[Trinity] Loading new profile.
Loaded profile Rift Bot Common/Explore
ToggleTargeting, new values: Looting:True LootRadius:100 Combat:True KillRadius:80
Loaded profile Rift Bot Optimized Explore
ToggleTargeting, new values: Looting:True LootRadius:100 Combat:True KillRadius:80
Loaded profile Rift Bot Optimized Explore
[Rift Bot] Explore Small Cursed Hold with TrinityMoveTo. Bot will not stop when boss spawns/killed.
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="967" y="817" z="0" name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Reached Destination x="967" y="817" z="0"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="954" y="959" z="0" name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="954" y="959" z="0"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="732" y="961" z="0" name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="732" y="961" z="0"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="725" y="841" z="0" name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="725" y="841" z="0"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="721" y="647" z="0" name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="721" y="647" z="0"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="724" y="478" z="0" name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="724" y="478" z="0"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="800" y="486" z="0" name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="800" y="486" z="0"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="802" y="675" z="0" name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="802" y="675" z="0"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="800" y="486" z="0" name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="800" y="486" z="0"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="959" y="482" z="0" name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="959" y="482" z="0"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="961" y="705" z="0" name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="961" y="705" z="0"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="839" y="729" z="0" name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Reached Destination x="839" y="729" z="0"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="837" y="840" z="0" name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="837" y="840" z="0"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="968" y="822" z="0" name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Reached Destination x="968" y="822" z="0"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="1010" y="890" z="0" name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="1010" y="890" z="0"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="1165" y="877" z="0" name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
[LumberJack] Compressing log file 10644 2014-04-26 10.39.txt, age 00:40:28.9249266
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="1165" y="877" z="0"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="1105" y="823" z="0" name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Reached Destination x="1105" y="823" z="0"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="1028" y="814" z="-50" name="" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="288454" levelAreaId="334821"
[Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Reached Destination x="1028" y="814" z="-50"
[Trinity] Loading new profile.
Loaded profile Rift Bot Common/Explore
ToggleTargeting, new values: Looting:True LootRadius:100 Combat:True KillRadius:80
Loaded profile Rift Bot Optimized Explore
ToggleTargeting, new values: Looting:True LootRadius:100 Combat:True KillRadius:80
Loaded profile Rift Bot Optimized Explore
[Rift Bot] Explore Small Cursed Hold with TrinityMoveTo. Bot will not stop when boss spawns/killed.
Since I do not have the time to dig the profile's codes for the new Cursed Hold, so i cannot tell what is the condition for it to move from Small Cursed Hold to Medium and so on, but currently it is not working for me.
Attachments are the in-game map when I stopped the bot and from map viewer
Trinity .24, QT .50, DB .394, Riftbot .8