the auto-equip was working nice when i had to go afk for 30 mins lol put on lots of new gear for me haha. but yea even with them both unchecked my lvl 25 is still only using those 2 skills, maybe I should re-spec and put every single point into arsenal until higher lvl, maybe that will unlock more skills that it will use. I've been using the 6 bodyguard 4 pyrotech & then all rest of my points into arsenal. If I re-spec and put those other 10 points all into arsenal think that might help ? i deleted both plugins from the folder I will let you know if it made a difference in a little while I need to finish some house cleaning first. thank you for your help btw
No problem. Don't worry about respecing. Like I said, the routine should do the following (I'll use Commando names since I don't know Merc stuff):
Cast Demolition Round when your target has a Gravity Vortex
Cast High Impact Bolt (rail shot) when you have 5 stacks of Charged Barrel
Cast Full Auto (unload) when you have the Curtain of Fire buff
Cast Grav Round (tracer missile) to get 5 stacks of Charged Barrel
Cast Charged Bolts as a filler
Cast Rapid Shots when low on energy
From what you said, you have Tracer Missile, so it should be building stacks with that ability, then using whatever Charged Bolts in for Mercs, then casting Unload (I don't think you're high enough level for the buff that makes it do 75% more damage, that comes in the 30s).
I just went through the entire rotation and cleaned up a TON of stuff. I made it mirror my Gunnery rotation exactly, and I know that rotation works extremely well. There were some redundancies and wrong spell names, but nothing that would cause your rotation to lock up.
PLEASE UPDATE FROM THE SVN AND RUN ANOTHER TEST WITH YOUR PLUGINS FOLDERS DELETED. I honestly think that the autoequip and lockboxes plugins were what was causing your issues. If you're still experiencing problems after you do all this, post another log (it will be cleaner without all the autoequip and lockbox errors) and I'll take a look.