6:48:55.654 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[06:48:55.670 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[06:48:55.670 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently DruidGuardian -- queueing check for new spec!
[06:48:57.887 N] [@ProfitMaster 57.887]: Flightor stuck not moving for 10.04 seconds
[06:48:57.887 D] Stop and dismount. Reason: Flightor stuck not moving for 10.04 seconds
[06:48:57.888 D] [Flightor] Set up for movement from <2501.081, 5469.899, 143.962> to <2501.081, 5469.899, 143.962>
[06:48:58.972 N] [@ProfitMaster 58.972]: Removing avoid[AreaTrigger] for [11422]<Summon Creep Area Trigger> at <2570.816, 5486.11, 152.3419> @72.1->5
[06:49:00.108 N] [@ProfitMaster 00.108]: Mounting Up [Distance: 23.87 > 40, Force: True] with <Travel Form>[783]
[06:49:00.108 N] [@ProfitMaster 00.108]: Spell <Travel Form>@783 Failed:
[06:49:00.987 N] (Singular) Storing Travel Form as last spell cast.
[06:49:00.990 N] (Singular) Storing Travel Form as last spell cast.
[06:49:01.015 N] [@ProfitMaster 01.015]: Mounting Up [Distance: 23.87 > 40, Force: True] with <Travel Form>[783]
[06:49:05.175 N] [@ProfitMaster 05.175]: Spell <Travel Form>@783 Failed:
[06:49:05.782 N] (Singular) info: 20 seconds since @ProfitMaster BotBase last called Singular
[06:49:05.923 N] (Singular) Storing Travel Form as last spell cast.
[06:49:05.926 N] (Singular) Storing Travel Form as last spell cast.
[06:49:05.931 N] [@ProfitMaster 05.931]: Mounting Up [Distance: 23.87 > 40, Force: True] with <Travel Form>[783]
[06:49:10.239 N] [@ProfitMaster 10.239]: Spell <Travel Form>@783 Failed:
[06:49:11.117 N] (Singular) Storing Travel Form as last spell cast.
[06:49:11.120 N] (Singular) Storing Travel Form as last spell cast.
[06:49:11.123 N] [@ProfitMaster 11.123]: Mounting Up [Distance: 23.87 > 40, Force: True] with <Travel Form>[783]
[06:49:15.298 N] [@ProfitMaster 15.298]: Spell <Travel Form>@783 Failed:
[06:49:16.173 N] (Singular) Storing Travel Form as last spell cast.
[06:49:16.176 N] (Singular) Storing Travel Form as last spell cast.
[06:49:16.179 N] [@ProfitMaster 16.179]: Mounting Up [Distance: 23.87 > 40, Force: True] with <Travel Form>[783]
[06:49:16.648 V] Blacklisting 2080 for 00:00:20 [Type: Node] - Reason: <[241743]<Felslate Deposit>@2080> at <2488.592, 5488.446, 152.0895>@23.87 Near Elite Mob <[104220]<Starving Ettin>@1F40> at <2471.8, 5467.549, 142.8854>@0
[06:49:24.003 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:94 Latency:41
[06:49:24.002 N] [@ProfitMaster 24.002]: Combat Started
[06:49:24.002 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: 0 members left the group. Total number of group members: 2
[06:49:24.002 N] [@ProfitMaster 24.002]: Party roster Updated by PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED: 1->1
[06:49:24.427 N] Stopping the bot!
[06:49:24.428 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
The Latency at wow was 90+ maximum, and it not dc-ed and other internet conencted progrems not dced too. Like HB dont show any dc too. But profile continously try the same....whitout any results just form changing. It is from the second log.