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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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any way to disable combat complete i dungeons as healer?
<y shaman get invited in IB as healer, and i set heal only, but he still make dmg, and pull etc.
any way to disable combat complete i dungeons as healer?
<y shaman get invited in IB as healer, and i set heal only, but he still make dmg, and pull etc.

Seeing that you set the CC to only heal it should not be pulling. But it will still throw lightning bolts to regain mana. That's the only combat that you should be seeing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ran the new version yesterday in ZA worked flawless, was even told I was the best healer they ever seen :p lol
Ran the new version yesterday in ZA worked flawless, was even told I was the best healer they ever seen :p lol

Hey :)

Post a screenie of your settings please :P i have decent gear but i find myself going oom on alot of the fights in there.
Same problem can anybody post your healing settings and overheal is possible or?
Having problems with, it will start, buff weapons, loot anything thats not looted, and then all this below pops up. Lvl 34 working on the jintha'alor quests, the profile hasnt / shamwow hasnt working since the skitterer quests.
.. cut for space ...
>>> STOPPING ShamWOW v4.3.12 by Bobby53
stevelulwow, Please see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ [CLICK HERE] that provides steps on the detail required in an issue post to assist you. It appears that the problem is with the UseItemOn quest behavior which is part of HonorBuddy, so you will want to post in the HonorBuddy thread. If you still believe it to be a Shaman issue, then provide the detailed as mentioned in the FAQ and I'll look into it for you. Thanks and good luck, Bobby53
i cant start it either... tells me

Detected PVP Trinket: Medallion of the Horde
Detected Health Trinket: Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Emblem of Cruelty

This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
>>> STOPPING ShamWOW v4.3.12 by Bobby53
Honorbuddy was unable to find file "
HB7032V76, Please read the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ [CLICK HERE] for steps on posting the details required to for responding to issues. The highlighted message quoted above indicates you did not load a profile suitable for your character telling it where to go or what to do. If you have questions with getting started with HonorBuddy, please consult the sticky HonorBuddy Service [CLICK HERE] and post in the HonorBuddy Support Forums [CLICK HERE]
HonorBuddy Mode: Grind/PVP/Mixed/Quest/RaF : Combat_No Movement
Shamans Location: Multiple dungeouns
What should have happened (be specific): Enhancement shaman should've done average dps in mostly resto gear.
What did happen (be specific): Enhancement Shaman had dps second to only the tank in ALL dungeons I ran
System time of issue (log time stamp): ALL DAY LONG
Synopsis: I lovez you long time!

Great work buddy - kicked ass in dungeons and is leveling my once resto-now enh shaman real quick using hanging fruit! This is a beast of a CC and I wish you all the best man! Hope you keep dishing this stuff out and hope you keep getting the support you deserve.

PS: if you ever decide to start a pally CC that would really make me say WOW!
LOL.... Ok, my favorite issue post so far! Thank you Nightskine
Is there any way to do questing dps (enh) while waiting on dungeon queue as a healer, and when queue pops, the bot could go in switch specs and heal the instance
stevelulwow, Used the Mixed Bot. You can use a number of different bots (including Questing) while waiting on a Dungeon queue. InstanceBuddy has built in support for changing specs based upon the role you are assigned. NOTE: changing specs leaves you at 0% mana. Most groups start quickly without waiting for spec changes so you WILL encounter issues if you run in this mode that are due to your group and not the Bot. For more details on the Mixed Bot or InstanceBuddy see the corresponding threads for those items. Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

FINAL NOTE: InstanceBuddy only switches specs; it does not switch gear. If you don't like healing in your Enahnce gear, you'll need another component to auto-switch for you. Not sure how quickly EquipMe plugin responds to the talent spec change, but I recommend using an equipment manager WOW AddOn like Outfitter [CLICK HERE] from wow.curse.com that will automatically change your gear based on the configuration you setup when it recognizes whatever situation you tell it to. In this case, you would want to define a gear set for each spec.
I would ask for a help, guys. I Need to know the ideal configuration for shamy elemental in PvP. Clicking on the opponent he goes toward it as an enchantment and casting spells to close as a melee.. And I am dead.. ;)
Should act like Hunter CC profile, Am I right..? Target the oponnent, stay away almost 40yds and start killing :D
Combat_No Movement, how is it work? Wanna free movment and only target the opponents and the profile does the rest :)

Please read the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ [CLICK HERE] if you are encountering a Shaman specific issue. If you have a question regarding the Combat_NoMovement Bot you would do best to post in the support thread for that. The only no movement bot I support is the LazyRaider Bot. See my signature for details.
Please read the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ [CLICK HERE] if you are encountering a Shaman specific issue. If you have a question regarding the Combat_NoMovement Bot you would do best to post in the support thread for that. The only no movement bot I support is the LazyRaider Bot. See my signature for details.

I am sorry Mr.Bobby, that was a simple question to all Elemental char that use you great CC, how they target the enemy and walk by myself at BG as I do.. Sorry.. :(

Nightskine : Gonna see your post. Thanks a lot. :o
HonorBuddy Mode: Lazy Raider

Shamans Location: ZG

What should have happened (be specific): At the start of the instance when the players gain the nature debuff from pots shaman dispels everytime. I have disabled the dispels in the cc config and it still checks itself.

What did happen (be specific): The cc is rechecking to dispel and dispelling the nature debuff.

System time of issue (log time stamp):[11:18:53 AM:428] % WaitForCurrentSpell: no cast or gcd in progress

- Implement Spirit Link Totem
- Allow to change number of targets for dungeons when rain / chain heal is used
- Blacklist the Cauldron (de)buffs from dispelling/curing in Zul'Gurub
- Implement a way to stop all actions during Rest()

edit: Also, as poster above mentioned, if you tick Cleanse Spirit OFF, it still dispells those (de)buffs from players.
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If you implement spirit link totem have a option to disable cause I think on bot use during raid or vital fights like lynx in a za could be better used by human than program... But excellent suggestion nonetheless
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