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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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I found that if the tank actually leaves the instance or dies then sometimes lazy raider loses track of the tank and doesn't cast earth shield. Other than that bobby all i can say is wow the healing and enhancement side of things is beautiful and I have no problems healing any content.

The one thing I will ask is about settings, would you have plans at all to make it so we can save settings so i don't have to manually alter them from fight to fight also maybe some trinket usage being as you have all the other cd's usable and something to control mana tide.

Thanks :)
Also, for Enchancment Rotations i think it shojuld be more along the lines

Rankings are based on the following priorities:
1) Feral Spirit
2) Lightning Bolt only when Maelstrom Weapon = 5
3) Searing Totem
4) Lava Lash
5) Unleash Elements
6) Flame Shock if dot is not up
7) Earth Shock
8) Stormstrike
Lightning Shield is kept active
Windfury Weapon Main Hand
Flametongue Weapon Off Hand
Check the initial post and FAQ. It provides links to the reference documents that govern rotation implemented in ShamWOW. If you find that the CC isn't matching the rotations described then I'll definitely update to match them. If it does but your looking for something different than what they specify, you'll want to post in those other sites threads to convince them of the needed change and just let me know when they revise. Thanks for the post and I'll keep an eye out for an update, Bobby53
there is no setting for Earth Shield and it isn't being cast.
Water Shield on the other hand is being cast on self.
Maybe you're confusing Earth Shield with Earth Shock....
No setting is needed for Earth Shield. It detects the spec and combat scenario and casts appropriately. If it isn't casting for you there is either a bug unique to your installation and configuration, you aren't resto spec, or no Tank has been identified by the Bot you are running. Please be sure to read the Frequently Asked Questions and provide the necessary detail if you continue to have an issue. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
It is implented, the CC uses earthshield on the tank.
It is beyond pointless to have a setting for that.
There is no questionmarks in my statement for a reason.

If your CC don't cast EarthShield on the tank it can have multiple reasons.

1. you have setup the cc wrongly - read the FAQ
2. see #1
3. you aren't resto
4. HB fails @ detecting who is tank, see #1
5. you are using Instancebuddy, see #4
6. see #1
7. the stars are aligned along the venus leylines and are producing to much stardust for your computer to handle, see #1
Not the way I would have responded, but accurate. Thanks for responding while I've been offline dotz.
Will be offline probably until Friday, but hopefully will regain access sooner. Currently responding via phone or public computer so no ability to review log files, etc. at the moment.

To those that posted issues/questions/criticism according to the FAQ, THANK YOU! I will be reviewing your posts first and responding in order once fully back online.

To everyone that posted without the necessary details (for example, if you didn't specify the system time you observed the problem occurring) please read the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ [CLICK HERE] and post according to the steps provided there so I have the information necessary to provide a meaningful response to your issue/question/criticism. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
Hey bobby, is there any way to integrate the new fire nova into the bot ??

(Instead of flames coming outta your totem, it now causes your flame shock spell to ignite :))
Having problems with, it will start, buff weapons, loot anything thats not looted, and then all this below pops up. Lvl 34 working on the jintha'alor quests, the profile hasnt / shamwow hasnt working since the skitterer quests.

>>> STARTING ShamWOW v4.3.12 by Bobby53

Your Level 34 Dwarf Enhancement Shaman Build is:
Eleme/Enhan/Resto 0/13/0
... running the Questing bot Solo as Combat Only in Jintha'Alor

Max Pull Ranged: 30
HB Pull Distance: 30

[talent] Cleanse Spirit: can only remove Curses
[talent] Ancestral Swiftness: must stop to cast Ghost Wolf

We leveled up! Checking if we need to switch profiles.
Totem Bar[Fire ]: SEARING_TOTEM

*Lightning Shield
*Windfury Weapon
*Flametongue Weapon
Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Spawn of Shadra
Looting Spawn of Shadra Guid:0xF530A77F000AA8F8
[UseItemOn(warning)]: This form of the method 'CheckForUnrecognizedAttributes' is deprecated.
Please update your behavior to use one of the replacement methods provided by the CustomForcedBehavior class.
Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

>>> STOPPING ShamWOW v4.3.12 by Bobby53
i cant start it either... tells me

"Your Level 85 Tauren Enhancement Shaman Build is:
Eleme/Enhan/Resto 2/37/2
... running the PvP bot Solo as Combat Only in The Filthy Animal

Max Pull Ranged: 25
HB Pull Distance: 30

[talent] Cleanse Spirit: can only remove Curses
[talent] Ancestral Swiftness: can cast Ghost Wolf on the run
[talent] Maelstrom Weapon: will cast Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning at 5 stacks
[glyph] Stoneclaw Totem: found, will use as Shaman Bubble
[glyph] Shamanistic Rage: found, will use as Magic Cleanse
[glyph] Healing Stream Totem: found, will use instead of Elemental Resistance Totem

Detected PVP Trinket: Medallion of the Horde
Detected Health Trinket: Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Emblem of Cruelty

This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
>>> STOPPING ShamWOW v4.3.12 by Bobby53
Honorbuddy was unable to find file "
i cant start it either... tells me

"Your Level 85 Tauren Enhancement Shaman Build is:
Eleme/Enhan/Resto 2/37/2
... running the PvP bot Solo as Combat Only in The Filthy Animal

Max Pull Ranged: 25
HB Pull Distance: 30

[talent] Cleanse Spirit: can only remove Curses
[talent] Ancestral Swiftness: can cast Ghost Wolf on the run
[talent] Maelstrom Weapon: will cast Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning at 5 stacks
[glyph] Stoneclaw Totem: found, will use as Shaman Bubble
[glyph] Shamanistic Rage: found, will use as Magic Cleanse
[glyph] Healing Stream Totem: found, will use instead of Elemental Resistance Totem

Detected PVP Trinket: Medallion of the Horde
Detected Health Trinket: Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Emblem of Cruelty

This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
>>> STOPPING ShamWOW v4.3.12 by Bobby53
Honorbuddy was unable to find file "
Attach a FULL log to your post(there are tutorials around the forum for that)

As far as i can tell the issue is that you're using pvp/bg bot and have not loaded up a profile(thought, i didn't think a profile was required). Search around the forums for a 'Blank Profile' and load it up.

Having problems with, it will start, buff weapons, loot anything thats not looted, and then all this below pops up. Lvl 34 working on the jintha'alor quests, the profile hasnt / shamwow hasnt working since the skitterer quests.

>>> STARTING ShamWOW v4.3.12 by Bobby53

Your Level 34 Dwarf Enhancement Shaman Build is:
Eleme/Enhan/Resto 0/13/0
... running the Questing bot Solo as Combat Only in Jintha'Alor

Max Pull Ranged: 30
HB Pull Distance: 30

[talent] Cleanse Spirit: can only remove Curses
[talent] Ancestral Swiftness: must stop to cast Ghost Wolf

We leveled up! Checking if we need to switch profiles.
Totem Bar[Fire ]: SEARING_TOTEM

*Lightning Shield
*Windfury Weapon
*Flametongue Weapon
Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Spawn of Shadra
Looting Spawn of Shadra Guid:0xF530A77F000AA8F8
[UseItemOn(warning)]: This form of the method 'CheckForUnrecognizedAttributes' is deprecated.
Please update your behavior to use one of the replacement methods provided by the CustomForcedBehavior class.
Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

>>> STOPPING ShamWOW v4.3.12 by Bobby53

I don't believer this is a CC issue. If i'm reading your log correctly(You should also post a FULL log attached to your post) you're using old quest behaviors or perhaps you logged out of WoW/re-opened it without restarting HB. I'm not even 75% certain on this but i'm betting on the off chance that it helps ;)
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To me it just looks like you need to restart HB....I get this all the time if I switch characters from say Warrior to Shaman.
HonorBuddy Mode: Grind/PVP/Mixed/Quest/RaF : Combat_No Movement
Shamans Location: Multiple dungeouns
What should have happened (be specific): Enhancement shaman should've done average dps in mostly resto gear.
What did happen (be specific): Enhancement Shaman had dps second to only the tank in ALL dungeons I ran
System time of issue (log time stamp): ALL DAY LONG
Synopsis: I lovez you long time!

Great work buddy - kicked ass in dungeons and is leveling my once resto-now enh shaman real quick using hanging fruit! This is a beast of a CC and I wish you all the best man! Hope you keep dishing this stuff out and hope you keep getting the support you deserve.

PS: if you ever decide to start a pally CC that would really make me say WOW!
Is there any way to do questing dps (enh) while waiting on dungeon queue as a healer, and when queue pops, the bot could go in switch specs and heal the instance
I would ask for a help, guys. I Need to know the ideal configuration for shamy elemental in PvP. Clicking on the opponent he goes toward it as an enchantment and casting spells to close as a melee.. And I am dead.. ;)
Should act like Hunter CC profile, Am I right..? Target the oponnent, stay away almost 40yds and start killing :D
Combat_No Movement, how is it work? Wanna free movment and only target the opponents and the profile does the rest :)

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I would ask for a help, guys. I Need to know the ideal configuration for shamy elemental in PvP. Clicking on the opponent he goes toward it as an enchantment and casting spells to close as a melee.. And I am dead.. ;)
Should act like Hunter CC profile, Am I right..? Target the oponnent, stay away almost 40yds and start killing :D
Combat_No Movement, how is it work? Wanna free movment and only target the opponents and the profile does the rest :)


Hey Ivan,
I'd first ask myself these questions:

1. Are you speced as Elemental and not Enhancement? - ShamWoW picks up on what you're talented as and reacts accordingly.

2. Do you have click to move selected in your interface options in WoW? If you do, when you right click, maybe thats whats causing you to move towards the enemy.

3. Are you using Lazy Raider/Combat_No Movement bot AND - do you have Disable Movement (and targeting if you like) selected in the CC Configuration ...

4. What are your settings like under the PVP tab in the CC Configuration?

5. Also as a note: if you're any sort of caster and you want to move and target by yourself - I never right click to attack - I always target an enemy (left click) and then cast the first spell in my rotation to put me into combat and let the CC take over. In your case that would be fire shock/lightning bolt or whatever you want to start with really.

Combat_No Movement is a bot that lets you control the movement and lets the CC kick in when you're in Combat.

If you want to control movement and targeting follow the Lazy RAider setup here by Bobby ...

Hope this helped.
Good luck buddy,
Bobby how does the enc spec control self healing ??

Is there anyway we can toggle to save maelstrom weapon for healing ?
{Added} Please disregard this post, it was my fault (as usual), I'd ticked a box in error, removed the tick and bam, it's working again..lol, soz!!

{/Start Disregard} I'm a bit confused, I've used this with my Shammy and he used to dump totems around him, I've updated and he doesn't appear to do that now? am I missing something? (probably somat blatantly obvious, but then again, sometimes I can't see the woods for the trees!!) {/End Disregard}
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How do I get it to stay from picking the lower level instances? ill select the ones I want but when I get out of a dungeon it just has all of them selected again.

Any way to fix this
Anyway to fix the debuffing of poisons in ZG heroic? I disabled cleanse spirit in options but it's still removing stuff from players. Also, how do you make it so it won't try to heal if you're mounted?
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