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[RELEASE] BuddyWing for 3.1.2a

Just a note:
Merc in Arsenal spec is crashing consistently on instanced content (pvp and fp). It seems to be at the same point in the rotation.

No issues with these specs except for zoning crashes:
PT / Van Tank & PT AP
Jugg / Gurdian Tank
Sent / Mara (Watch/Anni)
Sin / Shadow DPS Tank (& DPS)
Sage / Sorc DPS (Lightning/Turb)
Sniper / Slinger DPS (dot spec)
Operative / Scoundrel (both specs)
Hope theres gonna be some progress with the bot soon, cant stand the ViperBot :(
Yeah was wandering about going down that road while this one got sorted. Is it any good or at least manageable i saw some vids that are 1-2 years old and a recent post claiming some new improvements?? I am aware its not got all the bells and whistles this one has/had but something is surely better than nothing. What sort of credits per hour are you getting or crashes ect..
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Just a note:
Merc in Arsenal spec is crashing consistently on instanced content (pvp and fp). It seems to be at the same point in the rotation.

No issues with these specs except for zoning crashes:
PT / Van Tank & PT AP
Jugg / Gurdian Tank
Sent / Mara (Watch/Anni)
Sin / Shadow DPS Tank (& DPS)
Sage / Sorc DPS (Lightning/Turb)
Sniper / Slinger DPS (dot spec)
Operative / Scoundrel (both specs)

Dont spread info that is not true. Just checked on Mara and it crashed.
Yeah was wandering about going down that road while this one got sorted. Is it any good or at least manageable i saw some vids that are 1-2 years old and a recent post claiming some new improvements?? I am aware its not got all the bells and whistles this one has/had but something is surely better than nothing. What sort of credits per hour are you getting or crashes ect..

Just using it to lvl some chars man :) Its slow as hell since i can only get 3-4 skills to pop consistently however it never crashes and setting up farm routes is as easy as wiping your own ass, leaving it on at night and have a few lvls when i wake up.
Its a seriously inferior product in the sense that it is choppy and a total pain to get skills to fire when you want them, but the thing its got going for it is the stability and the easy setup of routes
The tutorial videos on how to setup the bot probably works even though i havent gotten it too, i dont know if im the idiot or if its really hard.

Had a subscription on that board before i found this bot, so whats why im using it while this one is down.

If you start using it and get the skills to work properly feel free to let me know how you did it, cheers :)
Just using it to lvl some chars man :) Its slow as hell since i can only get 3-4 skills to pop consistently however it never crashes and setting up farm routes is as easy as wiping your own ass, leaving it on at night and have a few lvls when i wake up.
Its a seriously inferior product in the sense that it is choppy and a total pain to get skills to fire when you want them, but the thing its got going for it is the stability and the easy setup of routes
The tutorial videos on how to setup the bot probably works even though i havent gotten it too, i dont know if im the idiot or if its really hard.

Had a subscription on that board before i found this bot, so whats why im using it while this one is down.

If you start using it and get the skills to work properly feel free to let me know how you did it, cheers :)
Thx for the reply.... As you say setting the skills up looks the hardest bit about it but i think on a lvl 60 where all skills are unlocked and perhaps better geared it maybe more viable. Its probably a case of pen and paper and take note which skills your firing and what order and how often though a maybe wrong.

I have not used buddywing myself though i have used demonbuddy on D3 and had huge success with it so as soon as this gets the green light im in no questions, but in mean time this may have to do.

If anyone else has used viperbot can you plz leave some feedback or opinion (credits per hour/day)
If anyone else has used viperbot can you plz leave some feedback or opinion (credits per hour/day)

+1. Also does it have license system or can i buy it once and set it up on 10 pcs? Credit per hour would be awesome.
i don't see any need to talk about Viperbot, i checked it out as reference and its forum for SWTOR, it have been inactive for more then a year.
its unlikely to even work, and if it does, i bet there's countless problems.
i have not used it myself nor do i plan to do so as its not an active community.

Secondly, if you want info on a bot that is rival to Buddy bot's then please ask at there own forums.
i'm sure they can answer your questions, and if they don't there's clearly no reason to use it.
i don't see any need to talk about Viperbot, i checked it out as reference and its forum for SWTOR, it have been inactive for more then a year.
its unlikely to even work, and if it does, i bet there's countless problems.
i have not used it myself nor do i plan to do so as its not an active community.

Secondly, if you want info on a bot that is rival to Buddy bot's then please ask at there own forums.
i'm sure they can answer your questions, and if they don't there's clearly no reason to use it.

First off no it hasnt been inactive for a year, second i just posted and said it worked a few posts up in the thread.
Also highlighted its problems/weaknesses, i can agree its a bit in bad taste to talk about a rival bot only i dont see it as a rival only as an extremely weak substitute while this bot is on the fritz :)
First off no it hasnt been inactive for a year, second i just posted and said it worked a few posts up in the thread.
Also highlighted its problems/weaknesses, i can agree its a bit in bad taste to talk about a rival bot only i dont see it as a rival only as an extremely weak substitute while this bot is on the fritz :)
Agreed you gave fair and honest opinion from what i read, the fact you use it and have access to the forum and software makes for a strong POV.

Jamilnielsen's i hate to say it but you just sounded like a butt hurt fanboy upset there bot aint working. AGAIN as i also said when this is fixed i will purchase and use but what is wrong seeking an alternative in mean time?? Also you should be aware the whole purpose of forums and communities is to talk to like minded people share ideas and tips, for some people botting is there sole source of income aswell.
Viper is garbage, you might as well download mouse and keyboard recorder software for free.

I'd be surprised if anyone here really thought that highly of viper. Buddybots are amazing compared to most, if not all, alternatives... which is why (I'd assume) we're all here in the first place.

But it doesn't crash every 5 minutes either....
Can we get any update on progress? Any light in a tunnel ? Any chance of a working release in next days ?

The problem with analyzing (and thus fixing) bugs that occur randomly like this one is that they only occur once every few hours on our end. We can only reproduce the bug a few times per day, apply a fix for it and take it for another test. It's an excruciatingly slow cycle. I can only promise that it will be fixed and it is being worked on. Giving you an ETA I can not live up to would only serve to deceive our customers, which is something I don't want to do.
The problem with analyzing (and thus fixing) bugs that occur randomly like this one is that they only occur once every few hours on our end. We can only reproduce the bug a few times per day, apply a fix for it and take it for another test. It's an excruciatingly slow cycle. I can only promise that it will be fixed and it is being worked on. Giving you an ETA I can not live up to would only serve to deceive our customers, which is something I don't want to do.

U mean the crash? Once every few hours? How come im getting it every 10 mins :/ would love to have build that can run minimum 2 hours not to mention more.
U mean the crash? Once every few hours? How come im getting it every 10 mins :/ would love to have build that can run minimum 2 hours not to mention more.

We have testers running the bot for hours or even days without crashes - it's different for each character, zone, spec etc.
Random Crashes I can deal with,it did always crash once in a while,(Average crash looks like to be around a few hours for me).Of course I understand it must be pretty frustrating getting those every 10 Minutes, but maybe you should try other setups. If you'd get questing back up and improve the slow combat and Navigation I'd be satisfied with BW once again.
Is this problem with the bot, whats causing the bot to mess up when questing etc ?

I was trying to level an agent using kicks 1-10 profile (which use to still work fine), but now the bot tries to pick up quests, and then continues to try and pick up the same quest.
If i then stop the bot and restart it, it will then go and run the quest, but gets stuck again completing the quest, or gets stuck picking up the next quest, which once again, it keeps trying to pick up quest, even though it has already picked up the quest.
We have testers running the bot for hours or even days without crashes - it's different for each character, zone, spec etc.

Well then can i become a tester then? Or at least can u tell me what spec and zone ure testing up? Would love to get similar resoults. Atm im using mara or jugger at voss or makeb.
Im using jugger, and I get crashes on every planet I tried with grind profiles in like 20-30 mins. I cant change setup cause i have only bunch of juggers, and planets dont matter it seems
i ran the bot perfectly on test on a Friday with no issues, weekends and evenings its 1-2h before the crash comes....
So its so random for everyone and the variables are NEVER the same. Also take in the chance to receive such error so soon like Aevitas mentioned.
Questing is already reported, but like stated, first we need the bot stable, then Aevitas can take a look at more advanced stuff.