

When you know a fight is going to have multiple targets always taking damage put healing surge alot lower and put chain heal quite high, also put greater heal high aswell.
Ive read back a bit, I guess I have missed it.

How would I go about disabling cleanse spirit for the new instances?

Hey bobby , loving shamwow ofc ..

But I'm wondering if there is a way to have it NOT fight during dungeons? I'm resto , have everything set to Healing Only , PvP + Grinding/Dungeons , RaF etc etc.

Other then that , no issues to report , just I like to conserve mana :D

EDIT: bobby , I apologize for my incompitence (spell check)

[talent] Focused Insight: will cast Earth Shock to boost healing
[talent] Telluric Currents: will cast Lightning Bolt to regen mana
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Been using ShamWoW as enhance for quite a while, just started using it as resto to build a healing set with quicker que's.. Um, is Earth Shield built into ShamWoW somewhere? I'll be damned if i can find it!

Hmm, i musta messed up a setting somewhere.. disreguard!
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Bobby, I noticed that if my shaman gets too far away from my manual played toon in arena it stops following me, huge problem :( My log is 4 mb from the rounds today, ill try to post a new log.
Advanced Raid Healing

Hey Bobby,

I had a suggestion for the bot to make it the greatest thing ever invented!!!
Hopefully others concur and you could add this in if its not too much trouble.
In my guild, sometimes I'm asked to be a raid healer and sometimes I'm placed as the tank healer but the bot obviously wants to keep everyone alive and starts healing people it shouldn't. Would it be possible to perhaps add an option to heal only the tank/only everyone but the tank/everyone in group?

Thanks for this. Hands down the best CC out there!!
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