Can you check on the position of the entrance? Walk near the entrance and click dump object then found the one with name "xxx_portal_xxxx"
Here you go:
[271211B0] Type: Player Name: Barbarian, Distance: 0
[2714086C] Type: Monster Name: Generic_*****-99666 ActorSNO: 4176, Distance: 0.0001258272
[2713F2F0] Type: Monster Name: � ActorSNO: 4176, Distance: 0.0001258272
[2713A598] Type: Monster Name: Generic_*****-99669 ActorSNO: 4176, Distance: 0.0001258272
[27149A84] Type: Monster Name: Generic_*****-99670 ActorSNO: 4176, Distance: 0.0001258272
[271455C4] Type: Monster Name: � ActorSNO: 4176, Distance: 0.0001258272
[2712A3C8] Type: Monster Name: Generic_*****-99667 ActorSNO: 4176, Distance: 0.0001258272
[27150E88] Type: Monster Name: Generic_*****-99668 ActorSNO: 4176, Distance: 0.0001258272
[2712F120] Type: Monster Name: Generic_*****-99664 ActorSNO: 4176, Distance: 0.0001258272
[27138784] GizmoType: PortalDestination Name: Start_Location_0-99434 ActorSNO: 5502 Distance: 1.227345 Position: <309.9799, 1317.675, 0> Barracade: False Radius: 6.631498
[27124DD8] Type: Monster Name: Hireling_Templar-142 ActorSNO: 52693, Distance: 4.396589
[27152850] GizmoType: Portal Name: g_Portal_Arch_Blue-99429 ActorSNO: 176000 Distance: 6.605166 Position: <303.0258, 1320.288, 1.596355> Barracade: False Radius: 20.18645
[27129B30] GizmoType: Checkpoint Name: Checkpoint-99428 ActorSNO: 3795 Distance: 7.05732 Position: <316.2838, 1319.202, 0> Barracade: False Radius: 17.49286
[2713CC44] GizmoType: DestroyableObject Name: Bucket_A_Fields_trOut-99460 ActorSNO: 58836 Distance: 45.84923 Position: <312.8375, 1272.948, -0.2051487> Barracade: False Radius: 3.905125 Health0.00100000004749745/1
[2712D30C] GizmoType: DestroyableObject Name: a3dun_Keep_Bed_A_Breakable-99459 ActorSNO: 54926 Distance: 48.66093 Position: <310, 1270, -7.629395E-06> Barracade: False Radius: 9.19054 Health0.00100000004749745/1
[271278D0] GizmoType: DestroyableObject Name: trOut_Leoric_BarrelTable-99450 ActorSNO: 6140 Distance: 56.1915 Position: <332.5, 1267.5, 0> Barracade: False Radius: 7.022858 Health0.00100000004749745/1
[27134710] Type: Environment Name: a1dun_Leor_Pile_MetalScraps_A-99221 ActorSNO: 112242, Distance: 139.4326
[271437B0] Type: Environment Name: a1dun_Leor_Pile_MetalScraps_A-99448 ActorSNO: 112242, Distance: 261.8794
[27154218] Type: Environment Name: Dungeon_Stone_Invis-95659 ActorSNO: 179951, Distance: 924.836
[271317CC] Type: Environment Name: Dungeon_Stone_Invis-96713 ActorSNO: 179951, Distance: 924.836
[27134B5C] Type: Environment Name: Dungeon_Stone_Invis-95232 ActorSNO: 179951, Distance: 924.836
[2713D928] Type: Environment Name: Dungeon_Stone_Invis-97269 ActorSNO: 179951, Distance: 924.836
[2712C628] Type: Environment Name: Dungeon_Stone_Invis-97294 ActorSNO: 179951, Distance: 924.836
[27130250] Type: Environment Name: Dungeon_Stone_Invis-95767 ActorSNO: 179951, Distance: 924.836
[27130F34] Type: Environment Name: Dungeon_Stone_Invis-95518 ActorSNO: 179951, Distance: 924.836