Here is the latest and probably the last update from me guys, I have testing a lot of different ideas to avoid being detected and 1 thing I realized is that even with all those precosions <-- (sry for bad english) it's still unprofitable to bot like that, sure prices did jump like crazy but even with that I can hardly make even 5k daily on bot and that's almoust only enough to supply my monthly prepaid cards.... botting is over for me since I can't even earn anything, it's not safe even with everything we tried, I can make more then that just by selling stuff on AH and above all else there is no effort from dev side....I am not counting that 1 response that was made 3 weeks ago and didn't accomplish anything... my prepaid is soon over on my farming acc and I will probably turn him on around a week before it's over and bot like crazy just to get sth out of it....
Was nice knowing you all but this is it for me ^^ take care
Was nice knowing you all but this is it for me ^^ take care