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Pure SWTor

so if i want to try kicks 1-10. load bw, 2nd tab click unpure, 1st tab load 1-10 and then start should work ?
Try clicking the box "Show processes from all users" at the bottom of the Task Manager window. That will allow you to make changes as long as you have admin access.
ok, now just 1 more problem lol. I am lvl 25 BH, arsenal spec. for some reason my combat Pure only uses rapid shots & unload none of my other skills. Anyone know if there is a problem with the arsenal ? should i re-spec to merc or something or is it just another problem in my settings ?
ok, now just 1 more problem lol. I am lvl 25 BH, arsenal spec. for some reason my combat Pure only uses rapid shots & unload none of my other skills. Anyone know if there is a problem with the arsenal ? should i re-spec to merc or something or is it just another problem in my settings ?

I just checked Arsenal (I don't have a Merc, so all I can do is look at the code) and it should work fine. There are some redundancies, but they shouldn't cause it to break. Pure isn't designed for leveling, as the rotations are generally optimized (according to Noxxic.com) for endgame (level 55) flashpoints and operations. Some builds work just fine leveling, because they have their main abilities and buffs, some builds suffer because the bot is constantly checking for a buff/debuff or ability that your character doesn't have yet.

If you'd like to post a log of your playtime where you having issues, we could look at it, but with the information I have, I'd guess it's the level issue. If you're still having problems, I'd recommend Walter's routine for leveling.
Ok, yea its only my lvl 25 character & even with the unpure combat rountine it still only uses the same 2 skills lol. on kicks profile 25-28, but whatever ill just have to make due with it. just kind of assumed it would use rail shot & tracer missle since I have them but it must not be programmed to use them at lvl 25 or something. I will do more testing tomorrow just purchased the bot today obviously from my 13 posts haha. I know it works awesome on my lvl 50 assassin tank dailies a joke lol, it's just getting it to use more then 2 attack skills for the arsenal and ill be set. It uses hunter's boon to buff & if low hp I see it use the shield one I forget name right now, but rest of time it only uses rapid & unload when its up. never once seen it use rail shot or tracer or knockback or anything like that hehe :(
Ok, yea its only my lvl 25 character & even with the unpure combat rountine it still only uses the same 2 skills lol. on kicks profile 25-28, but whatever ill just have to make due with it. just kind of assumed it would use rail shot & tracer missle since I have them but it must not be programmed to use them at lvl 25 or something. I will do more testing tomorrow just purchased the bot today obviously from my 13 posts haha. I know it works awesome on my lvl 50 assassin tank dailies a joke lol, it's just getting it to use more then 2 attack skills for the arsenal and ill be set. It uses hunter's boon to buff & if low hp I see it use the shield one I forget name right now, but rest of time it only uses rapid & unload when its up. never once seen it use rail shot or tracer or knockback or anything like that hehe :(

It definitely won't use knockback, as CC abilities are up to the user to decide. It should, however, be using Tracer Missile and Rail Shot. Can you post a log next time you run with him? It will help us diagnose the problem.
sorry. but do you know where / if it saves a log or do I just copy and paste al lthe stuff in the window into a notepad? i tested again and still only using those 2 skills so I will be happy to attach once i know where it is lol
ok i found the logs sorry I just woke up & hadn't looked at the folder this mroning now for me to figure out how to post on here
here should the the log from one of the quests I did last night with the "unpure" rotation I think:

Delete the AutoEquip and Lockboxes plugins from your Plugins folder-- they are both outdated and were throwing tons of errors in that log. If you're still having problems after that, please post another log (this one was strewn with errors from those plugins).
the auto-equip was working nice when i had to go afk for 30 mins lol put on lots of new gear for me haha. but yea even with them both unchecked my lvl 25 is still only using those 2 skills, maybe I should re-spec and put every single point into arsenal until higher lvl, maybe that will unlock more skills that it will use. I've been using the 6 bodyguard 4 pyrotech & then all rest of my points into arsenal. If I re-spec and put those other 10 points all into arsenal think that might help ? i deleted both plugins from the folder I will let you know if it made a difference in a little while I need to finish some house cleaning first. thank you for your help btw :)
the auto-equip was working nice when i had to go afk for 30 mins lol put on lots of new gear for me haha. but yea even with them both unchecked my lvl 25 is still only using those 2 skills, maybe I should re-spec and put every single point into arsenal until higher lvl, maybe that will unlock more skills that it will use. I've been using the 6 bodyguard 4 pyrotech & then all rest of my points into arsenal. If I re-spec and put those other 10 points all into arsenal think that might help ? i deleted both plugins from the folder I will let you know if it made a difference in a little while I need to finish some house cleaning first. thank you for your help btw :)

No problem. Don't worry about respecing. Like I said, the routine should do the following (I'll use Commando names since I don't know Merc stuff):

Cast Demolition Round when your target has a Gravity Vortex
Cast High Impact Bolt (rail shot) when you have 5 stacks of Charged Barrel
Cast Full Auto (unload) when you have the Curtain of Fire buff
Cast Grav Round (tracer missile) to get 5 stacks of Charged Barrel
Cast Charged Bolts as a filler
Cast Rapid Shots when low on energy

From what you said, you have Tracer Missile, so it should be building stacks with that ability, then using whatever Charged Bolts in for Mercs, then casting Unload (I don't think you're high enough level for the buff that makes it do 75% more damage, that comes in the 30s).

I just went through the entire rotation and cleaned up a TON of stuff. I made it mirror my Gunnery rotation exactly, and I know that rotation works extremely well. There were some redundancies and wrong spell names, but nothing that would cause your rotation to lock up. PLEASE UPDATE FROM THE SVN AND RUN ANOTHER TEST WITH YOUR PLUGINS FOLDERS DELETED. I honestly think that the autoequip and lockboxes plugins were what was causing your issues. If you're still experiencing problems after you do all this, post another log (it will be cleaner without all the autoequip and lockbox errors) and I'll take a look.
ok, now its casting a bit more skills it actually used death from above for aoe; and now spams power shot instead of rapid shot; but still doesn't use tracer missle or rail shot or flame thrower not sure why
ok, now its casting a bit more skills it actually used death from above for aoe; and now spams power shot instead of rapid shot; but still doesn't use tracer missle or rail shot or flame thrower not sure why

It will only use Rail Shot when you have 5 stacks of Tracer Lock-- do you have that talent? I'm wondering if I just misspelled Tracer Missile in the rotation or something stupid like that...

Flame Thrower will only activate when it needs to AoE (3 or more targets within 10 meters of each other) and your main target is within 10m of you.