Just a note:
Merc in Arsenal spec is crashing consistently on instanced content (pvp and fp). It seems to be at the same point in the rotation.
No issues with these specs except for zoning crashes:
PT / Van Tank & PT AP
Jugg / Gurdian Tank
Sent / Mara (Watch/Anni)
Sin / Shadow DPS Tank (& DPS)
Sage / Sorc DPS (Lightning/Turb)
Sniper / Slinger DPS (dot spec)
Operative / Scoundrel (both specs)
Merc in Arsenal spec is crashing consistently on instanced content (pvp and fp). It seems to be at the same point in the rotation.
No issues with these specs except for zoning crashes:
PT / Van Tank & PT AP
Jugg / Gurdian Tank
Sent / Mara (Watch/Anni)
Sin / Shadow DPS Tank (& DPS)
Sage / Sorc DPS (Lightning/Turb)
Sniper / Slinger DPS (dot spec)
Operative / Scoundrel (both specs)