Massive api additions and changes.
Inventorymanager was totally rewritten.
Following functions have been added to the conditionparser:
HasItem(string itemName)
HasNqItem(string itemName)
HasNqItem(uint itemId)
NqItemCount(string itemName)
NqItemCount(uint itemId)
NqHasAtLeast(uint itemId, int Count)
HasHqItem(string itemName)
HasHqItem(uint itemId)
HqItemCount(string itemName)
HqItemCount(uint itemId)
HqHasAtLeast(uint itemId, int Count)
Memory library has been updated, now requires vc2013. The required dll's are now included in the zip.
Orderbot will now handle selectyesno popups during cutscenes.
Orderbot TargetMobs tag now accepts a weight attribute, this will allow you to prioritize certain mobs.
Orderbot TargetMobs Name attribute is now deprecated and will be removed in a later release. Please convert your profiles to use the Id attribute instead.
TurnInTag will now click the first item in any SelectString popups.
ItemWeightsManager now gives extra weight to the exp bonus helmets while they are effective.
You can now spiritbond and move items around your inventory. For convenience a new coroutine has been added to the CommonTasks namespace; ConvertToMateria(BagSlot item) will attempt to convert the passed item to materia.
Basic equipment manager has been added.
To enable it add the following tag to your profiles:
<BotSettings AutoEquip="1" />
The equipment manager is pulsed every 30 seconds after being enabled.
Currently only orderbot is supported, support for fatebot will be added at a later date.
AgentContentsFinder has changed namespaces and is now located under ff14bot.RemoteAgents
You can now enumerate Bags returned from the inventorymanager to get all slots, filled or not.
Bag.Slots has been renamed, it is now called Bag.FilledSlots.
Two changes to chocobo stuff:
CanSummonWith(uint itemid) added
Summon now takes optional parameter of an itemid to summon a chocobo.
This will allow 3rd parties to create plugins/cr's that use the alternative items available to summon chocobos.
Added SetFate(FateData function)
-This function sets the internal active fate and PoI to the passed fate.