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Pure SWTor

Is there a way to turn off res at medcenter, was testing this out in an ops but bot released when I died during a boss encounter and didn't get credit after group downed it
Just made a mega-update to SVN

Mostly just tweaks and touches, as the routines I'm working on are functional and tuned.

Guardian/Defense, Guardian/Vigilance: added support for Saber Throw when out of melee range and in combat. I'm still sticking to my rule of "user decides when to pull", but these have an InCombat tag to prevent any accidental pulling when you target a mob.

Guardian/Defense, Guardian/Vigilance: added a !IsMoving tag to Master Strike. This will hopefully help some of the cancellations we get when the bot activates Master Strike while you're moving. Obviously, it's not going to work 100% of the time, as I frequently accidentally cancel my MS cast as it starts by re-positioning, but I hope it helps.

Guardian/Vigilance: changed Blade Storm to only activate with 2 stacks of Blade Rush. I'm still iffy on this, but in the end, I'd hate to waste a proc of Blade Rush and not get a crit. This way, Blade Storm is 100% chance to crit.

Shadow/Infiltration, Shadow/Combat, Shadow/Balance: added a cool (I think) feature for Force Speed. Now, if you're in combat and your target is more than 10 meters away from you, AND you are moving, the bot will activate Force Speed. The concept behind this was when you either (a) get knocked back and slowed, or (b) switch targets during a fight and your new target is across the room, the bot will use Force Speed to burst you over to your target. I tested it out and it's actually pretty cool. I chose 10 meters because that's the maximum distance of Project and Force Breach, so the bot will get you into ability range at least. Again, I chose to use the while you're in combat only, as I don't want the bot to screw up your pulls.

Shadow/Infiltration: fine tuned AoE logic. The AoE for this class is actually pretty weak, so I don't want it to spam the one AoE move, but I do want it to use AoE when appropriate. I think I found a nice balance.

Shadow/Infiltration: fixed the buff-check for Infiltration Tactics. The routine will now cast Shadow Strike when you're behind your target and you have this buff. I think they changed the buff name for 2.0, so this was a bug fix.

Shadow/Combat: tuned the usage of Kinetic Ward. Now, it will re-cast with 1 stack left. Previously, it would wait until all stacks were gone. This is mainly to prevent a gap in protection while still maintaining the talent buff where your shield absorption is increased as your charges are consumed.

Shadow/Combat: I'm currently debating adding Force Pull into the routine. I would not add it as a pulling mechanism (as I try to make sure my routines are in the control of the user), but I would add it using an InCombat tag. Basically, it would use Force Pull to grab your target if it got more than 10m away from you. Or if you switch targets to a mob that's more than 10m away. Would anyone want this functionality? Does anyone use this routine?

I parsed Shadow/Infiltration at 1500 dps using just this routine (that is normal questing, not ideal circumstances. I can try on my training dummy when I hit 55). She is in mixed Columi/Rakata gear at level 53.
I parsed Guardian/Vigilance at 1300 dps using just this routine (again questing, I can parse out dummy numbers later). He is in Columi/Rakata with some Black Hole at 55, but all his gear is tank-spec gear :/ I think I have 10% crit chance or something terrible, lol

Anyway, feedback is always welcome, even if it's just to say that the routine is working for you.
Here is my final rotation tweaks to the Assassin / Deception spec:

--Single target rotation
Spell.Cast("Jolt", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting),
Spell.Cast("Shock", ret => Me.BuffCount("Induction") == 2),
Spell.Cast("Discharge", ret => Me.BuffCount("Static Charge") == 3),
Spell.Cast("Assassinate", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent <= 30),
Spell.Cast("Maul", ret => Me.HasBuff("Duplicity")),
Spell.Cast("Voltaic Slash", ret => Me.ForcePercent >= 35),
Spell.Cast("Electrocute", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting),
Spell.Cast("Saber Strike")

--AOE rotation
Spell.Cast("Shock", ret => Me.BuffCount("Induction") == 2),
Spell.Cast("Discharge", ret => Me.BuffCount("Static Charge") == 3),
Spell.Cast("Assassinate", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent <= 30),
Spell.Cast("Voltaic Slash", ret => Me.ForcePercent >= 35),
Spell.Cast("Saber Strike")

Tweaks include buff name update for static charge and duplicity; got rid of low slash, lacerate for aoe (not efficient); tried crushing darkness (dot) - too long on cast time. Added core single target rotation to AOE seems to keep consistent dps and force cost in check. This proved very good for me 50-55. I will work on whichever class/spec next, I have toons in just about every class. Ideas?
Hey alltrueist, I didn't actually read your updates before I posted last, sorry about that, you included some nice additions to the shadow/infiltration spec that could probably work for assassin/deception as well. I will add to my code and test the force speed and aoe logic. my last post I basically replicated the single target rotation for the aoe because it would just spam the lacerate with not much damage. I will let you know how it goes.
Hey alltrueist, I didn't actually read your updates before I posted last, sorry about that, you included some nice additions to the shadow/infiltration spec that could probably work for assassin/deception as well. I will add to my code and test the force speed and aoe logic. my last post I basically replicated the single target rotation for the aoe because it would just spam the lacerate with not much damage. I will let you know how it goes.

If you check it, all I did was throttle AoE usage by Force Percent. If it's still casting the weak AoE spell too much, just up that number to something crazy like 70-80%. At that point, it'd cast the ability once or twice and then move to the single-target rotation.
Yep, that seemed to fix it. Now Lacerate only casts a couple times at max, then goes back to the single target rotation. So here is the update for AOE rotation for Assassin / deception:

Spell.Cast("Lacerate", ret => Me.ForcePercent >= 60 && Me.CurrentTarget.Distance <= 0.5f),
Spell.Cast("Saber Strike")

Thank you :D
Yep, that seemed to fix it. Now Lacerate only casts a couple times at max, then goes back to the single target rotation. So here is the update for AOE rotation for Assassin / deception:

Spell.Cast("Lacerate", ret => Me.ForcePercent >= 60 && Me.CurrentTarget.Distance <= 0.5f),
Spell.Cast("Saber Strike")

Thank you :D

Hey, just wanted to let you know you can remove the single-target stuff from your aoe rotation. I had that in there because there used to be a huge bug in the aoe handler (it was tracking dead mobs instead of live ones) and the rotation would freeze and stick without the single-target stuff. That's no longer the case.

Anyway, just trying to help. I don't know much about coding at all, I just learn stuff by reading other people's rotations and add my own knowledge of the classes. If you want to know anything about the logic I'm using just ask.

I've been messing with movement bc I want to lvl my toons with this. I was getting annoying with having to enable/disable the lazyraider shit, so...

I just duped the main pure class. When you want movement and shit, just load "Unpure Rotation", if you want to lazyraid load "Pure Roation".

Some files were combined.. so make sure you delete folder contents before update
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Had some issues getting this to work, and then realized I am a huge retard!! Duh...<hangs head in shame>
Working really well - everything works really well. Using it (unpure) to run Ilum Dailies now, and it is smooth. :) Thanks Ama and everyone working on this.
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Had some issues getting this to work, and then realized I am a huge retard!! Duh...<hangs head in shame>
Working really well - everything works really well. Using it (unpure) to run Ilum Dailies now, and it is smooth. :) Thanks Ama and everyone working on this.

Btw... Which classes are you using? I havent added the move to target for all classes yet. Melee are prob the only ones that really need it.
Hey, just wanted to let you know you can remove the single-target stuff from your aoe rotation. I had that in there because there used to be a huge bug in the aoe handler (it was tracking dead mobs instead of live ones) and the rotation would freeze and stick without the single-target stuff. That's no longer the case.

Anyway, just trying to help. I don't know much about coding at all, I just learn stuff by reading other people's rotations and add my own knowledge of the classes. If you want to know anything about the logic I'm using just ask.

thanks all, will do. Yeah, my coding experience is not in c# at all, but I can mostly decipher what is going on.
Btw... Which classes are you using? I havent added the move to target for all classes yet. Melee are prob the only ones that really need it.

I am using it with a lvl 16 Trooper (Gunnery spec). Was lvl 9 when I started, so as you can see it works!! /bow to the great Ama :P

Would be awesome if you could add movement for melee classes, I absolutely LOVE the Shadow Infiltrator spec - OMG I even got a couple of compliments on how "good" a player I was...rotfl. I did respond with a " all thanks and skills due to the great Ama" LOL and I guess they thought I was being a religious fanatic cause it was on vent and I do have an accent and....er...<chuckle>
lol... Its only a line of code to add the movement, which is really only needed for questing.

I'll probably get around to adding that today.
Implemented movement for all classes. This only happens with Unpure Rotation! Pure will still function as lazy raider routine. For Pure, the movement coded doesnt even get executed, so dont panic! Unpure should function fine for questing now.

Also added seethe/channel hatred for all the force based classes. I will add more stuff as people complain about it being missing.

-Added Logging of casts
-Core change allowing PVP Rotations to be properly supported
-Core change ensuring out of combat is pulsed for all classes

- Assassin Madness and Deception now casting Maul when stealthed.
Your last set of changes screwed my routines up. I can't play with them in groups without looking like an obvious bot now :/

I'm using the Pure rotation, not the UnPure rotation, but it's still doing stuff that the user should be controlling, like entering stealth and resting. I checked the routines, and most of them have a !LazyRaider.MovementDisabled check, but I have movement disabled and the calls are still firing.

Here's why this is bad: when I use the rotation in a group, the bot insta-stealths. This sucks because then I have to un-stealth to loot. A group member got a little suspicious and wondered why I kept insta-stealthing as soon as combat was over, only to un-stealth to loot the bosses. It looks very suspicious.

I like that you are trying to make this function as a regular bot for everyone else, but I always liked Pure because it was just a rotation routine. Adding in these movement abilities and afk abilities is cool, but we need a way for them to only activate when the user is running the UnPure rotation. Could we create separate rotation folders for the two routines? I wouldn't have any problem maintaining my updates for both Pure and UnPure, but as is, I had to turn my bot off midway through the Flashpoint because it was acting too suspicious.

I'm going to edit out the stealth, rest, and CloseDistance calls on my personal routines, but I won't upload those changes to the SVN. Let me know if there's some way for us to separate out the routines. Thanks!
which class did you run?

and wouldn't a little "!Me.IsInParty()" for those "suspicious" skills like rest and stealth work?