Hello buddyusers. is it normal that my boat is not moving?
did you make sure it is in water
Hello buddyusers. is it normal that my boat is not moving?
Longtime BW and HB user. Coming back after 3.0. My profiles seem to be running well for me.(One spec would crash every 5 mins and then I saw someones post about specs could cause issue.) Thanks for the great work!
Longtime BW and HB user. Coming back after 3.0. My profiles seem to be running well for me.(One spec would crash every 5 mins and then I saw someones post about specs could cause issue.) Thanks for the great work!
So any news? how much it is already 1.5 month ? Is it gonna work or nope?
So any news? how much it is already 1.5 month ? Is it gonna work or nope?
Dude chill...He is working hard.
I already know that some of the botters found the fix to the crash, but that will not mean u should write missinformation here . Ppl who jump in defense at the first question we ask the developers , are traying to ghep the bot in bad shape for general use. They believe it will ghep the price high for them when they sell ther credits .
Dude chill...He is working hard.
By his own admission he isn't working at all.
He is waiting on someone to fix the bot for him (Hawker) and he doesn't want to work hard (be awake when Hawker is awake, since they're both in two totally different time zones, which was one of the reasons for the delay in the update).
I'm not complaining, its been 5 weeks, it's probably not going to be fixed, I have realized this and increased bots in other games to make up for lost profits.
Just don't like the whole internet fanboyism~!
Do u even bot in swtor? Or u just post here to pass the time?Bitching about it will only slow it down. Learn treesharp and fix it yourself.
By his own admission he isn't working at all.
He is waiting on someone to fix the bot for him (Hawker) and he doesn't want to work hard (be awake when Hawker is awake, since they're both in two totally different time zones, which was one of the reasons for the delay in the update).
I'm not complaining, its been 5 weeks, it's probably not going to be fixed, I have realized this and increased bots in other games to make up for lost profits.
Just don't like the whole internet fanboyism~!
Guys come on be constructive, put your logs available in dropbox to aevitas so we can help.
[xx:xx:xx.xxx D] Field qstActiveQuestsList does not exist.