Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : @ProfitMaster
Current zone is 苏拉玛 (
[@ProfitMaster 21.820]: Queue started with [2] Active Tasks
[@ProfitMaster 21.820]: [500, Active: True] :: <[Legion][Herbalism][Starlight Rose - Suramar] - Dappled Hollow #1 [RealmHops Recommended]>: Switch to Next: True, Minutes: 0, Item ID: 0, Item Count: 0, Objective Done: True, Realm Hops: False, Restart: True
[@ProfitMaster 21.822]: Starting version 2.5786.3.4877
[@ProfitMaster 21.822]: Loading Profile: [Legion][Herbalism][Starlight Rose - Suramar] - Dappled Hollow #1 [RealmHops Recommended]
[@ProfitMaster 21.864]: Settings File <SettingsCommonProfiler> v.4.2.1212.1216 -> Saved
[@ProfitMaster 21.864]: Settings File <SettingsCommonProfiler> v.4.2.1212.1216 -> Loaded Profile: [Legion][Herbalism][Starlight Rose - Suramar] - Dappled Hollow #1 [RealmHops Recommended]
[@ProfitMaster 21.864]: --------------------------------------------------
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: JoinPrefferedText:
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: JoinMinimumMemberCount: 2
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: JoinNextPartyAfter: True
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: JoinNextPartyDistance: True
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: JoinNextPartyDistanceMin: 400
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: JoinNextPartyAfterMinutes: 5
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: JoinMaximumMemberCount: 23
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: LeavePartyAfterMinutes: 5
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: QuestToCheck: 0
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: JoinNoMobs: False
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: JoinNoMobsAround:
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: JoinNoMobsFromProfile: False
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: AllowPullTagged: False
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: JoinNoFishingPools: False
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: FishingPoolsMaxDistanceCheck: False
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: FishingPoolsMaxDistance: 80
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: SwitchToBotBaseDisableEnyo: True
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: SwitchToBotBaseDisableRaidBot: True
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: SwitchToBotBaseDisablePartyBot: True
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: JoinNoHerbsNodes: True
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: JoinNoOreNodes: True
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: JoinNoObjects: False
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: JoinNoObjectsAround:
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: BehaviorLoot: True
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: BehaviorSkin: True
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: BehaviorKill: True
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: BehaviorCollect: True
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: BehaviorHarvestOre: True
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: BehaviorHarvestHerbs: True
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: PullMoreMobsCount: 3
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: PullMoreMobsMaxDistance: 150
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: StartLocationContinentId: 1220
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: StartLocationMapId: 1220
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: StartLocationZoneId: 7637
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: StartLocation: <2617.49, 5619.108, 184.6077>
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: MoveStartLocation: True
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: MoveStartLocationMaxDistance: 30
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: MeAtStartLocation: True
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: LoadOnlyForBotBase1: Grind Bot
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: LoadOnlyForBotBase2: --- None Preset Chosen ---
[@ProfitMaster 21.868]: --------------------------------------------------
[@ProfitMaster 21.871]: Rand Yards: 8, MaxDistance :37
Changing current profile to level 0 - 2147483647
[@ProfitMaster 21.880]: Loading empty Profile
[@ProfitMaster 21.881]: Temporary Start Location: <2352.79, 5548.296, 124.7332>
[@ProfitMaster 21.951]: Started
Warning: Your ticks per second is set to 100, but your background FPS is limited to 30. To avoid problems your FPS limit should be set higher than Honorbuddy's ticks per second.
[@ProfitMaster 22.972]: I am Horde DemonHunter, 110 level. Current Specialization: DemonHunterVengeance
[@ProfitMaster 23.011]: Equipped MainHand Weapon: <[128832]<奥达奇战刃>@47AF>
[@ProfitMaster 23.011]: Equipped OffHand Weapon: <[128831]<奥达奇战刃>@48B6>
[Singular] Hotkey: To add a LOGMARK, press: [Shift+Alt+Ctrl+M]
[Singular] Your Level 110 Blood Elf Vengeance Demon Hunter Build is
[Singular] ... running the @ProfitMaster bot in 苏拉玛
[Singular] ... Zone: 破碎群岛 using my SOLO Behaviors alone
[@ProfitMaster 23.273]: [Sell Manager] Updated info from HB Protected list: 2232 items
[@ProfitMaster 23.273]: [ZoneNavigation] Updating Zone Data for [7637]<苏拉玛>: 4
[@ProfitMaster 23.808]: [N] [33786] Spell <旋风> Added to Dictionary
[@ProfitMaster 23.808]: [N] [118] Spell <变形术> Added to Dictionary
[@ProfitMaster 23.809]: [N] [20066] Spell <忏悔> Added to Dictionary
[@ProfitMaster 23.811]: [N] [9484] Spell <束缚亡灵> Added to Dictionary
[@ProfitMaster 23.824]: [N] [6770] Spell <闷棍> Added to Dictionary
[@ProfitMaster 23.824]: [N] [115078] Spell <分筋错骨> Added to Dictionary
[@ProfitMaster 23.824]: [N] [51514] Spell <妖术> Added to Dictionary
[@ProfitMaster 27.362]: Frame <RECOVER_CORPSE> not Visible
[@ProfitMaster 27.522]: [Y] [134359] Spell <飞天魔像> Added to Dictionary
[@ProfitMaster 28.135]: Mounting Up [Distance: 72.34 > 40, Force: True] with <飞天魔像>[134359]
[@ProfitMaster 29.383]: Moving[Ground Move] to <[244778]<星光玫瑰>@B028>[244778] ->6 at <2394.786, 5605.518, 138.7024>@72.34, Me at <2352.79, 5548.296, 124.7332>
[@ProfitMaster 29.476]: Ground move [244778]<[244778]<星光玫瑰>@B028>@<2394.786, 5605.518, 138.7024>@72.34:70.98:53.72441, Nav Move result: PathGenerating [Flying: False, Ground Distance: 0.0001 Path Distance: 0 Tollerance: 6, Is Falling: False]
[@ProfitMaster 29.574]: Ground move [244778]<[244778]<星光玫瑰>@B028>@<2394.786, 5605.518, 138.7024>@72.34:70.98:53.72441, Nav Move result: PathGenerated [Flying: False, Ground Distance: 0.0001 Path Distance: 74.62 Tollerance: 6, Is Falling: False]
[@ProfitMaster 29.647]: Ground move [244778]<[244778]<星光玫瑰>@B028>@<2394.786, 5605.518, 138.7024>@72.34:70.98:53.72441, Nav Move result: Moved [Flying: False, Ground Distance: 0.0001 Path Distance: 74.62 Tollerance: 6, Is Falling: False]
[@ProfitMaster 34.251]: Arrived to <[244778]<星光玫瑰>@B028> [within Interact distance] at <2394.786, 5605.518, 138.7024>@6.35->6. Me at <2389.011, 5604.571, 136.2301>
[@ProfitMaster 34.265]: Performing dismount [Mounted: True, Shapeshift: Normal]: Harvest failed 0
[@ProfitMaster 34.272]: MoveStop: Performing dismount [Mounted: True, Shapeshift: Normal]: Harvest failed 0, IsCTMing
[@ProfitMaster 35.019]: Interacting <[244778]<星光玫瑰>@B028>@6.35
[@ProfitMaster 35.198]: Looting <[244778]<星光玫瑰>@B028> at <2394.786, 5605.518, 138.7024>@6.35 [within interact range: True, force: False] [CanLoot: False]
[@ProfitMaster 36.149]: Loot Opened
[@ProfitMaster 36.420]: Loot Closed
[@ProfitMaster 38.101]: [Loot Manager] Ignoring: [LootManager] Looted [244778]<星光玫瑰>@B028 at <2394.786, 5605.518, 138.7024>@6.35
[@ProfitMaster 38.106]: [Herb Harvester] Ignoring: Harvested [244778]<星光玫瑰>@B028 at <2394.786, 5605.518, 138.7024>@6.35
[@ProfitMaster 38.192]: Queue finished with [0] Active Tasks. Restart required.
[@ProfitMaster 38.192]: Queue started with [2] Active Tasks
[@ProfitMaster 38.198]: [500, Active: True] :: <[Legion][Herbalism][Starlight Rose - Suramar] - Dappled Hollow #1 [RealmHops Recommended]>: Switch to Next: True, Minutes: 0, Item ID: 0, Item Count: 0, Objective Done: True, Realm Hops: False, Restart: True
[@ProfitMaster 38.201]: [Debug Info] <No Objevtives Found Around>, Debug:
[@ProfitMaster 38.203]: [Debug Info]--> Checks: Mobs[Off]: False, Objects[Off]: False, Herbs[On]: False, Ore[On]: False, Fishing Pools[Off]: True
[@ProfitMaster 39.990]: Mounting Up [Distance: 234 > 40, Force: True] with <飞天魔像>[134359]
[@ProfitMaster 40.143]: Moving[Ground Move] to <Start Location [Static For Hops]>->37 at <2617.49, 5619.108, 184.6077>@234, Me at <2389.011, 5604.571, 136.2301>
[@ProfitMaster 40.162]: Ground move <Start Location [Static For Hops]>@<2617.49, 5619.108, 184.6077>@234:228.94:3.64057, Nav Move result: PathGenerating [Flying: False, Ground Distance: 184.6077 Path Distance: 6.39 Tollerance: 37, Is Falling: False]
[@ProfitMaster 40.220]: Ground move <Start Location [Static For Hops]>@<2617.49, 5619.108, 184.6077>@234:228.94:3.64057, Nav Move result: PathGenerated [Flying: False, Ground Distance: 184.6077 Path Distance: 237 Tollerance: 37, Is Falling: False]
[@ProfitMaster 40.242]: Ground move <Start Location [Static For Hops]>@<2617.49, 5619.108, 184.6077>@234:228.94:3.64057, Nav Move result: Moved [Flying: False, Ground Distance: 184.6077 Path Distance: 237 Tollerance: 37, Is Falling: False]
[@ProfitMaster 44.947]: Combat Started: Me Mounted and Moving, Avoiding Combat
[@ProfitMaster 44.948]: Party roster Updated by PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED: 0->0
Stopping the bot!
Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
[@ProfitMaster 48.738]: Move stop requested - bot stopped
Since yesterday, it will be dismounted. It has been running normally and I didn't change the settings.