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Pure SWTor

Does pureSWTOR actually make buddywing work at present ?

I am trying to level a new character, but after installing correctly, loading my 1-10 profile that worked fine.

The character just stands still !

Is there a problem with nav server or something at present ?

Could be a bunch of different reasons why it's not working. Did you delete plugins? Are you running Pure or UnPure (only UnPure has movement)? What profile are you using? Which planet are you on? A log would also let us see if your game is throwing any errors.
Hi, Yes ive done a fresh install of buddywing.
The only plugins there are the ones that download with buddywing itself.
Ive selected unpure rotation.
The profile is kicks 1-10 for tython. (this worked fine prior to 3.0)


Hi, Yes ive done a fresh install of buddywing.
The only plugins there are the ones that download with buddywing itself.
Ive selected unpure rotation.
The profile is kicks 1-10 for tython. (this worked fine prior to 3.0)

I "think" this is what is happening to people....

When Pure is initialized, it sets the stored Navigation and Movement providers to custom variations. When you switch to Unpure, I don't think it actually resets these objects back to default. After looking, I'm pretty sure it doesn't. So, even though you've switched to Unpure, it doesn't reset the values back to default (it continues to use the PureMovement and PureNavigation providers).

Prior to 3.0, everyone probably loaded the Default Routine first, which had the default providers. Switching to Unpure used the same providers and allowed movement.

TLDR: Until Unpure re-enables all the various providers that Pure disables, you won't be able to just "switch" to Unpure.

To fix, after BuddyWing finishes loading, hit F12 to "re-enable" all of the functions and just use Pure.


Go into your routines/pureswtor folder and rename "unpure.cs" to "aunpure.cs". This should load the unpure routine first in Buddy Wing (at least it did on mine) so you don't have to hit F12.

I "think" this is what is happening to people....

When Pure is initialized, it sets the stored Navigation and Movement providers to custom variations. When you switch to Unpure, I don't think it actually resets these objects back to default. After looking, I'm pretty sure it doesn't. So, even though you've switched to Unpure, it doesn't reset the values back to default (it continues to use the PureMovement and PureNavigation providers).

Prior to 3.0, everyone probably loaded the Default Routine first, which had the default providers. Switching to Unpure used the same providers and allowed movement.

TLDR: Until Unpure re-enables all the various providers that Pure disables, you won't be able to just "switch" to Unpure.

To fix, after BuddyWing finishes loading, hit F12 to "re-enable" all of the functions and just use Pure.


Go into your routines/pureswtor folder and rename "unpure.cs" to "aunpure.cs". This should load the unpure routine first in Buddy Wing (at least it did on mine) so you don't have to hit F12.


Nice 1 thanks.
I tried this and it worked for picking up one quest then stopped.
Deleted all compiled assemblies, put default combat back into the routine folder.
Load up game, then bot.
Then set bot to unpure rotation.
Loaded 1-10 profile. Started bot.
The character ran to the first quest giver, picked up quest, then it was suppose to run to the next quest giver, but just stopped moving after picking up the first quest.
Here's my latest log.


That looks like a meshing issue. Could you go pick up that quest and then try starting the bot (may want to move it away from the cage first).
1-10 stuff should work fine, it's the 11-45 road that's a little rocky for certain classes.
At his point it really is nav server issue:
[18:12:30.372 D] Generating path to PickupQuestTag: Fleshraider Cage for Captured Padawans <-0.8367181, -4.585391, -107.0538>
[18:12:30.374 E] Contacting nav server for path.
[18:12:44.018 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[18:12:44.076 D] Nav callback called.
[18:12:44.076 D] Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Buddy.MeshNavigator.Navigator.FindPath(Vector3 start, Vector3 end) in c:\#WORK\Projects\Buddywing-trunk\Buddywing\Buddy.MeshNavigator\Navigator.cs:line 179
   at Buddy.Tor.NavService.PathService.GetPath(String sessionId, UInt64 area, PathStartEndCompositeType pathPoints) in c:\#WORK\Projects\Buddywing-trunk\Buddywing\Buddy.Tor.NavService\PathService.svc.cs:line 59
[18:12:45.573 D] Generating path to PickupQuestTag: Fleshraider Cage for Captured Padawans <-0.8367181, -4.585391, -107.0538>
[18:12:45.573 E] Contacting nav server for path.
[18:12:45.623 D] Waiting for path request to finish...

Devs need to take a look at this...
Open the "Character Map" application in windows. Copy/paste your desired character(s)

Don't work. Look the code :

public override Composite PreCombat
                return new PrioritySelector(
                        Spell.Buff("Forme Juyo"),
                        Spell.Buff("Puissance de Force"),

        private Composite HandleCoolDowns
                return new LockSelector(
                    Spell.Buff("Réprimande", ret => Me.HealthPercent <= 50),
                    Spell.Buff("La Force nous garde", ret => Me.HealthPercent <= 10),
                    Spell.Buff("Retour de sabre", ret => Me.HealthPercent <= 30)

        private Composite HandleSingleTarget
                return new LockSelector(
                    //Move To Range
                    Spell.Cast("Saut de Force", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Distance <= 30 && Me.CurrentTarget.Distance >= 10 && !LazyRaider.MovementDisabled),

                    Spell.Cast("Coup de pied de Force", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting && !LazyRaider.MovementDisabled),
                    Spell.Buff("Zen", ret => Me.HasBuff("Centrage") && Me.BuffCount("Centrage") > 29),
                    Spell.Buff("Appel valeureux", ret => Me.HasBuff("Centrage") && Me.BuffCount("Centrage") < 15),
                    Spell.Cast("Cautérisation", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasDebuff("Brûlure (cautérisation)")),
                    Spell.Cast("Fente impitoyable"),
				          	Spell.Cast("Lancer de sabres jumeaux", ret => Me.HasBuff("Incandescence mentale")),
                    Spell.Cast("Fonte de Force"),
                    Spell.Cast("Élimination", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent <= 30),
                    Spell.Buff("Surcharge de sabre"),
                    Spell.Cast("Frappe acharnée", ret => Me.ActionPoints <= 5),
                    Spell.Cast("Frappe experte"),
        private Composite HandleAOE
                return new Decorator(ret => ShouldPBAOE(3, Distance.MeleeAoE),
                   new LockSelector(
                   Spell.Cast("Balayage de Force"),
                   Spell.Cast("Lancer de sabres jumeaux"),
                   Spell.Cast("Fente cyclone")

é, û don't support, there is a special code ? I try é U+00E9 and &eacute;
I'm not sure. You code shows the special characters, so I have no idea what the problem is. Buddywing is designed for English clients, so maybe it doesn't matter if spell name is right.
Troubles with Merc- Pyrotech (Innovative Ordnance)

Login Success!
User is a BountyHunter
Advanced Class: Mercenary / Discipline: InnovativeOrdnance
LazyRaider Disabling Loot Targeting
LazyRaider Disabling Mounting
LazyRaider Disabling Movement
LazyRaider Disabling Targeting
LazyRaider Disabling Repop
[Hot Key][F7] Toggle AOE
[Hot Key][F8] Load UI
[Hot Key][F12] Set Tank
[Hot Key][F9] Toggle Pause
Initialize Behaviors
RebuildBehaviors called.
Medpac  Created!
Unhandled exception during init: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at PureSWTor.Pure.get_Rotation() in c:\C3PO\Routines\PureSwtor\Pure.cs:line 176
   at PureSWTor.Pure.RebuildBehaviors() in c:\C3PO\Routines\PureSwtor\Pure.cs:line 206
   at PureSWTor.Pure.Initialize() in c:\C3PO\Routines\PureSwtor\Pure.cs:line 88
   at Buddy.CommonBot.RoutineManager.set_Current(ICombat value)
   at Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.SetCurrentCombatRoutine()
   at Buddywing.MainWindow.DoInitialization()
Buddy Wing: The Old Robot is ready!

I think is conflict between Powertech- Pyrotech and Mercenary - Pyrotech.
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I don't know if it's just me or Pure, but this happens when I start up Pure and put on Combat.xml and run into any mobs. My character won't do anything at all. Whenever I'm in range of a mob, huge framerate drop occurs as well.

View attachment 2014-12-13 04.31.txt
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Don't work. Look the code :

é, û don't support, there is a special code ? I try é U+00E9 and &eacute;

Try this. Create a new folder in the plug-ins directory of BuddyWIng called "AbilityDump". Create a new text file in this directory and copy the following inside it, then change the file extension to .cs (or if you already have a knowledge of how this all works, just create a new .cs file and copy the following):

[FONT=Consolas][SIZE=2][COLOR=#0000ff][FONT=Consolas][SIZE=2][COLOR=#0000ff][FONT=Consolas][SIZE=2][COLOR=#0000ff]using System.Text;
using Buddy.Common.Plugins;
using Buddy.Swtor;
using Buddy.Common;
using Buddy.Swtor.Objects;
using Buddy.CommonBot;
using System.Windows;
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace ViewAbilities
    class ViewAbilities : IPlugin
        #region Implementation of IEquatable<IPlugin>
        /// <summary>
        /// Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// true if the current object is equal to the <paramref name="other"/> parameter; otherwise, false.
        /// </returns>
        /// <param name="other">An object to compare with this object.</param>
        public bool Equals(IPlugin other)
            return other.Name == Name;
        #region Implementation of IPlugin

        public string Author { get { return "w118cmh"; } }
        public Version Version { get { return new Version(0, 1); } }
        public string Name { get { return "View Abilities"; } }
        public string Description { get { return "Dumps Abilities from SWToR to Debug Window"; } }
        public Window DisplayWindow { get { return null; } }
        /// <summary> Executes the pulse action. This is called every "tick" of the bot. </summary>
        public void OnPulse()
        /// <summary> Executes the initialize action. This is called at initial bot startup. (When the bot itself is started, not when Start() is called) </summary>
        public void OnInitialize()

        public void OnStart()
        public void OnStop()
        /// <summary> Executes the shutdown action. This is called when the bot is shutting down. (Not when Stop() is called) </summary>
        public void OnShutdown()
        /// <summary> Executes the enabled action. This is called when the user has enabled this specific plugin via the GUI. </summary>
        public void OnEnabled()
            foreach (TorAbility ability in Buddy.CommonBot.AbilityManager.KnownAbilities)

        /// <summary> Executes the disabled action. This is called whent he user has disabled this specific plugin via the GUI. </summary>
        public void OnDisabled()

This will just create a plugin that, when enabled, will dump all of your existing abilities to the debug window. That way you can compare the actual names from the ability manager to what you have in the code. You should just be able to copy from the window and paste it directly into the routine.
I "think" this is what is happening to people....

When Pure is initialized, it sets the stored Navigation and Movement providers to custom variations. When you switch to Unpure, I don't think it actually resets these objects back to default. After looking, I'm pretty sure it doesn't. So, even though you've switched to Unpure, it doesn't reset the values back to default (it continues to use the PureMovement and PureNavigation providers).

Prior to 3.0, everyone probably loaded the Default Routine first, which had the default providers. Switching to Unpure used the same providers and allowed movement.

TLDR: Until Unpure re-enables all the various providers that Pure disables, you won't be able to just "switch" to Unpure.

To fix, after BuddyWing finishes loading, hit F12 to "re-enable" all of the functions and just use Pure.


Go into your routines/pureswtor folder and rename "unpure.cs" to "aunpure.cs". This should load the unpure routine first in Buddy Wing (at least it did on mine) so you don't have to hit F12.


I have now tried doing this method, and changed the upure to aunpure.cs
This did load up buddywing into the unpure rotation.
But still exactly the same issue.
The character stands still, and same thing is said in the log, about the nav server.
Routine has nothing to do with nav issues.
If you don't get movement and log says something about navigation at c:\#Work,
Then that's the nav server. You can't do shit about it, only bitching at the devs for restart or fix.
Routine has nothing to do with nav issues.
If you don't get movement and log says something about navigation at c:\#Work,
Then that's the nav server. You can't do shit about it, only bitching at the devs for restart or fix.

hello i have naytime this error :
Waiting for path request to finish...
[ D] Nav callback called.
[ D] Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Buddy.MeshNavigator.Navigator.FindPath(Vector3 start, Vector3 end) in c:\#WORK\Projects\Buddywing-trunk\Buddywing\Buddy.MeshNavigator\Navigator.cs:line 179
at Buddy.Tor.NavService.PathService.GetPath(String sessionId, UInt64 area, PathStartEndCompositeType pathPoints) in c:\#WORK\Projects\Buddywing-trunk\Buddywing\Buddy.Tor.NavService\PathService.svc.cs:line 59

i can fix or is a big problem?

I had purchase 3 months of Buddywing and I played for a while but I remember there was some problems with healing..sometimes it just didn't do anything..I also got many errors while changing zones..for example entering into dungeon, I should close and restart the bot and still it wasn't 100% sure if it will work.

Did the bot received any improvements last months? I am only interested in the rotation part (Lazyraider). Does it work well now, and especially in healing?
Hey Ama / Alltrueist,

How much work would it be to implement a framework for combat when you dont have a spec (below level 10)?
And possibly a combat part for leveling? (level 10-55)

for level 1-10 its only a few spells so maintenance is very low...
between 10-55 its a stripped down version of the endgame routine part.

Sorry im looking through the files and basic is in, but somehow not selected?
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The big issue is that we are missing a few Disciplines, mostly the shared disciplines (Balance/Serenity for Shadows and Sages, for example). In order to prevent the bot from loading the incorrect file, I reset the broken discipline to NotYetDetermined.

What I didn't realize is that the basic.cs was calling on NotYetDetermined. I can go in and fix this problem, which should allow the 1-10 file to load, but we still need a fix from Aevitas for the broken Disciplines.

I uploaded a quick fix to the SVN. I'm at work and can't test, so let me know if that broke everything.
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