Gee, the last few posts I have made, you have been the one to fanboi the shit out of me. I am glad you have changed your tune even though it has taken you this long to change. The bullshit that comes out of these developers mouths is astounding. "Only a few people in the entire world can code like hawker" What a load of fucking bullshit. Basically they want work done for free instead of paying someone to fucking fix this fucking shit.
I fanboy'd you? Are you sure you just didn't say something stupid and I was being a jerk?
I only have one character per server in Swtor so my stake in the bot being fixed isn't as big as others, which is why I haven't really cared too much about it being fixed. (Implying I do care a little, that's like a month of wasted time leveling all those characters.....)
I do agree with you about
"Only a few people in the entire world can code like hawker" What a load of fucking bullshit.
That actually made me laugh out loud. If you're that good at your job you're not making bots for video games unless you have some sort of stellar criminal record in which case you wouldn't be that good at your job because if you were you wouldn't have been caught.
I don't even think the Developers are prepared if Hawker says 'go fuck yourself' and refuses to fix his bot. That's a very very real possibility. What then? If he's the only one who can fix it and he is just playing cat and mouse dragging you along because he really doesn't want to do it then a month from now we're back to square 1.
He obviously doesn't want to be doing this for free, or most likely at all. He made that abundantly clear in his only post about this issue.
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