hey all of you and thanks for "spreading the love" i guess
i'd like to point out some things here:
A) THE SITE IS VIRUS FREE - jeez people please stop to post such fake shit like "maleware!!!111 blablabla" ...
I'm aware that sophos is crying on the sizes url which is just because yzi.me is a very popular public hoster, and so some of their "clients" on clienta.zyi and client1231441.yzi MAYBE made a maleware site now and then which is why the entire yzi.me domain is on a blacklist for them.
BUT THIS HAS NOTHING TO WITH MY SITE! I swar, I'll give 500k gold to the person who can show me a VIRUS in a Simple XML File - go ahead, try and find a virus ^^ - you wont be able to
B) Speaking of Randomness.
The Script was a lot of work, the way it works is NOT just by creating 3 random coordinates and calling them X/Y/Z, NO!!! Those corrdinates are real hotspots in the word. It wont go into detail but the generation procesure works like this:
1 - get any random real hotspot in the zone
2 - get another hotspot in that zone that is at least n' yards away from the first one
2.1 - calculate how much additional hotspots there are on the vector from HS1 to HS2
2.2 - run that several times, always with another hotspot
2.3 - do this for n'' times, and only keep the best x, chosse one of those x hoptspots that are going over a great amount of other hotspots
2.4 - get blackspots within this vector
3 - use position B as new starting position and run the whole thing again
this is done as often as the user selected on the first page
so this technique is NOT UNTESTED and you dont have to "hope" that it works, its just a smarty way of 2D software engineering
i've developed this for at least 3 months roughly and had a huge success with it myself
B.1) I also added a option today to make the Profiles even more random by adding a random offset to every hotspot, you can use this if you want to stay even more off the radar. I personally doubt it makes a big dfference, but hey, it can't be bad
C) How long does a profile run/How long do you run it?
The time a profile needs to complete is hard to say
it depends on a lot of variables that were calulcated within the generation process, but it should be finished within 2 hours on a 150% flying mount
More Hotspots DO NOT INCREASE effectivity OR runtime by default, a Profile with 45 Hotspots can be better than a 80s one
How i am using this is the following way:
I generate a profile, run it for roughly 1h 30m, do a 15 minutes break and then run another one.
!! I NEVER USE THE SAME PROFILE TWICE !! (Cause using ANY Profile on a regular base can trip the LCP Detection, privates ones same as public ones!!)
I'm doing this on about 12 Chars, in EU and US, for roughly 18h a day and 6 days a week. (everone with a different ip and hardware of cause!!)
Right now this works charming for more than 2,5 months, no bans and every account made enough money so that i dont cry when it'll get banned!
D) The last thread i creasted contained a link and a mod told me that i am not allowed to link public, so if anyone of you does not get the hints just PM me, i'll text you the link
Sure, go ahead. Use a private or Public Profile which gives you 300 nph, i swar you will be banned so fast that your expenses wont come in and you'll be making a 50% loss ^^
F) I'd be happy if you chosse to donate me some funds if i made you happy - i'm running out of beer right now
When you have any questions please PM me or ask this in the forum thread (this one ot the other one i started if it MIGHT come up again....)