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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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Since i'm fairly new to helaing my concern was that many ppl scream bot when healers does not target partymembers.

Now i am very happy that you guys have explained the opposite.

ps. i have only used mouseover in my macros for some effects/spells. Now i know i can use it whenever it works.

Thx for the helpful input from every1 and thx for not flaming.
man I use vuhdo to heal manually and all my guild people use it, healbot, or grid/clicke
NO ONE targets a player to heal that I know of.

can you post what they say in party chat about this?
Forget about the partymember-targetting question.

Not important since it seemed to be a few player yelling "wolf" so no worries.

Sorry for the fuzz i started bobby.
As a 6-year top-guild healer I can safely say that all those saying "targetting healers are n00bs" are blatantly wrong..... In general; targetting healers are those that are playing 5 minutes after any major update whilst the non-targetting healers are still taking hours upon hours to get their macros sorted. I'm playing with "normal" spells bound to all my mouse activities which means the "targetting" doesn't take any time away from the healing. So let's stop the dissing and start the loving.

I am saying, however, that there is no need to have the bot target at all. There's still alot of noobs that rely on addons to tell them who to heal (healbot) and those addons generally don't target the player.
Appreciate the response. Your setup is interesting and am glad you shared it, but wouldn't consider it best practice despite your obvious success healing end game content for so long. The earlier statements weren't blatantly wrong as the targeting setup described is an exception and not the rule. The majority of healers targeting players are new to healing OR havent been exposed to a better way OR as mentioned in my earlier post have not setup their action bars for one reason or another. That doesn't make them n00bs (derogatory), just new to that facet of the game or playing without having done any action bar/key mapping.

Thanks for the post and making me aware of your style of play, Bobby53
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won't be using this awesome CC for a while since i paid for 12 months and got to use the bot for like 10 months and a week.(2 months it's been useless because of bugs and stuff like that)

This is how they treat their customers and don't give a shit as long as they make money ;)

maybe i'll get an invoice for the week that i could use it after the 27th of April.

Keep up the good work Bobby53
The setting already exists. Use Shield Twisting. In PvP for Restos, the Damage Shield equates to Earth Shield rather than Lightning Shield. Otherwise it works the same. To force Water Shield all the time, set the Damage Shield % to 101 and the Mana Shield % to 100

Hi Bobby

Thanks for the reply, what would happen in this case if i cast earth shield on myself though would it want to then change it to water shield? I was thinking along the lines of if earth shield cast on a target then cast water shield on self and if earth shield is cast on self then don't cast water shield untill earth shield is put on another target.

For example lets say i was with a friend and i have earth shield on him and water shield on myself and then i want to change to having earth shield on myself because i became a target. If i did what you suggested and switched earth shield to me would it then automatically change to water shield or leave me with earth shield untill i change it? Maybe I am looking at this in to much depth i dunno heheh
Hi Bobby

Thanks for the reply, what would happen in this case if i cast earth shield on myself though would it want to then change it to water shield? I was thinking along the lines of if earth shield cast on a target then cast water shield on self and if earth shield is cast on self then don't cast water shield untill earth shield is put on another target.

For example lets say i was with a friend and i have earth shield on him and water shield on myself and then i want to change to having earth shield on myself because i became a target. If i did what you suggested and switched earth shield to me would it then automatically change to water shield or leave me with earth shield untill i change it? Maybe I am looking at this in to much depth i dunno heheh

That what my post was about not long ago if there was a way to disbale shield twisting this would make it so awsome (not that it already isnt) or make it use mana sheild until your health goes below say 40 percent. Just food for though going forward.
--Log Attached-

Playing as a enc shaman using combat bot.. moving the bot myself..

Was working 10 minutes before in TB .. but then went to the raid underneath this happens.. (which is the same thing that happens in arena I think.. I attached that log a few posts ago)

It just casts shocks.. does not even touch lava lash/stormstrike/call of elements etc

Here is a log from vs Argaloth.. using combat bot with movement disabled etc....

Really hope you can help :)


This is the same issue I reported when I was in Vortex pinnacle on any mob that was a dragon in there when it would only shock so i always had to manually play at that point, I think it's something to do with it not recoginising the hit box so it doesn't cast. Plus I play ele and resto now and they are flawless anyway :P
ShamWOW: Posting an issue, question, or criticism about BEHAVIOR YOU SAW

Attach a complete debug log file and copy the following template into your post. For step by step instructions, see ShamWOW's Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE]:

HonorBuddy Bot Used (Grind/PVP/Quest/etc):

Describe what you saw (be specific):

What should have happened (be specific):

System time you saw it happen:
--Log Attached-

Playing as a enc shaman using combat bot.. moving the bot myself..

Was working 10 minutes before in TB .. but then went to the raid underneath this happens.. (which is the same thing that happens in arena I think.. I attached that log a few posts ago)

It just casts shocks.. does not even touch lava lash/stormstrike/call of elements etc

Here is a log from vs Argaloth.. using combat bot with movement disabled etc....

Really hope you can help :)

This have been a bug with Argaloth for quite some time now.
I have reported it (with logs) 2 times now and it is still happening. I had some theory about it was the immune check but still happends even after disabling it.

Edit: Link to my 2 previous posts.
Edit #2: The actual link -- http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...o-pvp-raf-healbot-bobby53-197.html#post278572
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--Log Attached-

Playing as a enc shaman using combat bot.. moving the bot myself..

Was working 10 minutes before in TB .. but then went to the raid underneath this happens.. (which is the same thing that happens in arena I think.. I attached that log a few posts ago)

It just casts shocks.. does not even touch lava lash/stormstrike/call of elements etc

Here is a log from vs Argaloth.. using combat bot with movement disabled etc....

Really hope you can help :)
starnzl, Your character is out of range. The closest you moved in was 8.9 yards and melee range is 5.0 yds. Even if it appears you are within the hitbox, you should keep moving to the center of the target until it casts a melee range spell. Good luck, Bobby53
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This have been a bug with Argaloth for quite some time now.
I have reported it (with logs) 2 times now and it is still happening. I had some theory about it was the immune check but still happends even after disabling it.

Edit: Link to my 2 previous posts.
Edit #2: The actual link -- http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...o-pvp-raf-healbot-bobby53-197.html#post278572
dotzor, The issue with starnzl's is definitely distance away from the mob. I tried the link you provided and it didn't take me to a relevant post. I remember the discussion and requests regarding spell immunity detection, so may have been focused on that aspect of the request than the spells not being cast. In general, if you are doing the LazyRaider thing with Enhancement, the user has to be much more precise with the movement and positioning. Additionally, they need to ignore the graphic indication of the hitbox and keep moving in until within melee range of the center point of the mob. You'll know you've reached it when Stormstrike or Lava Lash is cast. Thanks, Bobby53
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It was not casting Spirit Wolf/totems/blood fury/shamanistic rage or anything else either thou ?

I play exactly the same in BGs/Arena/PVE as to how I control my character.... so .. yeah :/

Ill try a bit more testing.. thanks thou :)
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It was not casting Spirit Wolf/totems/blood fury/shamanistic rage or anything else either thou ?

I play exactly the same in BGs/Arena/PVE as to how I control my character.... so .. yeah :/

Ill try a bit more testing.. thanks thou :)
starnzl, A couple quick points:

1. You should never cast Blood Fury for an Enhancement until you are in melee range, or it is being wasted

2. I am not clear at what point you wanted it to cast Shamanistic Rage when out of melee range, but if you can elaborate I'll look into it. It is intentionally saved for melee range so you can take greater advantage of the 15 seconds of free casts.

3. Enhancement in RAF intentionally waits until it is in melee range to cast totems in most cases so if movement during the fight occurs the need to recast is minimized.

4. Feral Spirit is currently not cast in dungeons until you are in melee range.

It is not useful to mention behavior in Instances in the same post as behavior in BGs/Arena. Even if you play exactly the same, the CC does not. It is entirely different code for each of those since it needs to make different choices in each of those environments. It is almost like running a different CC for each, except its all within the same ShamWOW umbrella to simplify transitions and Mixed bot usage.

Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
dotzor, The issue with starnzl's is definitely distance away from the mob. I tried the link you provided and it didn't take me to a relevant post. I remember the discussion and requests regarding spell immunity detection, so may have been focused on that aspect of the request than the spells not being cast. In general, if you are doing the LazyRaider thing with Enhancement, the user has to be much more precise with the movement and positioning. Additionally, they need to ignore the graphic indication of the hitbox and keep moving in until within melee range of the center point of the mob. You'll know you've reached it when Stormstrike or Lava Lash is cast. Thanks, Bobby53

It might be the hitbox playing games with us.
If I move further away I wont soak the splash dmg tho so no can do.
But its np I just do him manually or heal.
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