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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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bobby im still having issues getting Shamwow to work on nefarion, chogall and al'akir. im posting a log from nef the other night it healed while everyone was buffing but once we actually pull the boss is when it stops. thanks!


Is it possible to have the CC target the partymember it's healing or is this within HB-mechanics ?

If i'm not wrong it's pretty easy to spot healers since they never target the partymembers when healing.
There's no mechanic for that. Some people target the person they're healing (like me when playing on my priest), some don't when they use Clique or other addons.
Big thanks for the update, Bobby!

Didn't you planned make SVN-version of yours CC and profiles?
hmmm i must be missing the setting 2 stop shamwow from dispelling makes it burtal when in za dispelling the buffs is there a way to fix this? i unlicked the cleanse in raf seciton and it still dispells
hmmm i must be missing the setting 2 stop shamwow from dispelling makes it burtal when in za dispelling the buffs is there a way to fix this? i unlicked the cleanse in raf seciton and it still dispells

Latest version has fixed it.
HonorBuddy Mode: LazyRaider
Shamans Location: Not Applicable

A list of small issues observed while doing the new Zandalari Heroic Dungens:

* Figurine - Dream Owl is now detected as a DPS Trinket and a Mana Trinket, resulting the trinket being popped at the begging of the fight in Resto spec (when you're full of mana anyway)
* When/If tank dies, bot keeps trying to cast earth shield/riptide on him, pretty much in an infinite loop
* After recovering from a wipe, zoning in the dungeon manually, if everyone mounts up, and you try to mount up manually and follow them (as it's the case in ZA/ZG), bot dismounts while trying to get players back to full health, which is kind of annoying as you have to stop the bot, get debuff from cauldron (ZG) and then catch up with the group
* Dispelling has a low priority at the moment. In these dungeons, the debuffs can easily wipe a group, and it seems dispelling/cleansing itself is even lower on the priority list, restulting in some suicides, sometimes.
* Weapon Buff / Shield sometimes gets recast even if the duration on them is fine. This usually happens after stopping and starting the bot (say, after recovering from a wipe, I cast earthliving/water shield manually on me, when starting the bot, earthliving/water shield gets recast)
* If the bot itself dies, it keeps trying to spam the log with "You are stunned". Extremly annoying on fights like Mandokir (the decapitate boss) when he kills you and the spirit ressurects you back.

And a small lists of features that I believe would make the CC better:

* Implement a way to stop healing while not in combat, while still applying weapon/shield buff on self (and on tank), that would fix the recovering after a wipe problems.
* Implement OFFENSIVE dispelling. Fights like Omnotron Defense System, Maloriak etc. and numerous packs of trash in the new dungeons (and raids) need it
* Implement a BLACKLIST or WHITELIST (probably could/should be toggleable) for cleansing: you don't want to dispell Blackout on Valiona & Theralion automatically. You don't want to dispell the Cauldron Buffs in ZG, and you REALLY don't want to dispell a warlock's Unstable Affliction in PvP. I know you can disable/enable this each and every fight, but the way the CC reloads its whole settings after the save button is clicked is kind of annoying after a while. A simple input box like "enter IDs of blacklisted/whitelisted (de)buffs, separated by a comma" would suffice. This should be shareable between offensive/defensive cleansing/purging. Maybe should be marked as an advanced setting.
* Mana Potions, Volcanic Potions. Part of the logic could be shared with trinkets (I think), as they're not so different in many ways.
* Healing Rain can/should/could be cast when 3+ people need heals in dungeons, not just 4+. This could also be configurable, I think.

Otherwise, thanks for this great Combat Class.
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Is it possible to have the CC target the partymember it's healing or is this within HB-mechanics ?
If i'm not wrong it's pretty easy to spot healers since they never target the partymembers when healing.
Hi, I could write it so that it targets prior to casting a heal, but typically only beginners or those that haven't bothered to setup their macros and action bars or raid frames will set a friendly player as the current target prior to casting a heal. The reason is its an extra step that is unnecessary (extra steps = slower response = lower heals per second = more deaths.) Everyone is a beginner at some point, but that is a key step in the progression of a healer in the game. Targeting a partymember is basically the healers equivalent of a melee character key turning. For reference, Google for Resto Shaman Mouseover macros which are pretty standard (in some form) for most Restos. As for identifying healers vs other characters, DPS don't target partymembers either so I'm not sure I understand what your inferring about easy identification of healers.
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* Figurine - Dream Owl is now detected as a DPS Trinket and a Mana Trinket, resulting the trinket being popped at the begging of the fight in Resto spec (when you're full of mana anyway)
That is a bug due to a typo. Incorrectly recognizes Dream Owl as combat and doesn't recognize King of Boars. Fixed in next release.

* When/If tank dies, bot keeps trying to cast earth shield/riptide on him, pretty much in an infinite loop
Need log file

* After recovering from a wipe, zoning in the dungeon manually, if everyone mounts up, and you try to mount up manually and follow them (as it's the case in ZA/ZG), bot dismounts while trying to get players back to full health, which is kind of annoying as you have to stop the bot, get debuff from cauldron (ZG) and then catch up with the group
Will look at this.

* Dispelling has a low priority at the moment. In these dungeons, the debuffs can easily wipe a group, and it seems dispelling/cleansing itself is even lower on the priority list, restulting in some suicides, sometimes.
Ability to specify the cleanse priority already scheduled for next release.

* Weapon Buff / Shield sometimes gets recast even if the duration on them is fine. This usually happens after stopping and starting the bot (say, after recovering from a wipe, I cast earthliving/water shield manually on me, when starting the bot, earthliving/water shield gets recast)
By design, shields are cast if less than 3 stacks and you are out of combat which is correct. Weapon Buff is currently cast when you stop / start the bot by design as it does for any transion (enter a dungeon, leave a dungeon, enter a bg, leave a bg, etc.) Will look at a revision to this in a future release.

* If the bot itself dies, it keeps trying to spam the log with "You are stunned". Extremly annoying on fights like Mandokir (the decapitate boss) when he kills you and the spirit ressurects you back.
Need a log file

* Implement a way to stop healing while not in combat, while still applying weapon/shield buff on self (and on tank), that would fix the recovering after a wipe problems.
That would appear strange to the group that a healer with 50% mana or more is standing next to them and not healing the tank and dps so they are able to resume quickly.

* Implement OFFENSIVE dispelling. Fights like Omnotron Defense System, Maloriak etc. and numerous packs of trash in the new dungeons (and raids) need it
Upcoming release.

* Implement a BLACKLIST or WHITELIST (probably could/should be toggleable) for cleansing: you don't want to dispell Blackout on Valiona & Theralion automatically. You don't want to dispell the Cauldron Buffs in ZG, and you REALLY don't want to dispell a warlock's Unstable Affliction in PvP. I know you can disable/enable this each and every fight, but the way the CC reloads its whole settings after the save button is clicked is kind of annoying after a while. A simple input box like "enter IDs of blacklisted/whitelisted (de)buffs, separated by a comma" would suffice. This should be shareable between offensive/defensive cleansing/purging. Maybe should be marked as an advanced setting.

* Mana Potions, Volcanic Potions. Part of the logic could be shared with trinkets (I think), as they're not so different in many ways.
Mana potions have been supported for a very long time, but it does appear the best ones are not currently accounted for however. Next release.

* Healing Rain can/should/could be cast when 3+ people need heals in dungeons, not just 4+. This could also be configurable, I think.
ElitistJerks specifies 5 or more so it should actually be increased from 4 rather than lowered. While it could be lowered, I disagree that it should.

Thanks for the very thorough and considered observations. For several of them however I will need a log file along with a description that notes what the system time was when you observed the behavior so I can associate the symptoms you observed with a specific portion of the log file. Thanks for your contribution to improving ShamWOW, Bobby53
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The forum monster just ate my friggin long post where I was blowing sunshine up your ***.
So here is the short version:

Great Work (as usual).
The HB team should all take a page from your playbook and read up, not just the coding, they got good coders as well, but your entire approach to handling updates, support, "HR" and proffesionalism.

After all, they are getting paid ...
Hi, I could write it so that it targets prior to casting a heal, but typically only beginners or those that haven't bothered to setup their macros and action bars or raid frames will set a friendly player as the current target prior to casting a heal. The reason is its an extra step that is unnecessary (extra steps = slower response = lower heals per second = more deaths.) Everyone is a beginner at some point, but that is a key step in the progression of a healer in the game. Targeting a partymember is basically the healers equivalent of a melee character key turning. For reference, Google for Resto Shaman Mouseover macros which are pretty standard (in some form) for most Restos. As for identifying healers vs other characters, DPS don't target partymembers either so I'm not sure I understand what your inferring about easy identification of healers.

I fully understand your point and if not needed then it's fine.

When playing w/o bot i use mouseover too in my macros.

Ofcourse DPS's aren't targetting partymembers.

Healers DO target partypals unless using mouseover macros as you stated.

my questions was only referring to healers.
I fully understand your point and if not needed then it's fine.

When playing w/o bot i use mouseover too in my macros.

Ofcourse DPS's aren't targetting partymembers.

Healers DO target partypals unless using mouseover macros as you stated.

my questions was only referring to healers.

Not many healers worth their salt go thru the hazzle to target whoever they are healing, its slow and not very practical.
And even more important, it makes it harder to interupt and cast those important LB's!

Me, I always target whoever we are killing atm, for several reasons.
1. Got all heals on a targetoftarget macro so I fast as f*** can switch and save ppl who take aggro or is the target of random abilities. It looks awesome to throw a ES on some random DPS who gets hit by a random smack 0.5s later.
2. It makes interupting easier.
3. this way I can throw moar Lightning Bolts!
4. Clique or similar addon take care of the mouseover heals / interupts.

Macros (I know that @ nowadays can replace target but I am old, fat and tired):

ES -
/use 13
/cast [target=targettarget,help] Earth Shield; Earth Shield

Riptide (just replace riptide with HS, HW etc and remove the stopcasting if you are a masher) -
/cast [modifier:ctrl,target=focus] Riptide;[target=target,help] Riptide; [target=targettarget,help] Riptide; [target=player] Riptide
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thx Bobby u rock...didnt see the new version =P will test it out!!
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HonorBuddy Mode: PVP
Shamans Location: Any location in general
What should have happened (be specific): I want to target myself and put water shield instead
What did happen (be specific): If I cast water shield on myself it will automatically change it back to Earth shield

This is more of a suggestion because in PVP it seems as though your own character becomes the main target for Earth Shield and then will only cast water shield at low mana, so what I was thinking is that if there was some sort of setting that could either manually override the Earth shield (Turn it off) to allow manual casting on a target other than yourself so that your own toon can keep water shield on untill you need earth shield yourself.
I fully understand your point and if not needed then it's fine.
When playing w/o bot i use mouseover too in my macros.
Ofcourse DPS's aren't targetting partymembers.
Healers DO target partypals unless using mouseover macros as you stated.
my questions was only referring to healers.
hi1674, Thanks for the follow up. Everything in the quote above is basically a reiteration of my post. I would say healers that are targeting party member to do anything other than check their gear and stat choices identifies them as new to healing (or they are possibly playing with 1 hand.) However I still don't understand the motivation for your initial post. I'm assuming it was due to some concern you had rather than a random question about WOW / HB mechanics. If you still have a concern, please clarify what the issue is along with specific examples. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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As a 6-year top-guild healer I can safely say that all those saying "targetting healers are n00bs" are blatantly wrong..... In general; targetting healers are those that are playing 5 minutes after any major update whilst the non-targetting healers are still taking hours upon hours to get their macros sorted. I'm playing with "normal" spells bound to all my mouse activities which means the "targetting" doesn't take any time away from the healing. So let's stop the dissing and start the loving.

I am saying, however, that there is no need to have the bot target at all. There's still alot of noobs that rely on addons to tell them who to heal (healbot) and those addons generally don't target the player.
HonorBuddy Mode: PVP
Shamans Location: Any location in general
What should have happened (be specific): I want to target myself and put water shield instead
What did happen (be specific): If I cast water shield on myself it will automatically change it back to Earth shield

This is more of a suggestion because in PVP it seems as though your own character becomes the main target for Earth Shield and then will only cast water shield at low mana, so what I was thinking is that if there was some sort of setting that could either manually override the Earth shield (Turn it off) to allow manual casting on a target other than yourself so that your own toon can keep water shield on untill you need earth shield yourself.
The setting already exists. Use Shield Twisting. In PvP for Restos, the Damage Shield equates to Earth Shield rather than Lightning Shield. Otherwise it works the same. To force Water Shield all the time, set the Damage Shield % to 101 and the Mana Shield % to 100
Bobby how do I disable this check

"in combat but not a valid hostile target, finding another"

It happened in the log I posted for you.. happens when you target a demo in sota .. and also when you target any other player in arena (enc spec)

Is there somewhere I can disable this check ?

End Result = bot thinks it cant fight it... so it wont..
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