[02:13:06.108 N] GatherCollectable: Node set -> Unspoiled Mineral Deposit 0x11D516A0
[02:13:06.145 N] GatherCollectable: GatherSpot set -> GatherSpot -> NodeLocation: <306.2995, 307.3925, -55.46556>, UseMesh: True
[02:13:06.181 N] GatherCollectable: Using rotation -> Unspoiled
[02:13:06.210 D] Requesting path on 155 from <280.8609, 299.1362, -82.88175> to <306.2995, 307.3925, -55.46556>
[02:13:06.672 D] Generated path to <306.2995, 307.3925, -55.46556> in 00:00:00.4619465 ms
[02:13:10.742 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 3.55288
[02:13:10.782 D] Requesting path on 155 from <306.1088, 305.7589, -58.26345> to <306.2995, 307.3925, -55.46556>
[02:13:10.847 D] [POI Set] Type: Gather, Name: Unspoiled Mineral Deposit, ObjectId: 400003EF, NpcId: 0, Location: <306.2995, 307.3925, -55.46556>
[02:13:10.850 N] Using Cordial -> Waiting (sec): 137 CurrentGP: 322
[02:13:10.850 N] Dismounting to use cordial.
[02:13:10.850 D] DoAction General 23 0xE0000000
[02:13:10.872 D] Generated path to <306.2995, 307.3925, -55.46556> in 00:00:00.0899574 ms
[02:13:10.876 N] Dismounting to use cordial.
[02:13:10.876 D] DoAction General 23 0xE0000000
[02:13:10.914 N] Dismounting to use cordial.
[02:13:10.914 D] DoAction General 23 0xE0000000
[02:13:10.939 N] Dismounting to use cordial.
[02:13:10.939 D] DoAction General 23 0xE0000000
[02:13:10.977 N] Dismounting to use cordial.
[02:13:10.977 D] DoAction General 23 0xE0000000
[02:13:11.014 N] Dismounting to use cordial.
[02:13:11.014 D] DoAction General 23 0xE0000000
[02:13:11.036 N] Dismounting to use cordial.
[02:13:11.036 D] DoAction General 23 0xE0000000
[02:13:11.075 N] Dismounting to use cordial.
[02:13:11.075 D] DoAction General 23 0xE0000000
[02:13:11.116 N] Dismounting to use cordial.
[02:13:11.116 D] DoAction General 23 0xE0000000
[02:13:11.141 N] Dismounting to use cordial.
[02:13:11.141 D] DoAction General 23 0xE0000000
[02:13:11.180 N] Dismounting to use cordial.
[02:13:11.180 D] DoAction General 23 0xE0000000
[02:13:11.204 N] Dismounting to use cordial.
[02:13:11.204 D] DoAction General 23 0xE0000000
[02:13:11.239 N] Dismounting to use cordial.
[02:13:11.239 D] DoAction General 23 0xE0000000
[02:13:11.275 N] Dismounting to use cordial.
[02:13:11.275 D] DoAction General 23 0xE0000000
[02:13:11.311 N] Dismounting to use cordial.
[02:13:11.311 D] DoAction General 23 0xE0000000
[02:13:11.348 N] Dismounting to use cordial.
[02:13:11.348 D] DoAction General 23 0xE0000000
[02:13:11.373 N] Dismounting to use cordial.
[02:13:11.373 D] DoAction General 23 0xE0000000
[02:13:11.410 N] Dismounting to use cordial.
[02:13:11.410 D] DoAction General 23 0xE0000000
[02:13:11.448 D] DoAction Item 6141 0x105027CF
[02:13:11.448 N] Using Cordial: Cordial
[02:13:11.450 N] Waiting for GP, Seconds Until Gathering: 137, Current GP: 327, WaitForGP: 500
[02:13:12.812 V] Blacklisting 400003EF for 00:00:30 [Type: Interact] - Reason : Blacklisting node so that we don't retarget -> Unspoiled Mineral Deposit 0x11D516A0
[02:13:12.812 D] Interacting with Unspoiled Mineral Deposit 0x11D516A0
[02:13:14.840 N] Gathering Window didn't open: Re-attempting to move into place. 1
[02:13:14.840 D] Interacting with Unspoiled Mineral Deposit 0x11D516A0
[02:13:15.942 N] Gathering ItemName:Darksteel Ore Chance:100 HqChance:15 Amount:3 RawItemId:5121
[02:13:18.209 D] DoAction Spell 241 0x105027CF
[02:13:18.209 N] ExBuddy: Casted Ability -> King's Yield II
[02:21:18.035 N] One or more errors occurred.