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Server-Side LCP Detection (2) Solution

Out of curiosity, do the profiles generated by Roboto's website have some sort of check to make sure the angle between two travel segments isn't something absurd like a 180 degree turnaround? If not, it's a simple calculation:

angle between two movement vectors = cos[SUP]-1[/SUP](dotProduct(a,b)/mult(abs(a),abs(b))
Where i can test GatherBro?

EDIT got this error

GatherBroLoader: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Mindestens ein Typ in der Assembly kann nicht geladen werden. Rufen Sie die LoaderExceptions-Eigenschaft ab, wenn Sie weitere Informationen ben?tigen.
bei System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module)
bei System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes()
bei System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes()
bei GatherBroDllLoader.GatherBroLoader..ctor() in c:\Buddy\Honorbuddy - Kopie (23)\Bots\GatherBro\GatherBroLoader.cs:Zeile 35.
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Post it on your forum - i use last Beta 248 ;)

ok works with official release... then i will wait for documentation (how to create profile)
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Please post on my forums if you have questions, but the answer to your question is that you are not using the Release build of Honorbuddy.

Drogo - Your Message Box is full.
soz mate, fills quickly :p. Ive deleted messages :)
well i did made 19 profile for grind.......... in circle... 1 tour take like 20 mins.....i did make 1 by 1 19 and after put all cordons in 1 profile so like 6 hours he get same hot spot.... and i did get ban:( i dont know why:( just 1 day boting.. and 5 mins ago i was banned. can be from ip? or someting what i do wrong:).
well i did made 19 profile for grind.......... in circle... 1 tour take like 20 mins.....i did make 1 by 1 19 and after put all cordons in 1 profile so like 6 hours he get same hot spot.... and i did get ban:( i dont know why:( just 1 day boting.. and 5 mins ago i was banned. can be from ip? or someting what i do wrong:).

maybe ip, maybe because you were reported...

Looks like GatherBro adaptes the same concept of randomized hotspots, nice to see the community come up with all those good ideas.
i'm curretnly in the closed beta for random Buddy, looks pretty straight forward
NEVER run a hotspot twice, simple.

Roboto, you're a genius!
Any possibility to make this work for Cata/WotLK - for only Battlechest/WoTLK-Accounts?

Kind Regards
Ok, i want to share something. After i saw this LCP post i decided to find someone who can make plugin so i can randomize hotspots in my profile. Great software developer started work on this and after few days plugin was ready for use. I will explain shortly how it was working. You create like 10+ hotspots and make circle with them, after that you bring your character in the middle of that circle and start bot with this plugin. When you start bot, he choose random hotspot in that circle and start moving towards that spot and after he find herb/ore bot collect it and pluging then choose new random hotspot and move towards that random hotspot generating totally random path, few sec later bot find new node and process is repeated, and bot is again choosing new random hotspot on that circle and move there. I was also thinking about what will bot do if he dont find any herb/ore and move to hotspot, so we did it like this, we considered hotspot reached when bot is in 50 yards range of that hotspot and plugin again choose new random hotspot and move to it again generating totally random path. I was watching my bot and it was so exciting, its not possible for someone to say i was using bot just by looking at my paths. I started testing profile with 1 bot and after 2 days i was thinking i have something good and started 2 more bots, it was really nice, i start 3 bots with same profile and every bot have totally random paths, they all had nice NPH and every bot was on different position in same area. After patch was released i wasnt able to bot so i just left my bots to rest few days, and 1 day i decided to log them and empty bags if they have something, but BOOOM all 3 accounts closed. After sending ticket they returned 2 of them and 1 stay closed, they say they have evidence that i was using bot but they gave me second chance on 2 accounts. Those 3 accounts was old account played by real people for up to 8 years, they sold me accounts because they wanted to stop playing and also they used same provider like i did so all i needed to do is enter username/password in arelog and setup bot for those 3 accounts. I think this LCP have nothing to do with pattern blizzard is using to ban us. I wanted to share this so everyone can stop wasting time on addons and profiles like this. If someone got ban using "randomized hotspots" please post it here so people can know what to expect even if they manage to randomize hotspots somehow.
Ok, i want to share something. After i saw this LCP post i decided to find someone who can make plugin so i can randomize hotspots in my profile. Great software developer started work on this and after few days plugin was ready for use. I will explain shortly how it was working. You create like 10+ hotspots and make circle with them, after that you bring your character in the middle of that circle and start bot with this plugin. When you start bot, he choose random hotspot in that circle and start moving towards that spot and after he find herb/ore bot collect it and pluging then choose new random hotspot and move towards that random hotspot generating totally random path, few sec later bot find new node and process is repeated, and bot is again choosing new random hotspot on that circle and move there. I was also thinking about what will bot do if he dont find any herb/ore and move to hotspot, so we did it like this, we considered hotspot reached when bot is in 50 yards range of that hotspot and plugin again choose new random hotspot and move to it again generating totally random path. I was watching my bot and it was so exciting, its not possible for someone to say i was using bot just by looking at my paths. I started testing profile with 1 bot and after 2 days i was thinking i have something good and started 2 more bots, it was really nice, i start 3 bots with same profile and every bot have totally random paths, they all had nice NPH and every bot was on different position in same area. After patch was released i wasnt able to bot so i just left my bots to rest few days, and 1 day i decided to log them and empty bags if they have something, but BOOOM all 3 accounts closed. After sending ticket they returned 2 of them and 1 stay closed, they say they have evidence that i was using bot but they gave me second chance on 2 accounts. Those 3 accounts was old account played by real people for up to 8 years, they sold me accounts because they wanted to stop playing and also they used same provider like i did so all i needed to do is enter username/password in arelog and setup bot for those 3 accounts. I think this LCP have nothing to do with pattern blizzard is using to ban us. I wanted to share this so everyone can stop wasting time on addons and profiles like this. If someone got ban using "randomized hotspots" please post it here so people can know what to expect even if they manage to randomize hotspots somehow.

10+ hotspots I don't think you know....

This is so you only get into the same hotspot every day or so.

Yours likely got the same hotspot 500+ times.

It's about not passing the same place twice not about how you get there.
You cant pass hotspot, because you will move toward hotspot after plugin select it, and if you are unlucky to not find any herb on your way to hotspot, bot will not go on top of that hotspot, he will just consider hotspot reached when he is in 50 yards range from that hotspot, next time he choose same hotspot he will move toward that hotspot but with different angle so when he come in 50 yards range from hotspot he will still be on new random path, and my profile had like 44 hotspots in circle, i just gave 10 for example.
To be honest I don't believe it's ONLY LCP either..
full ack!

i made the experience that i can do very long and effective runs with gb2 and random profiles if i change them every hour.
beside this i'm still doing unregular breaks and do some other stuff than only farming, i'm currently on a 12/7 schedule in eu and 14/6 schedule in us
Im using randomized waypoints atm. no bans, Big diff between random hotspots and waypoints. LOL
well i did made 19 profile for grind.......... in circle... 1 tour take like 20 mins.....i did make 1 by 1 19 and after put all cordons in 1 profile so like 6 hours he get same hot spot.... and i did get ban:( i dont know why:( just 1 day boting.. and 5 mins ago i was banned. can be from ip? or someting what i do wrong:).

I think, in this calculation is one error. PLEASE correct me, if I?m wrong. I hope it ;)

6 hours (or even 30minutes) will bring you to use your hearthstone or mail your stuff to an alt, right? And what does the bot do, after he did that? In my opinion, he just goes to the NEXT NEARBY hotspots and continues with his route from this point! Got it? You could have a profile for 200 hours. If you sent mail at least twice, you are repeating the hotspots!
(the same is, when you start the bot. It doesn?t start with hotspot number 1, just with the one, which is nearest.

Anyone who can confirm this? AND: Is there a solution to solve this problem?
You cant pass hotspot, because you will move toward hotspot after plugin select it, and if you are unlucky to not find any herb on your way to hotspot, bot will not go on top of that hotspot, he will just consider hotspot reached when he is in 50 yards range from that hotspot, next time he choose same hotspot he will move toward that hotspot but with different angle so when he come in 50 yards range from hotspot he will still be on new random path, and my profile had like 44 hotspots in circle, i just gave 10 for example.

50 yards isn't much difference tbh.

Roboto stated he didn't get banned on his accounts for months so I doubt it's more then lcp detection.

But idk believe what you want to believe if there's more to it then lcp then i'll get banned aswell soon but who cares.

I'm pretty sure it's much safer then using non randomized profiles and that's the point.
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Just wondering if this would be a simple solution, for the time being until something better is released, or not...

Build on top of that plugin that loads other profile files (cant find the link at the moment). Have the plugin rewrite profile file, randomly changing the values of the waypoints on all 3 axis for all waypoints. Perhaps even leaving out a couple of random waypoints.

This way every loop of the profile, you are going to similar areas (like a human might while farming ore/herbs) but never touching the exact same spots, without needing to manually go and generate a finite set of xml files.

If this seems like a reasonable short term fix, I might do it over the weekend (time pending of course).
Probably randomization can be done via plugin (plugin would take care of movement, using empty profile. Too bad I am no HB coder).

I can suggest a plugin that would make random farm at pandaria zones, to avoid bans.

What: Gatherbuddy randomizer plugin
How it works: It would have at the settings, ZONE to use options (votfw, jade forest, kun lai...), and would fly like a bouncing ball inside the zone (kicking at the edges), randomizing flight height. Gathering/mailing the herbs would be done by the botbase itself.
Botbase: Gatherbuddy 2 (user would load empty profile, with no hotspots).


User selects gatherbuddy botbase. User loads empty profile. Activate the plugin. Select at the plugin options what zone to farm (e.g. votfw). Press start. Plugin then will move bot randomly inside zone edges (bouncing when it hits the edge). Whenever it finds a node, gb2 will gather it.



x=rand(100) // sets random start position
y=rand(100) // sets random start position
[COLOR=#333333]flyto(x,y) // moves to random spot at zone. 
[COLOR=#333333]goright=1 // sets start direction to right[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]godown=1 // sets start direction to down[/COLOR]
while (1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]// start moving downright move down right[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]inc=rand(1) // set a random moving angle[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]if goright=1 (x+=inc) // move right, could be written as x=x+inc[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]else (x-=inc); //move left
[COLOR=#333333]if godown=1 (y-=inc) // moving down[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]else (y+=inc); // move up
[COLOR=#333333]if x>100 [/COLOR][COLOR=#333333]// hit right edge[/COLOR]
goright=0 ;[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]if y>100 [/COLOR][COLOR=#333333]// hit upper edge
[COLOR=#333333]godown=1; // starts moving down[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#333333]if x < 0 [/COLOR][COLOR=#333333]// hit left edge[/COLOR][COLOR=#333333]
[COLOR=#333333]goright=1 [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]y = 0[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#333333]if y < 0 [/COLOR][COLOR=#333333]// hit lower edge[/COLOR]
godown= 0 [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]y = 0[/COLOR]

p.s. Fly height can be randomized with easy single step such as setting Z coord = (30+rand(15)) every time it flies.


  • mixmaster.webp
    18.9 KB · Views: 205
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zuabros - GatherBro does exactly this. You all wanted a solution, you now have one.
amazing bot, just amazing :)
Ill be updating all my profiles in the next few days to handle gatherbro, Therer are also a few profiles up in forums from both myself and jon
i just dont get it,
gatherbro does random waypoint to one and the same (static) hotspot, so how does this should help LCP detection?
Besides that random waypoints do not reduce the risk of getting banned, ezbot does exactly the same (also free!) and their users get banned as well.

Can someone pls also check what data Gaterbro sends over the internet, i looked a little bit into the dll and there seems to be some 3rd party reporting which can compromise security

//EDIT: I'm trying to track down the dll, it makes me courious that the source is closed for some reason, also there seems to be some tcp connections to a server i dont know, better play it safe, watch out.
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Yeah, you have to shift the values in the coordinates, not just randomize the EXACT SAME hotspots. So that you will never fly through the SAME position again.

Non-bot-farmers also have their routes, but they never hit the same coordinate exactly again. A bot does.

The solution would be easy: GB2 just needs to change the X Y and Z coordinates of a given hotspot randomly a little when flying towards it. This way you could use your profiles again, but would look like a non-botting farmer.

PS: Gatherbro isn't even working for me, because of checking for names instead of IDs... :rolleyes: